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  1. #61
    Rusty nails sparq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    Shouldn't it be "shall cast the first hone"?
    Or better "shall cast the first slurry stone"?

  2. #62
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    This thread started spontaneously inside of another....

    Rather than let it go there and wreck that thread..
    I moved the discussion to a separate thread so that I could ride "shotgun" on it and let everyone express their feelings...
    Just so long as it does not go into personal attacks then I will continue to let the discussion flow....

    So again keep it civil, and on track and let's continue...

    Thank you everyone
    I'll bow out and say that I don't think this thread was civil to begin with, and I know that it was separated from the Fort Hood thread to keep that one civil.

    I think that you can question political views, or discuss religion in a general sense. I don't think SRP is a place to target a specific religion/race/ethnicity and question their peacefulness or whatever.

    We are a diverse group who enjoy razors. I don't see anything positive coming out of this thread and I'm sure that of the ~1.5B people of Islamic faith, some of them would have an interest in this website.

  3. #63
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    To point out the painfully obvious now...

    161 threads come up by searching this forum, and the word religion in the thread...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-06-2009 at 09:14 PM.

  4. #64
    Senior Member ri7ani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    Shouldn't it be "shall cast the first hone"?
    Hahah. Nice one. Didnt think of it.

  5. #65
    Senior Member ri7ani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    I'll bow out and say that I don't think this thread was civil to begin with, and I know that it was separated from the Fort Hood thread to keep that one civil.

    I think that you can question political views, or discuss religion in a general sense. I don't think SRP is a place to target a specific religion/race/ethnicity and question their peacefulness or whatever.

    We are a diverse group who enjoy razors. I don't see anything positive coming out of this thread and I'm sure that of the ~1.5B people of Islamic faith, some of them would have an interest in this website.
    Lol i am muslim and i love this site no matter what. Its because of it and its members that i visit at least 20 times a day. Muslim christian or jewish we all shave with straights. That is one thing we can all agree on. Wait a sec,,, i have to convert me some martians to some solingen steel . :P

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  7. #66
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskers View Post
    Most Muslims (+95% worldwide) are very peaceful people.This focus or mindset is on a very small minority of Islam, yet Joe Public in America and America-supporting countries flat out insist that it represents all Muslims. It's like generalizing Americans by saying all Americans are either black rappers or blondes living on a beach.

    I like how some become offended when Muslims take to the streets in protest. Somehow this is offensive to some posters in this thread... and some of these posters conduct arm chair protests like this one with strong words that mimick the muslim protestors.
    What gets me is attitude of somehow 'I' am better than someone else because of ... (fill in the blank). Funny, but the attitude is that I should respect you because of some of your foot stomping demands and hard words that stem from ignorance and/or fear.

    Hey, I can go and research all I want to ... If I want something to be bad, I can go and find all sorts of sources to bolster my opinion. Heck, I can even take some information out of context or use my lack of knowledge about something to support my opinion simply based to my interpretation of the information... because I find myself (and no one else, mind you) to be some self proclaimed expert about something I dont believe in. Of course, this self proclaimed expert will have a wonderful opinion about every piece of information he (or she) finds about the subject he (or she) is so fond of.

    The unfortunate blind eye that people turn toward cultutal and religious differences is quite apparent in this thread and I have a feeling someone will soon run through the crowd wielding a 2x4 in a red, white, and blue unitard chanting USA ! USA ! USA !

    +95% of Muslims stand up and say "these actions are not ours !" after the twin towers collapse. How long ago was that ... 8 years or so?

    What else would you like delivered to youon a silver platter so you can wave it off as being 'debunked' ? Its not the information that is the problem here. Ever consider the fact that this hatred that is being harbored actually may fuel this entire fight? Just because 'they' do it .. doesnt mean that I have to ... especially if I do not agree with their tactics or reasonings. To fight them on their level, I would have to 'sink' to their level.

    Alas, I cannot change your mind or view .. I only point out the anomolies.

    I find this thread to be a complete disgrace to SRP.

    IMO, the 'other' board usually has no clue of disgrace and inherently flaunts it periodically. I've found this board and the general membership at large to actually make an attempt to retain some dignity and repose.

    After reading this thread, I completely question this.

    ... and with that, I gracefully refuse to reply or read any more of this thread.
    I tread into this minefield of a thread very lightly and then hopefully tiptoe back out:

    I'm actually more interested in what Islamic teachings state on this issue of violence, non-violence, etc. And, I think ruling on this question is outside the scope of SRP and if Muslims in general are in any way representative of my faith, (Roman Catholic), ruling would be above the ability of the majority of Muslims to even answer.

    95% of Muslims may disagree with "extremists" within their faith. However, that may simply mean that 95% of Muslims are not adhering to the teachings of their religion. In accord with the teachings of their faith, 95% may be lax. Do you see what I'm saying? I'm not saying I believe this is the case; conversely, I don't know that it isn't.

    A large majority of Catholics now believe that artificial contraception and abortion are just fine and maybe even kewl. Does that mean that the Catholic faith teaches such things because the majority of Catholics would today, speak in favor of them? Not at all. Would many Catholics today consider Catholic nuns, monks and laity belonging to many third orders as "extreme" in their faith? Absolutely. Yet such people are devoting their lives to living each day as closely as possible to the Catholic faith and its teachings.

    That's what I would really want to know: Not what 95% of Muslims feel in regard to actions of "extremists" within their faith, but what Islamic religion actually teaches.

    Chris L
    Last edited by ChrisL; 11-06-2009 at 10:41 PM.
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
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  8. #67
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    I agree. Everyone, lets not offend anything or voice our opinions. If you do, someone will be offended and hence someone banned.
    For once, there is a thread that I am not in that is deemed "uncivil".
    Shaving with a straight makes you no more a gentlemen than being able to hold a scalpel makes you a surgeon.
    I have enjoyed reading this thoroughly.

  9. #68
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I just caught a blurb on CNN saying about the same thing we were saying earlier...

    "Now it is time for all Muslims to denounce the violent teachings STRONGLY"

  10. #69
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    First off, it is extremely disturbing that anyone would follow the teachings of a scumbag who had 'wives' as young as 8 or 9 years old, the only reason to follow a guy like that is to catch him and bash his skull in after he is torchered for being a child molesting dirtbag.
    I hope you're not Christian or Jewish because then the above statement would make you a hypocrite.

    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    And further disturbing is that in countries where Islam is the rule, they can still 'buy' and 'sell' their daughters and the 'husbands' (sleezebags).....
    Would it be news to you that this also happens in USA in Christian families. Traditions could be powerful things, even if they're bad and not shared by most of the society.

  11. #70
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    I just wanted to add that I work in an Islamic school and am openly a non-Muslim. This does not cause any problems. No-one at this school has ever tried to convert me, harass me, or kill me because of my different religion. I have never had any such problem, not with the students, teachers or even with the religious instruction teachers. In my opinion, they believe, as do I, that diversity is important.
    However, before I started working in an Islamic school the thought of Muslims and Islamic practices was a little daunting to me. They are after all different from my practices and beliefs.
    Now that I work closely with Muslims I can say that they have the same hopes and fears of people from many other religions.

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