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  1. #41
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Actually Stefan it is worth quite a bit...

    Where are you???

  2. #42
    Senior Member ri7ani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Thank you Lee
    That link at least gives us some hope that the "Moderate Muslim" is listening ...

    All I can say now is let's see more of the same....
    exactly what i did when i saw the thread. that was my stance.

  3. #43
    Senior Member KristofferBodvin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    I interact with quite a few muslims every day at work. I guess i'm my attitude is affected by the fact that none of them have tried to kill me, as far as I know.

    But... We are not directly fighting muslim extremists right now? US Soldiers are not dieing at the hands of extremist and killing extremist every day?

    Maybe you ignore it in Norway, dunno. But i hear plenty in the states.

    /goes back to his protective Ohio cocoon.

    He he, protective Ohio cocoon, I like that.
    To answer you: Yes we are fighting in afg. and Iraq.(Norway has soldiers in afg.) But to me (And a lot of Islamic religous leaders) there is no extreme islam.There is only Islam.To me Islam is the 20th century nazism or stalinism.And since there seem to be a lot of Chamberlains and allmost no Churchills (Churchill had actually a LOT to say about islam) There is, at least in my mind just a question of time before we have major conflicts in a large part of european countries.As stated before, my main problem with islam is not the religion, or muslims for that matter.I believe everyone has the right to believe what ever they want.As long as noone expect special treatment for their specific religion.And here is the probem, Islam demands and demands and demands.But show no respect for other cultures what so ever.(I have a ton of exemp. if you need.)Bottom line, I will not tolerate any mediveal culture to change my country.But that is excactly what is happening.Especially in europe.Let me finish with this:

    What happens if you publically burn a bible in Norway? Answer: Not a damn thing.It has actually happend a few times.

    What happens to me if I burn the koran publically? Answer: I would most likely get killed within a few days.See the difference?


  4. #44
    Senior Member KristofferBodvin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ri7ani View Post
    in no way i support or encourage the act done by the shooter but i am muslim and maybe have a better view of whats happening.

    we cant say that islam is the cause of the shooting. it wasnt mohamed or any muslim personality that told the guy to go and shoot everyone. it was he alone that did the act.

    bush started 2 wars ,,,said that jesus told him 2,,,no arabs or muslims blamed jesus cus we know it isnt true

    btw we believe in jesus and mary we also believe in the virgin birth. and just so you know mary is the only woman named by name in the quran and has her own chapter (or book)

    this happens almost everyday.....some guy looses his marbles...come spraying at his friends and many people die. it could happen to anyone.
    it wasnt islam

    islam today for the united states is what communism was 50 years ago.
    hitler was a christian and so was timothy mcveigh but no one blamed christianity.
    while also reading the thread i saw that someone wrote that muhamed married a 9 year old girl...this isnt true,,,please be serious.

    i know that islam is frowned upon these days ,,and i dont blame you guys but dont judge a billion people because of 19 stupid highjackers or some crazy lunatic who had way much pressure on him and shot his fellow soldiers. if this guy's name was john doe it would have been different.
    anyway , all my deepest sympathies to the family. hope i didnt offend anyone,,,tried to be as smooth and understanding as possible..

    That is simply not true.Aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to Muhammad. She stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, when the marriage was consummated in Medina. Both Aisha and Sawda, his two wives, were given apartments adjoined to the Al-Masjid al-Nabawi mosque.[12] Muhammad wished to divorce Sawda, who offered to give her turn of Muhammad's conjugal visit to Aisha to prevent this, and the incident is referred to in the Qur'an 4:127 In other words, The "prophet" was a child mollestor.

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  6. #45
    Senior Member KristofferBodvin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    I'm with Slarti on this -- I know the intent was to move certain posts from the Fort Hood thread, but this can only end badly.

    I'm sure that SRP has had/currently has/will have Muslim members. I always argue against the notion that people who snap did so because they watched certain movies, listened to certain music or played certain video games.

    All religions have shed blood. All religions have extreme members who do stupid things in the name of their teachings. I think that the nut job at Fort Hood had many other factors aside from religion that contributed to his actions.

    This is just an excample of the appeasing strategy that make me very very worried of the future.Most important of all: LET US NOT OFFEND THEM!


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  8. #46
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    YUSUFALI: They ask thy instruction concerning the women say: Allah doth instruct you about them: And (remember) what hath been rehearsed unto you in the Book, concerning the orphans of women to whom ye give not the portions prescribed, and yet whom ye desire to marry, as also concerning the children who are weak and oppressed: that ye stand firm for justice to orphans. There is not a good deed which ye do, but Allah is well-acquainted therewith.
    PICKTHAL: They consult thee concerning women. Say: Allah giveth you decree concerning them, and the Scripture which hath been recited unto you (giveth decree), concerning female orphans and those unto whom ye give not that which is ordained for them though ye desire to marry them, and (concerning) the weak among children, and that ye should deal justly with orphans. Whatever good ye do, lo! Allah is ever Aware of it.
    SHAKIR: And they ask you a decision about women. Say: Allah makes known to you His decision concerning them, and that which is recited to you in the Book concerning female orphans whom you do not give what is appointed for them while you desire to marry them, and concerning the weak among children, and that you should deal towards orphans with equity; and whatever good you do, Allah surely knows it.

    where do you see the name aisha in there???????

  9. #47
    Rusty nails sparq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KristofferBodvin View Post
    This is just an excample of the appeasing strategy that make me very very worried of the future.Most important of all: LET US NOT OFFEND THEM!

    Political correctness is a slow and painful suicide of our civilization.

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  11. #48
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I have a joke that would offend muslims and christians.... must resist...

    /would be a good test though on who it is o.k. to offend

    Quote Originally Posted by KristofferBodvin View Post
    This is just an excample of the appeasing strategy that make me very very worried of the future.Most important of all: LET US NOT OFFEND THEM!


  12. #49
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KristofferBodvin View Post
    This is just an excample of the appeasing strategy that make me very very worried of the future.Most important of all: LET US NOT OFFEND THEM!


    Interesting point, it reminds me of the cold war, the phrase "Lets not offend the Russians" and its appeasing attitude helped to prop up that dictatorship for way too long while how many unknown millions went to their graves, in poverty and oppression.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  13. #50
    Grumpy old sod Whiskers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I feel for your stance, but I have never been known to be PC

    This statement is not to you personally...

    But I do blame every single Islamic that does not stand up publicly and take your religion back from the Zelots...
    If you do not want to be grouped as one by the rest of the world, then separate the "wackos" from yourselves...
    What I see is the crazies demonstrating in Canada also, screaming Death Death and more Death...

    So please don't ask me to look beyond that face of Islam...

    I cannot do that, until the "moderate" Islamic stands up..

    Most Muslims (+95% worldwide) are very peaceful people.This focus or mindset is on a very small minority of Islam, yet Joe Public in America and America-supporting countries flat out insist that it represents all Muslims. It's like generalizing Americans by saying all Americans are either black rappers or blondes living on a beach.

    I like how some become offended when Muslims take to the streets in protest. Somehow this is offensive to some posters in this thread... and some of these posters conduct arm chair protests like this one with strong words that mimick the muslim protestors.
    What gets me is attitude of somehow 'I' am better than someone else because of ... (fill in the blank). Funny, but the attitude is that I should respect you because of some of your foot stomping demands and hard words that stem from ignorance and/or fear.

    Hey, I can go and research all I want to ... If I want something to be bad, I can go and find all sorts of sources to bolster my opinion. Heck, I can even take some information out of context or use my lack of knowledge about something to support my opinion simply based to my interpretation of the information... because I find myself (and no one else, mind you) to be some self proclaimed expert about something I dont believe in. Of course, this self proclaimed expert will have a wonderful opinion about every piece of information he (or she) finds about the subject he (or she) is so fond of.

    The unfortunate blind eye that people turn toward cultutal and religious differences is quite apparent in this thread and I have a feeling someone will soon run through the crowd wielding a 2x4 in a red, white, and blue unitard chanting USA ! USA ! USA !

    +95% of Muslims stand up and say "these actions are not ours !" after the twin towers collapse. How long ago was that ... 8 years or so?

    What else would you like delivered to youon a silver platter so you can wave it off as being 'debunked' ? Its not the information that is the problem here. Ever consider the fact that this hatred that is being harbored actually may fuel this entire fight? Just because 'they' do it .. doesnt mean that I have to ... especially if I do not agree with their tactics or reasonings. To fight them on their level, I would have to 'sink' to their level.

    Alas, I cannot change your mind or view .. I only point out the anomolies.

    I find this thread to be a complete disgrace to SRP.

    IMO, the 'other' board usually has no clue of disgrace and inherently flaunts it periodically. I've found this board and the general membership at large to actually make an attempt to retain some dignity and repose.

    After reading this thread, I completely question this.

    ... and with that, I gracefully refuse to reply or read any more of this thread.

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