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Thread: Climategate!

  1. #151
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    You know I said something back there that none of you caught and that surprised me... Here let's revisit...

    $$$ BILLIONS in grants, to "study" Global warming, the big grant money right now is being paid out to "Prove" this theory, not to tell anyone that, "Hey guess what man is an insignificant pest on this planet"....

    What is the bad part is that no one on here on either side thinks that in anyway pollution is somehow good....

    But you on the left are right back to where you always are with this too.... "Let's take from the rich and give to the poor" what is with that part???? where did that come from??? who thought up the carbon tax part of this....That is the part we oppose, why do you lefties always want in the working man's pocket???? This whole argument has nothing to do with drowning polar bears it has to do with you lefties wanting $$$$$$$$$$$$

    And you call Conservatives Capitalists, hell we make the money you just steal it through more taxes... We should all just stop working for a living and see who pulls the wagon then...

    Now see how fast we all get on board if you say let's build more Nuke plants!!! oh wait those actually work...

    I mean seriously who is paying the bill here??? Health care for all, cap n really don't see a small problem here????? Because sooner or later that bill will come due..Oh wait I know just say "Charge it" "Put it on my tab"
    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-30-2009 at 04:18 AM.

  2. #152
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    Facts? 'Source' material? Ya and the government has facts and source material about the economy and other things that they want everyone to believe in order for gain too. You're supposing that people with an agenda who put out data are not only correct but also honest (giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are actually honest, but then again maybe you have an alterior motive too), and admit it any sources that don't agree with you, you will just discount or question their honesty or reliability like you already have. Where you come from they call that 'NUTHIN!'.

    Well, I guess that about wraps it up. Looks like all the cool aid has been consumed by you-know-who. (wink, wink. nod, nod.)
    You've been a terrific audience.
    Goodnite everybody!!!

  3. #153
    Troublus Maximus
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    The cult is no doubt proud of your unwavering allegiance BJ.

  4. #154
    Troublus Maximus
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    Smile : )

    See the cause of natural seasonal global temperature changes at, second link is current daily data

    SOHO MDI Continuum Latest Image

  5. #155
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    See the cause of natural seasonal global temperature changes at, second link is current daily data

    SOHO MDI Continuum Latest Image

    But as you've been saying all along--you can't trust these guys. Their instruments are not calibrated correctly....

  6. #156
    Rusty nails sparq's Avatar
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    Wow, quite a bit of action here while I was away! Thanks guys for keeping the flame alive. This thread must be from a different world, the traditional "believers" are coming forth with hard cold facts, and the "scientists among us" are resorting to personal attacks and citations from the Bible!

    Anyway, has the computational model and data processing at CRU been discussed to death already?

    The Devil's Kitchen: Data horribilia: the HARRY_READ_ME.txt file

    It looks like the highly admired models that are supposed to predict our doom are nothing but bunch of abstract code that no-one understands any more, and that holds together with a lot of duct tape and chicken wire. The comments suggest that the engineers make fairly impacting simplifications, alternations and approximations in order to make the model spit out any results at all. No design, no documentation, no QA, no reviews.

    Is not it the time for a major peer review of these black boxes that are supposed to drive our destiny? How would you feel about a nuclear power plant being operated by a piece of shite code like that?

  7. #157
    Troublus Maximus
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    What a wonderful news Monday. The silence from the major media and 'science' community is deafening. Now the fraudulent model code has been exposed, yet not a word - Fantastic! Sweet!

  8. #158
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    The only thing man-made about Global Warming is the hoax surrounding it.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to denmason For This Useful Post:

    59caddy (12-01-2009), ControlFreak1 (12-01-2009)

  10. #159
    Troublus Maximus
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    Quote Originally Posted by denmason View Post
    The only thing man-made about Global Warming is the hoax surrounding it.
    Right Ohn! Right Ohn!

  11. #160
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    Climategate - A really inconvenient truth. It's been a scam all along for tax dollars and new global decision-making powers via their "global governance boards." Shut the Copenhagen meeting down, why waste time discussing fraudulent junk science? Just follow the money trail and seize the assets of those involved.

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to denmason For This Useful Post:

    59caddy (12-01-2009), ControlFreak1 (12-01-2009)

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