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Thread: Wisconsin Unrecall

  1. #41
    Cutthroat Patriot MasterMason03's Avatar
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    I have removed my last post out of humility. All of us here at SRP are entitled by right for free thought and we should accept others opinions even if we strongly disagree. As a Freemason, I am taught to subdue my passions within the outstretched arms of the compass. Being human, this can be difficult especially when it comes to things that we are passionate about.

    I humbly ask that the board accept my apology on this.
    Last edited by MasterMason03; 06-14-2012 at 04:20 AM.
    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."
    Thomas Jefferson, Paris, November 13th 1787

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  3. #42
    Senior Member BanjoTom's Avatar
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    Master Mason 03 you are a fine gentleman. I value your opinion and the integrity that you use to support your conclusions, something others fail to use...facts. Something rather rare today. As to the issues in Wisconsin, I believe that something had to happen to stop the clamor for more benefits to members of the public employees unions. To my simple mind the issue is one of funding. If there is no money there are no jobs. This may appear to be an oversimplication, but the issue is one taught to each of us by our mothers so many years ago -"Keep your hand out of the cookie jar!" So it is the cookies not the jar that is the issue.

  4. #43
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Like I said no one forced GM to give in to the unions. The companies were badly mismanaged and that is why they almost went broke. yes the auto plants in the South have happy contented workers earning a fraction of what auto workers used to get.
    I strongly disagree with this statement. Obama forced GM to give in to the unions. Obama's deal was for GM to give in to the unions in exchange for a large cash loan to keep the creditors from breaking GM up. What Obama did was completely against the law. He also forced the creditors to accept pennies on the dollar. What happened to the bankruptcy laws? Obama completely ignored them. He brought the creditors to the White House and told them, "the people with pitchforks are out there and I am the only thing holding them back".

    If Obama had stayed out of it GM would be leaner and meaner. Now they are being forced to make "green" cars that no one is buying. They just postponed the crisis.
    Last edited by Crotalus; 06-14-2012 at 03:03 PM.

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  6. #44
    Senior Member BanjoTom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    If Obama had stayed out of it GM would be leaner and meaner. Now they are being forced to make "green" cars that no one is buying. They just postponed the crisis.
    Crotalus - - SPOT ON!!!! Thank you for your uncommon sense. Wish that more folks could be as knowledgable.

  7. #45
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    I strongly disagree with this statement. Obama forced GM to give in to the unions. Obama's deal was for GM to give in to the unions in exchange for a large cash loan to keep the creditors from breaking GM up. What Obama did was completely against the law. He also forced the creditors to accept pennies on the dollar. What happened to the bankruptcy laws? Obama completely ignored them. He brought the creditors to the White House and told them, "the people with pitchforks are out there and I am the only thing holding them back".

    If Obama had stayed out of it GM would be leaner and meaner. Now they are being forced to make "green" cars that no one is buying. They just postponed the crisis.
    The golden rule is the man with the gold makes the rules. The Obama people say they bought GM because the people in the private equity business didn't think it's worth as much and passed when they were offered to buy it.
    If what he did is so against the law then all those people who suffered should sue him. What happened with that legendary american spirit of suing? If it was so bad they could've impeached him over it - nobody says that a president has to serve for their whole term.
    I bet next you'll be blaming all those liberal judges who are ruining the country. Newt Gingrich had a great plan how to deal with those...

  8. #46
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    I strongly disagree with this statement. Obama forced GM to give in to the unions. Obama's deal was for GM to give in to the unions in exchange for a large cash loan to keep the creditors from breaking GM up. What Obama did was completely against the law. He also forced the creditors to accept pennies on the dollar. What happened to the bankruptcy laws? Obama completely ignored them. He brought the creditors to the White House and told them, "the people with pitchforks are out there and I am the only thing holding them back".

    If Obama had stayed out of it GM would be leaner and meaner. Now they are being forced to make "green" cars that no one is buying. They just postponed the crisis.
    OK your correct. GM was a well managed company making quality cars, the kind everyone wanted and car manufacturers the world over wished they were like them.

    The last I saw GM was making money hand over foot now. And I thought it was the Unions that gave up wages and benefits, silly me.

    What the Govt did was to protect an awful lot of jobs. You think in bankruptcy things would have played out better? Who would have loaned them money in the private sector? The answer is no one and the entire industry would have gone down the tubes. Anyone who thinks the carmakers would have prospered on their own with private financing and court action is living in a fantasy world.

    I'm with you no one is going to buy a green car. After all few people even like the color green. it went out of popularity years ago. maybe Henry Ford got away with selling only black cars but making only green ones now is a no win scenario. I wonder why Obama forced them to make green cars. maybe it's part of the flag of that other country where he was born eh?

  9. #47
    Senior Member eleblu05's Avatar
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    its funny how some people in this thread are taking up for these big companys the same companys that look at us as numbers and treat us as such. if you like big companys you'll love big goverment and you'll probably vote obama in for a second term . i would rather die on my feet then live my life on my knees kissing the companys a$$!

  10. #48
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    I know, awfully juevenile but being a life long Blue Oval guy, I just couldn't resist:

    I recently heard Obama has a 92% approval rating in France. I'd be happy to put him on the next thing smoking to Paris!

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    Quote Originally Posted by eleblu05 View Post
    if you like big companys you'll love big goverment and you'll probably vote obama in for a second term . i would rather die on my feet then live my life on my knees kissing the companys a$$!
    Oh, and Romney is so much better? Bain Capital, anyone? If you vote for him you'd better pucker up bud, because he doesn't represent big business, he IS big business.

  12. #50
    Senior Member eleblu05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    Oh, and Romney is so much better? Bain Capital, anyone? If you vote for him you'd better pucker up bud, because he doesn't represent big business, he IS big business.
    yeah thats the sad thing romney is obama lite . both candidates are big government/bowing down to big business.
    Last edited by eleblu05; 06-16-2012 at 01:34 AM.

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