View Poll Results: Was there a person now known as Jesus born?

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  • No way.

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Thread: Christmas poll

  1. #161
    Senior Member Miner123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joscobo View Post
    But you think it makes more sense that some supreme being that has always existed spoke some words and those same cells just popped out of an idea in his head? THAT makes more sense to you? A being that doesn't stand up to any sort of scientific testing that produces completely inconsistent results even in his followers. THAT seems logical to you?

    YouTube - Family Guy - How it all began
    Yes, I believe the system we have here. The order that we have in the universe the complexity of man and the human mind, our bodies ability to heal itself was created by God. An intelligent being. Not by chance.

  • #162
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    THERE IS NO PROOF !!!! that is why they call it FAITH...
    if there was any proof, you wouldn't need faith..... Arguing that there is proof, is an insult to your own faith
    I think faith is just a different kind of proof Glen - the kind of proofs and evidences you admit into your life define what you believe to be true
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  • #163
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marosell View Post
    Show me something contemporaneous.

    Find yourself a copy of Fox's book of martyrs. It will show how every one of those in Jesus' inner circle died for their faith in that He is exactly who He said He is. The Apostles knew Him better than anyone. If they knew He wasn't the Messiah do you truly think they would die as they did?



    When died

    Manner of Death

    Peter (Simon Peter),
    Bible writer

    Rome, Italy

    crucified head down,
    at his own request

    Andrew, son of a John & brother of Peter (Matthew 4:18)Edessa, Greece?ADHomicide:
    severely scourged & tied by ropes on x-shaped cross where he hung 2 days to expire

    son of Zebedee & Salome and elder bro. of John (not bro. of Jesus) the Bible writer

    Jerusalem, Israel

    44 AD
    (the 1st martyred)

    beheaded with sword; Mark 10:39 & Acts 12:1-2

    son of Zebedee and bro. of James;
    Bible writer

    Ephesus, Turkey
    or Turkish Isle
    of Patmos

    98 AD

    thrown in boiling oil but unharmed; died of Natural causes in Ephesus
    Philip of BethsaidaHieropolis, SyriaHomicide:

    Bartholomew (Nathaniel)India or

    beaten/flayed, and crucified
    head down

    Thomas (Didymus)Edessa, GreeceHomicide:
    lanced by
    idolatrous priests & burned up in an oven

    Matthew (Levi), of Capernaum
    the Bible writer

    Nadabah, Ethiopiaabout 60ADHomicide:
    axed to death with a halberd

    James (son of Alphaeus);
    Bible writer
    (? half bro. of Jesus?)

    Jerusalem, IsraelAD66Homicide:
    thrown down from the Temple tower & not dead so clubbed to death with a fullers club at age 94

    Jude (Thaddaeus...Judas Lebbaeus) Edessa, GreeceAD72Homicide:

    Simon the Zealot
    (the Canaanite)

    Brittainnia, EuropeHomicide:

    Judas IscariotJerusalem, IsraelSuicide:
    by hanging Matt. 27:5

    Matthias (the 11 remaining Apostles chose him to replace Judas)Jerusalem, IsraelHomicide:
    stoned and beheaded

    Paul (chosen by Jesus on the road to Damascus)Rome, Italy66 ADHomicide:

    This is contemporaneous and part of Simom Greenleaf's evidence If you will just look it up.

    BTW Christians are not supposed to argue religion with non-believers, I do not know about
    Gssixgun, where is this in God's word?

    Now these are just my opinions, but I have done a bit of reading, and honestly those books you guys keep linking to, are not "really" proof...
    These guys include the man that is known as the Father of modern forensic evidence. Simon Greenleaf was a Law Professor at Harvard who began his quest to disprove Jesus and the Gospels but after intense investigations came to believe the Bible and became a Christian himself.

    If his evidence would hold up in a court of law I think that should give it some merit.

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  • #164
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post
    The Apostles knew Him better than anyone. If they knew He wasn't the Messiah do you truly think they would die as they did?
    Couldn't that same argument be used for jones town or the branch dividians or pretty much anyone that dies for their faith?

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  • #165
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBaron View Post
    Couldn't that same argument be used for jones town or the branch dividians or pretty much anyone that dies for their faith?
    Jones town and the branch dividians were mass suicides they were not individual people standing for their faith in the face of those who were hostile towards it over approximately a 50 year period. Those people followed their leader to death. Jesus never told any of His apostles to die with him in fact He told them to go and make disciples teaching them everything He had taught them. As for others who die for their faith (like suicide bombers) they believe in a "works" religion and they believe those works are their ticket to heaven. God's word says
    For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. Eph.2:8-9.

    These groups were tragic losses they were not martyrs, I hear no voices rallying to follow in their steps and nowhere in the Bible do I find suicide considered a righteous act.

  • #166
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    I understand there is a significant difference in the message and fellowship between Jesus Christ and David Caresh.

    What I am saying is that your argument, that people willing to die for the person they followed should be proof of their leaders message, is a pretty hollow argument. You could make that same statement for suicide bombers. Has their religion no seen persecution? are they not doing it out of faith?

    We could just as easily say that regardless of why they died or who told them to do it (or even made them do it). The fact is that the members of branch dividian were willing to die for the person they followed. So based on the principals of your statement, their fellowship is just as valid as christianity.

    Understand that I am not comparing christianity to a cult, I'm simply saying that your statement proves little. It is just a silly as the video posted by Philidelph about "The Delusion of Religion". Did you watch that video? The guy starts by saying he's going to disprove religion then follows by insulting and talking down to everyone that is not atheist. Using as his only arguments against religion (that I could find) was that religion is false because every rational person outside the bubble of that religion does not believe it and that the originating story of the religions sound similar to a fairytale. Where is the proof in those statements?

  • #167
    Troublus Maximus
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBaron View Post
    I understand there is a significant difference in the message and fellowship between Jesus Christ and David Caresh.

    What I am saying is that your argument, that people willing to die for the person they followed should be proof of their leaders message, is a pretty hollow argument. You could make that same statement for suicide bombers. Has their religion no seen persecution? are they not doing it out of faith?

    We could just as easily say that regardless of why they died or who told them to do it (or even made them do it). The fact is that the members of branch dividian were willing to die for the person they followed. So based on the principals of your statement, their fellowship is just as valid as christianity.

    Understand that I am not comparing christianity to a cult, I'm simply saying that your statement proves little. It is just a silly as the video posted by Philidelph about "The Delusion of Religion". Did you watch that video? The guy starts by saying he's going to disprove religion then follows by insulting and talking down to everyone that is not atheist. Using as his only arguments against religion (that I could find) was that religion is false because every rational person outside the bubble of that religion does not believe it and that the originating story of the religions sound similar to a fairytale. Where is the proof in those statements?
    No Baron. Bless your heart. The distinct difference is that the Apostles were actually there and were the eyewitnesses, so they knew first hand what actually happened and if it was not so then they would have known it and the point is that they would not have willingly died for what they KNEW was a lie. Therefore it only stands to reason that it was true otherwise they would not have willingly died. And if you remember the followers of the David Koresh group of the Branch Davidians where not all necessarily there by their own choosing, nor were they witness to any great miracles like the Apostles were, they were just victims of an insane brain-washing madman, same with the Jonestown Jim Jones group. And like ENUF2 pointed out the Jonestown group was a mass suicide, and some of the Branch Davidian David Koresh group were suicide some murdered by Koresh and some by the government.
    Last edited by ControlFreak1; 12-21-2009 at 06:58 AM.

  • #168
    Senior Member ZMKA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post

    * abstract thought : speculation
    * a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action
    * a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena
    * a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b : an unproved assumption : conjecture c : a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject

    Sounds like a belief system to me.

    The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Fact or Fiction?
    also here are 2 works again by Professior Simon Greenleaf of Havard school of law. (The Testimony of the Evangelists: The Gospels Examined by the Rules of Evidence/// An examination of the testimony of the Four Evangelists by the rules of evidence administered in courts of justice with an account of the trial of Jesus). Also if you don't care to read there is a dvd study called "The Truth Project". All of the Lee Strobel books" The Case for Christ, for Faith, for the Creator just to mention a few. Josh McDowell "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" and "More\\\The New Evidence that Demands a verdict". In fact here is a utube from him and there are more if you want to look for "unsurmountable " Evidence.
    YouTube - The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict - Part One
    I've read McDowell's book. His proofs are simply quotes from people like Abraham Lincoln, etc... it is, in a word (pardon my francois) "crap".

  • #169
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    Seraphim, did you realize what you were starting when you created this thread? Lol

  • #170
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMKA View Post
    I've read McDowell's book. His proofs are simply quotes from people like Abraham Lincoln, etc... it is, in a word (pardon my francois) "crap".
    You may not like his book but when you place it along side Simon Greenleaf, CS Lewis, Lee Strobel, Grant R Jefferies, St. Augustine and many many more it has weight, point and direction. Not to mention the countless lives who by following Christ have moved from the underside of humanity into productive lives. Works religions are about what "I" can do for my god, Christians understand our "best is filthy rags" to God and there is nothing we could do on our own without Christ to merit His favor. He Finished the sacrifice for us because of His love for us.

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