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Thread: Whats your opinion on automatic weapons?

  1. #251
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If you look at the USA, Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand for the time period between 1970 through 2000 or so there seemed to be a pattern of one upsmanship going between these countries in ever tightening gun laws. An horrific incident in one would initiate another round of tighter controls in that country followed shortly after by the tightening of controls in the others. Horrific incidents still occur in these countries so where did we get with all the legislation?

    If the general public are confused as to what is and what isn't true when it comes to firearms terms and definitions the brain trust that drafted gun control legislation here in Canada sure don't either. After consulting the appropriate experts or so they said they came up with a piece of legislation the would have placed
    the Walther GSP/OSP pistol on the banned/prohibited list. At the time it was a popular pistol used in ISU competitions and the Olympics. It was changed prior to the bill passing but how could it and other flaws possibly get in there in the first place with all the expert input? You got to love it.

    Toronto's mayor has come up with his own unique and original idea for curing that city's gun violence problems, the handgun ban. Well, it may not be very unique or original but at least he is trying, very trying that is IMHO. When are the powers to be here and in other countries going to do the hard thing and attack the root causes of the gun violence problems. I don't mind gun control legislation to a point after which it just gets ridiculous and pointless. Certainly not a cure all in and of itself.


  2. #252
    Senior Member sheajohnw's Avatar
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    Making the things that people want illegal often results in major failure despite good intensions. Drugs have been illegal since the early 1900s but are readily available everywhere as a black market item. Our jails are full of drug offenders with the US having one of the highest incarcerated populations in the world. The cost of keeping these offenders in jail approximates an annual per person cost of sending children to college. When they get out of jail, their lives have often been ruined by criminal conviction records. We also end up paying to support those who cannot get jobs and their families. As seen in countries that virtually prohibit private firearm ownership, criminals still get guns while upstanding members of the public lose out. We have seen in Arora and other places around the world that when seconds count, LEOs are too often only minutes away. This is an inherant infrastructure limitation and not the fault of the LEOs. I have LEOs and Servicemen in my family. FWIW, I have never used drugs and very rarely have a drink. I have enjoyed the companionship of other sport firearms users for decades without having any issues. I do not worry about firearms owners any more than I worry about people keeping 10 inch knives in their kitchens because they are not a threat to anyone and the firearms and knives generally signify nothing harmful. I have also been impacted personally by having to deal with drug users and know persons killed and paralyzed from criminal gun violence. I am a free citizen who cherishes all of the bill of rights and will never accept arguments that each citizen without an offender record is a potential serial killer that must be kept under tight observation and control for the public good.
    Last edited by sheajohnw; 07-23-2012 at 04:25 PM.
    HarleyFXST and eleblu05 like this.

  3. #253
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    We have something called "The rahabilitation of offenders act", this means that when somebody has gained a criminal record they can't be discriminated against. This is the case because we have a HUGE, and I mean HUGE, emphasis on rehabilitation during incarceration. Most of our offenders are reoffenders, but we have quite a system that we can be proud of.

    Quote Originally Posted by sheajohnw View Post
    Making the things that people want illegal often results in major failure despite good intensions. Drugs have been illegal since the early 1900s but are readily available everywhere as a black market item. Our jails are full of drug offenders with the US having one of the highest incarcerated populations in the world. The cost of keeping these offenders in jail approximates an annual per person cost of sending children to college. When they get out of jail, their lives have often been ruined by criminal conviction records. We also end up paying to support those who cannot get jobs and their families. As seen in countries that virtually prohibiti private firearm ownership, criminals still get guns while upstanding members of the public lose out. We have seen in Arora and other places around the world that when seconds count, LEOs are too often only minutes away. This is an inherant infrastructure limitation and not the fault of the LEOs. I have LEOs and Servicemen in my family. FWIW, I have never used drugs and very rarely have a drink. I have enjoyed the companionship of other sport firearms users for decades without having any issues. I do not worry about firearms owners any more than I worry about people keeping 10 inch knives in their kitchens because they are not a threat to anyone and the firearms and knives signify nothing harmful. I have also been impacted personally by drug users and know persons killed and paralysed from gun violence.

  4. #254
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    We have something called "The rahabilitation of offenders act", this means that when somebody has gained a criminal record they can't be discriminated against. This is the case because we have a HUGE, and I mean HUGE, emphasis on rehabilitation during incarceration. Most of our offenders are reoffenders, but we have quite a system that we can be proud of.

    Huh???? that kinda speaks for itself don't ya think

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  6. #255
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    Well it kind of does, something to note that 70% of the prison population have a mental condition too ... but if you break the law, you broke the law.

    Your earlier comment Glen, do you think I am a pacifist lol?

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Huh???? that kinda speaks for itself don't ya think

  7. #256
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Cut thru the B.S folks,something needs to be done,Who needs High Cap mags? for what?who needs 6000 rnds of ammo? for what? Just because people feel it is there right to do so,Nobody hunts game animals with an AR 15 or an AK,why do they even exsist (read the book AK 47) even the man who invented the damn thing is appalled (Kalishnikov) at what is happening today with the AK.
    Go to any local gunshow, you want full auto Aks, no prob, hang in the parking lot, are trunkloads of them,you want Uzis, you want conversions for AR15s
    Bring cash,This stuff is all over the place,the rules need to change to apply to the currant demonic, mentally warped sociaty that is america today,and the numbers of them are growing by the day.
    As a lifelong NRA member. I want all but hunting arms banned JMO
    This has got to be THE most foaming at the mouth rabid feinsteinmetzenbaumshumerboxerlautenbergbloombergb rady liberal lunacy I have heard in a long time. There is so much misinformation in this posting I don't even know where to start. FA AKs in the trunks of cars? Where?! Was Eric Holder selling them? Nobody hunts with an AR?! My My My you and Jim Zumbo see eye to eye on that one. I may need to tell my friends that DO hunt with their ARs they should stop. Yes you can buy Full Auto guns. They run from about 4K up to 100K (M2 .50 cal.) There are several stores near me that sell FA weapons. You must have your stamp and the cash. Please do tell where all these gun show full auto deals are going down.....
    Last edited by EMC45; 07-23-2012 at 05:55 PM.
    gssixgun and Costabro like this.

  8. #257
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    I don't use guns, well I have used air rifles so that's a lie kind of, but why do you need an AR to hunt with? I don't know much about which guns do what so if it's obvious I apologise for my ignorance. My understanding is that you want one bullet for one animal, to prevent animals scattering?

    Quote Originally Posted by EMC45 View Post
    This has got to be THE most foaming at the mouth rabid feinsteinmetzenbaumshumerboxerlautenbergbloombergb rady liberal lunacy I have heard in a long time. There is so much misinformation in this posting I don't even know where to start. FA AKs in the trunks of cars? Where?! Was Eric Holder selling them? Nobody hunts with an AR?! My My My you and Jim Zumbo see eye to eye on that one. I may need to tell my friends that DO hunt with their ARs they should stop. Yes you can buy Full Auto guns. They run from about 4K up to 100K (M2 .50 cal.) There are several stores near me that sell FA weapons. YOu must have your stamp and the cash. Please do tell where all these gun show ful auot deals are going down.....

  9. #258
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Some of the posts here have GOT TO be in jest?!?!?! I am laughing when I read some of these things. What happened in Colo. Was and is a tragedy. No doubt about it. When something like this happens both sides of the gun debate beat their drums. We as Americans (free citizens and not "subjects") have numerous gun laws on file that aren't even enforced, and those that need to be abolished outright. For crying out loud, our own DHS/ATFE was "straw buying" guns and running them to drug cartels!!! Is that my fault if choose to own and AK/AR/FN-FAL/HK91/CETME etc.etc.?? I think not. It is not the device as has been posted. The EOD squad said his (Colo. Shooter) apt. had some of the most elaborate and sophisticated bombs and explosive devices they have seen in a while. He could have easily blown up that theater with a higher death toll and more noteriety. Heck he may have gotten away with it! As has been said any type of "device" can be made with little training and household ingrediants. I served my country for 11 years and some of the things I learned (what we do and our enemies do) would curl your hair, when you realize how rudimentary a lot of it is. How about Nor Ireland? They have strict gun control right? Oh but wait....Gun control doesn't cover semtex and home made Sten guns though right? Gun control doesn't prevent day care centers from being blown up though does it? Evil is evil. That is what we are dealing with. A lack of value we place on human beings. It happens everywhere. Look at the middle east and "honor killings" Most are not done with guns. Most are suffocated by their own family members or run over with autos. We have grown discompassionate toward our fellow man, and we are paying dearly for it. I carry a gun everywhere I go. Yes even to the movie theater. 3 weeks ago my wife and I went and saw a movie. She brought up the fact of a movie theater shooter (kind of creepy, I know) and I told her stay close if it does happen. I also told her there were 7 hollowpoints between her and I and the front door. Bravado? Nope. I refuse to be a victim. A movie theater is a target rich enviroment. Shooting fish in a barrel. I won't permit that. Not if I am present. As for holding people down until police get there?....I actually laughed at this. You may not have guns, but I hazard a guess the outcome if you attempted to "hold someone down until the bobbies arrive" that was a trained knife fighter or true combatant. Heck a girl stabbed a girl in the head with a steel comb in Clapham Junction for crying out loud!!!!! She died! A steel comb people. Still evil no matter the device used. There are a pile of guns in America. We like it that way. John Lott (University educated as well, PhD, Yale professor) who wrote the book "More Guns, Less Crime" proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the more law abiding armed populace you have the more safe you will be. You can't rape a .38. The city of Kennesaw Ga (suburb of ATL) made it MANDATORY that every household own a firearm for defense. MANDATORY!!!! ALL crime dropped in that city. They were plagued by ATL's spill over hoodlums and decided to take action! THe shooter in Colo. was a gamer and cannabis user. He also dosed himself up on Vicodin before his shooting spree. No bother. It is not an excuse. He should be hanged by his neck in the parking lot of the movie theater. For those that say we should study criminals like him....I say nahhhh just hang 'em. You wanna study him? Do it at the morgue. As a side note, my wife and I went and shot near 300 rounds of ammo the day after the shooting. We practiced center mass and headshots repeatedly. Did we use an evil "assault rifle"(used in mockery of course)? Nope, just some revolvers (shock/horror/gasp). She did fine. I wouldn't mind one bit her getting my back in a "hot" situation. Take care all! Arm yourselves....For those of us that can..

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  11. #259
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    I don't use guns, well I have used air rifles so that's a lie kind of, but why do you need an AR to hunt with? I don't know much about which guns do what so if it's obvious I apologise for my ignorance. My understanding is that you want one bullet for one animal, to prevent animals scattering?
    The AR is light, relatively sturdy, accurate, good bush gun and the poodleshooter caliber is great for coyotes.

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  13. #260
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    I don't use guns, well I have used air rifles so that's a lie kind of, but why do you need an AR to hunt with? I don't know much about which guns do what so if it's obvious I apologise for my ignorance. My understanding is that you want one bullet for one animal, to prevent animals scattering?
    Prairie dog hunting, varmint hunting. You get on a hot "dogtown" and you want a good supply of ammo. Aside from hunting an AR are well served in 3 gun match and other shooting disciplines. The 2nd Ammendment is not about hunting BTW...
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