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  1. #61
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post
    Idiot /Idiotic is awfully mean spirited.
    I think that Robertson's implication on broadcast TV were exponentially more mean spirited than calling somebody an idiot on an internet forum. He made these claims during a fund raiser for Haitian disaster relief.

  2. #62
    Does the barber shave himself...? PA23-250's Avatar
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    Pat Robertson should have been stoned long ago. As in "who threw that stone!?" YouTube - Monty Python - The Life of Brian - Stoning scene

    In all seriousness, if there is anything like a hell, that no doubt is the ideal destination for this piece of sh*t. This is the scum that (I'm using that pronoun on purpose) blamed 9/11 & I think Katrina as well on homosexuality. Let him roast in anything-but-peace, I say!

  • #63
    Unofficial SRP Village Idiot
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYCshaver View Post
    What double standard are you referring too?
    Well, the left more or less brushed off Obama's close relationship with Jeremiah Wright (who certainly is not a Christian). Also, because Pat is a republican and Christian any opinion he gives gets criticized. Yet a large gathering of muslims in Detroit can say whatever they want, and its "ok". The left is equally as hypocritical and stupid as those of us who lean the other way. Pat is an idiot, and that me and BJ" can agree on.
    I know Pat's problem that I was ignorant to before. Christians are supposed to be people of love, integrity, and honesty. Patty Boy is a lawyer, therefore none of the Christian virtues apply. Plus any Christian who asks you to send money lacks true faith. God does not need our money, and people who give should give from their hearts, not because a lunatic asks for it.

  • #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post
    Idiot /Idiotic is awfully mean spirited.
    so is what Robertson did.

    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post
    Do you have evidence to the contrary?
    do you have any evidence that God was actually punishing them via the Earthquake? Maybe it just happened because earth quakes happen from time to time. Again, just because something bad happens to you does not mean that it is a punishment from God for your sins.

    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post
    As for his other statements they are also opinion. You or I do not have to agree with them but he still has the right to voice them.
    who ever said otherwise? and we have just as much right to voice our opinions about him.
    Last edited by Warbler; 01-14-2010 at 11:40 PM.

  • #65
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I guess this is what I am referring to...

    Here we have the more left thinking members of our little world, (SRP) defending the "Religion of Peace" yeah that's what they call it... While here in this thread, we have the exact opposite reaction over a guy who, admittedly by members of his own religion is a bit off center shall we say...

    So really where does the Left sit on the subject of religion???? I am confused, actually I am not but it sounds good...

    Again slightly off topic, but heck everyone here agrees Robertson is a kook so where else is this thread going to go????

    So why in schools do you comdemn Christian prayer but allow this ???

    Some say schools giving Muslims special treatment -

    Now do you see where I am coming from???

    Maybe I should have just started another thread But I see you jumping up to call ole Pat on the carpet....Just wondering when you are going to call the Iman's and Rabbi's and Shaman's down to the carpet????
    Last edited by gssixgun; 01-15-2010 at 12:13 AM.

  • #66
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    I have to openly admit, I do not like this guy, his beliefs or what he says, and this is not just him. It holds for a lot of these hardened religious types be them jewish muslim or some form of radical pagan.

    However what I will say is NONE of these people are stupid, they are smart enough to know that people will believe and follow, and they do not grow by word, but by word of mouth, and the way they put it to those who will spread it is through the media when they get a chance and especially attaching it to something everyone is watching..

    Their veiws might suck, but these people are smart in possibly the worst way and know they only need to convince a few.


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  • #67
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Robertson is a 'true believer'. He cannot conceive that a disaster such as this has a scientific explanation so it must be God's retribution. It is the same mindset that led him and Falwell to make the outrageous statements on the "causes" of 9-11 and Katrina.

    I'm certainly not excusing or defending his statements. I think the cause of the devastation in Haiti is attributable to geologic fault lines building pressure for a couple of hundred years since the last quake and letting go.

    As for the left and muslims, it is one of the largest religions in the world, I haven't read the koran and I don't know about the message it teaches. It seems that a majority of them are peaceful people. Indonesia is largely muslim, if I understand correctly, and they are not on our list of terrorist countries. The wahabe sect is the main generator of the trouble in the middle east and around the world and we will deal with them.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  • #68
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Glen, why do you keep saying "the left" like it's all one person? Like everyone believes the same thing, or has the same stance on any issue?

    "Leftists" defend Islam, "leftists" hate Christianity, and on and on...WHO are these leftists? Me? I sure don't defend any religion that depends on a magic dad in the sky. I WILL defend the right, guaranteed in the bill of rights, of individual people to practice their religion. Sure, even crazy people. That ALSO means I will fight to prevent people using their power to force others to practice religion they don't believe, i.e. prayer in PUBLIC schools led by school administrators.

    As for calling the Imams, Rabbis and Shaman on the carpet? When they're the majority. You said it yourself, Glen, most Americans are Christians, and when the big guy starts to be a bully, he becomes a target.

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  • #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    Well, the left more or less brushed off Obama's close relationship with Jeremiah Wright (who certainly is not a Christian).
    So how is this a double standard? And why do you claim he's not a christian?
    He's was a pastor of a christian church.

    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    Also, because Pat is a republican and Christian any opinion he gives gets criticized. Yet a large gathering of muslims in Detroit can say whatever they want, and its "ok".
    When did the left say it was ok?

    Pat gets more attention because he's famous.

  • #70
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimR View Post
    As for calling the Imams, Rabbis and Shaman on the carpet? When they're the majority. You said it yourself, Glen, most Americans are Christians, and when the big guy starts to be a bully, he becomes a target.

    Thanks that explains it... All...

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