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  1. #81
    Senior Member ri7ani's Avatar
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    i think you are right. lets just forget about all these things and simply keep to our razors.

    hope i havent offended anyone.

  2. #82
    Serious Shaveaholic Smoothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskers View Post
    Most Muslims (+95% worldwide) are very peaceful people.This focus or mindset is on a very small minority of Islam, yet Joe Public in America and America-supporting countries flat out insist that it represents all Muslims. It's like generalizing Americans by saying all Americans are either black rappers or blondes living on a beach.

    I like how some become offended when Muslims take to the streets in protest. Somehow this is offensive to some posters in this thread... and some of these posters conduct arm chair protests like this one with strong words that mimick the muslim protestors.
    What gets me is attitude of somehow 'I' am better than someone else because of ... (fill in the blank). Funny, but the attitude is that I should respect you because of some of your foot stomping demands and hard words that stem from ignorance and/or fear.

    Hey, I can go and research all I want to ... If I want something to be bad, I can go and find all sorts of sources to bolster my opinion. Heck, I can even take some information out of context or use my lack of knowledge about something to support my opinion simply based to my interpretation of the information... because I find myself (and no one else, mind you) to be some self proclaimed expert about something I dont believe in. Of course, this self proclaimed expert will have a wonderful opinion about every piece of information he (or she) finds about the subject he (or she) is so fond of.

    The unfortunate blind eye that people turn toward cultutal and religious differences is quite apparent in this thread and I have a feeling someone will soon run through the crowd wielding a 2x4 in a red, white, and blue unitard chanting USA ! USA ! USA !

    +95% of Muslims stand up and say "these actions are not ours !" after the twin towers collapse. How long ago was that ... 8 years or so?

    What else would you like delivered to youon a silver platter so you can wave it off as being 'debunked' ? Its not the information that is the problem here. Ever consider the fact that this hatred that is being harbored actually may fuel this entire fight? Just because 'they' do it .. doesnt mean that I have to ... especially if I do not agree with their tactics or reasonings. To fight them on their level, I would have to 'sink' to their level.

    Alas, I cannot change your mind or view .. I only point out the anomolies.

    I find this thread to be a complete disgrace to SRP.

    IMO, the 'other' board usually has no clue of disgrace and inherently flaunts it periodically. I've found this board and the general membership at large to actually make an attempt to retain some dignity and repose.

    After reading this thread, I completely question this.

    ... and with that, I gracefully refuse to reply or read any more of this thread.

    +1 on all points!! I have lived in Muslim countries both in the Middle East and here in Asia (and currently do so too) for about 5 years now and I can tell you that the majority of people in those regions do not agree with the actions of those Extremists. I am talking about the people and not the leaders of people who are, IMO, the same self-serving manipulating buggers everywhere, no exception!

    And since this thread is such a treat for so many people, why don't we start one on the Catholic Church while we're at it? That should be fun! Especially when we get to the parts where they've radically imposed that religion on other people (e.g. "Embrace it or Die" etc.). And my favourite topics would be the Crusades and the Inquisition, where people were persecuted, tortured, burnt and killed by the thousands. That is history to be proud of, don't you think? So much better than those other Extremists, I dare say. But again, just my own opinion. If one actually reads the Koran as well as the Bible in full, you would be surprised to see there are a LOT of similarities in their texts. That can help people become better self-appointed Judges, IMO

    And finally, I think it would much healthier for everyone to go and read Terry Pratchett's "Small Gods". It says it all. Just one quote from it:

    "The figures looked more or less human. And they were engaged in religion. You could tell by the knives."
    Last edited by Smoothy; 11-07-2009 at 02:44 AM.

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  4. #83
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ri7ani View Post
    i thought i read something in the bible that says that jesus didnt just come to bring peace but also came to bring war....
    do i judge christians because of this? no not at all.
    You might mean this:

    I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword

    Matthew 10:34

    Which, incidentally, goes really well with this:

    Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
    Matthew 26:52

    OMG, suicide cult!!

    (Fortunately, I don't put much stock in "quoting" people from ancient, unverifiable sources - especially after several translations.)

    For what it's worth, I also find it unfortunate that huge groups of people are judged by the actions of a few, and I suspect those who would claim a lack of outrage from moderate Muslims either don't know many moderate Muslims or haven't asked them.

    Part of the issue could also be that moderate Muslims may not wish to be associated with this kind of senseless act at all. As an analogy, I'm a straight, white, male, but while I would strongly condemn any hate crimes committed by anyone, I don't particularly feel a need to point out that I don't support the actions of another straight, white, male who commits a racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted crime.

    To beat this horse a little more, I'd guess there are roughly the same number of Muslims in the world as there are white folks of European descent. Do any of the members here feel a need to answer for everything such white people might do? To appear on the news and make some official statement distancing yourself from their actions every time one of them screws up?

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to northpaw For This Useful Post:

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  6. #84
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ri7ani View Post
    i think you are right. lets just forget about all these things and simply keep to our razors.

    hope i havent offended anyone.
    I for one have appreciated your posts and thank you for them.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to nun2sharp For This Useful Post:

    ri7ani (11-07-2009)

  8. #85
    Troublus Maximus
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    Quote Originally Posted by ri7ani View Post
    i though that i read something in the bible thats says that god asked Abraham to sacrifice his son for him.
    i thought i also read something about Lot sleeping with his own daughthers after leaving sodom (Lot was a prophet sent by god,,,,,,isnt that incest). i thought i read something in the bible that says that jesus didnt just come to bring peace but also came to bring war....
    do i judge christians because of this? no not at all.
    God tested Abraham, he didn't sacrifice Isaac.
    Lot's daughters got him drunk and did that, he wasn't even aware at first that it even happened. Obviously God didn't tell any of them to do any of that, then or later.
    Jesus came to bring a sword, setting those who would follow Him against those who won't.
    If you think about it you judge all the time, you have to, the only forbidden judgment is hypocritical judgment.

  9. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by ri7ani View Post
    i think you are right. lets just forget about all these things and simply keep to our razors.

    hope i havent offended anyone.
    No offense here. Don't be concerned too much about offending people, be real concerned about offending God. Grownups shouldn't be too thin skinned, or close minded, or intollerant of others.
    And, like Leroy Wright from Pascagula Mississippi said "If something offends you, then build a fence around it."

    Christians are supposed to be soldiers, not sissy's.

    Psalms 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

    At least we have the pleasure of our straight razor obsession in common.

  10. #87
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ri7ani View Post
    i think you are right. lets just forget about all these things and simply keep to our razors.

    hope i havent offended anyone.

    Not one bit, I also wanted to say thanks for participating in the discussion....
    I too hope that I did not offend you....
    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-07-2009 at 03:09 AM.

  11. #88
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    OK, how about this view of things:

    Not only was the guy a Muslim, but he was in the ARMY.

    Hmmm, do they teach people in the army how to kill? Is shooting weapons part of the army's cultural fabric?

    Where is the outcry from the army moderates that speak out against army agggression and killing around the world?

    All these stattistics about the Crusades, etc, etc. that are deemed the fault of religion. How about all those killed in war by members of the army?

    Oh, but let's focus on the cause de'jour--that he was a muslim!

    And furthermore:
    Secularists are just as much at fault for mankind's failings.

  12. #89
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I think that it is pretty much an accepted fact that there is no Religion that is without blood on it's hands...
    at least I can't think of one...

  13. #90
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    OK, how about this view of things:

    Not only was the guy a Muslim, but he was in the ARMY.

    Hmmm, do they teach people in the army how to kill? Is shooting weapons part of the army's cultural fabric?

    Where is the outcry from the army moderates that speak out against army agggression and killing around the world?

    All these stattistics about the Crusades, etc, etc. that are deemed the fault of religion. How about all those killed in war by members of the army?

    Oh, but let's focus on the cause de'jour--that he was a muslim!

    And furthermore:
    Secularists are just as much at fault for mankind's failings.
    I agree, but most of those wars were fought with a Religious overtone to them...
    We all know that they were really fought over land and belongings...
    But a "God" was used as an excuse...

    We all know that this guy was a wacko, I mean seriously, I am not stupid, but his excuse was Allah....

    I think those excuses need to be eliminated if at all possible, not encourged...

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