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Thread: Whats your opinion on automatic weapons?

  1. #221
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    In this country I believe the problem is the rapid decline of american sociaty.
    Young people today put no value on human life,they are starting to believe what they see in video games.
    In countrys like Norway that were trashed during WW2 (far to many others to list)these countrys seem to have a higher standard because they saw firsthand, in thier face what war and death was all about,as such perhaps those countrys have a higher standard for human life and a better way of life.
    Perhaps if the axis actually invaded U.S soil and killed millions of americans,maybe we would be a better people for that happining.
    America is circling the drain folks, just like Rome two thousand yrs ago.
    Pixel, do you really believe what you just posted? Or are you just angry, like the rest of us?
    Would a million more dead during the second WW have really helped us? Please !!
    You live in America, are you ready to give up, I'm not. I'm not ready to flush her, just yet.

    If the crime and decay of America bothers you this much, then do something about it. I've read your thoughts in posts for over a year now, I believe you to be one of the most balanced individuals I have listened too. You never seem to stray too right or too left, your posts are almost always fact based. I'm tossed to the ground with your last post.

    The Key: Do something about it. If you no longer have kids at home, then take up a position as a mentor/guide to young people in your area. In your area there are opportunities for you to change lives, thus change this decaying society.

    I'm sorry if I over stepped my limits with you, but you are a man I respect, even though I have never met you.
    Last edited by Hirlau; 07-23-2012 at 12:03 AM.

  2. #222
    The Razor Talker parkerskouson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Pixel, do you really believe what you just posted? Or are you just angry, like the rest of us?
    Would a million more dead during the second WW have really helped us? Please !!
    You live in America, are you ready to give up, I'm not. I'm not ready to flush her, just yet.

    If the crime and decay of America bothers you this much, then do something about it. I've read your thoughts in posts for over a year now, I believe you to be one of the most balanced individuals I have listened too. You never seem to stray too right or too left, your posts are almost alwfactcted based. I'm tossed to the ground with your last post.

    The Key: Do something about it. If you no longer have kids at home, then take up a position as a mentor/guide to young people in your area. In your area there areopportunitiesnities for you to change lives, thus change this decaying society.

    I'm sorry if I overstepped my limits with you, but you are a man I respect, even though I have never met you.
    Agreed. The only think I agreed with this post is that society IS declining. The values are going down. I know something can be done. Someone just needs the courage to make it happen!(If I wasn't 14, I would help!)
    "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Thomas Jefferson

  3. #223
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by bharner View Post
    And therein lies the problem.
    It's obvious that we need to spend more on mental health issues.
    It's obvious we need to stop the cycle of poverty in urban areas in the US (not saying the rural areas don't have problems but there are more people suffering and as the urban areas are centralized distribution / resource centers should be easily available) .

    Doing those two things would increase public safety and vastly reduce violent crime in the US.
    But the old farts in power are choosing to lie down and hope it goes away. They are in best with interests other than their constituants. You would think that the Boomers would be leading the way after what they experienced in the late 60s-70s with all the frustration at the Vietnam debacle and the civil rights movement.

    But most of them in power have become corrupt. And Gen X is just starting to get to the point where we can take the power and hopefully right this country before it implodes. I'm hoping politicians and leaders from Gen X have enough frustrations and desparation are able to sustain them to start righting the system and be an example to Gen Y and the Millenials so that in a generation or two real, positive, change will have occurred .

    Otherwise we'll have another generation just lie down and wait.
    And that would be horrible.
    I would agree that what you say would make a start in changing things.

    You ever wonder why there are few if any "old" rebels? If you live long enough the system works as intended and you eventually succumb and become part of it. I don't see the next generation is going to be much different either but you can always hope. Even the ones that like to call themselves mavericks today are not.


  4. #224
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    I disagree with the no old rebels comment. In my former country you had young and old rebels fighting the Turks for 500 years until they finally kicked'em out. If the system's corrupt enough, the mean age of the rebels will go up.

  5. #225
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I would agree that what you say would make a start in changing things.

    You ever wonder why there are few if any "old" rebels? If you live long enough the system works as intended and you eventually succumb and become part of it. I don't see the next generation is going to be much different either but you can always hope. Even the ones that like to call themselves mavericks today are not.

    Yep. That's why the young folks need to fight the system while they still have energy and care enough. Or if we could just get a generation as crazy and committed as Ron Paul... he's bat poop insane but he has standards and ideals.

  6. #226
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    I've lived under Milosevic.. Hence my arguments with citizens being armed in order to combat tyranny.
    Milosevic? Well my friend, you earn the moniker of "harder than woodpecker lips". Anyone that made through that has my respect.
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  8. #227
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Pixel, do you really believe what you just posted? Or are you just angry, like the rest of us?
    Would a million more dead during the second WW have really helped us? Please !!
    You live in America, are you ready to give up, I'm not. I'm not ready to flush her, just yet.

    If the crime and decay of America bothers you this much, then do something about it. I've read your thoughts in posts for over a year now, I believe you to be one of the most balanced individuals I have listened too. You never seem to stray too right or too left, your posts are almost always fact based. I'm tossed to the ground with your last post.

    The Key: Do something about it. If you no longer have kids at home, then take up a position as a mentor/guide to young people in your area. In your area there are opportunities for you to change lives, thus change this decaying society.

    I'm sorry if I over stepped my limits with you, but you are a man I respect, even though I have never met you.
    Yes I believe everything I posted,but I am older (64) I was raised in better times than the young of today.
    I was raised in a home with two parents and a mother that was always there for us kids.
    I was taught work ethics,simple stuff like, you cut apricots and pick fruit all summer to buy the school clothes you need for next year,or you wear last yrs cothes ( a real bummer when your 13 and trying to snag a girlfriend).
    I was raised in a home that had a gun cabinat(no locks) in my dads office,big walnut affair with boxes of ammo in the smaller cabinet below,you never messed with that stuff because the old man would beat the crap out of you for doing so.
    I was raised in a home with parents that commanded respect and because we knew they loved us we reciprocated.
    I was raised in a home that we all sat down and ate dinner together every night, we were allowed to watch a little T.V after doing dishes,Or we could go outside and play in the streets until near dark with no fear of getting shot and went in and out of friends houses with no locked doors,I lived in a community in which everyone watched out for everyone.
    When my Dad took us hunting for the first time, he told us we have a code of ethics and a responsibility to the game we seek, you only shoot what will be eaten,your game has to have a fair chance (all our deer rifles were levers,no semis allowed) you always go for a one shot kill because you owe that to the animal,first deer I shot was at eagle lake calif, 1958,I gut shot that deer, my Dad finished it off with a pistol (S&W .44 Triplelock) I was not allowed to hunt the following season as penance.
    At one time this country (mostley comprised of real Americans,inc my Ukranian legal grandparents)was a great country IMO.
    also IMO, today it is a place I am starting to dispise,is a dangerous place with a corrupt government,and a I want it all NOW AT ANY PRICE frame of mind (but I do not want to do any sort of hard work for it mentality)
    I was Born and Raised in America, it has served me and my children well,I am in the process of retireing and taking all I can get (52 yrs of paying into the S.S system)Nobody ever said you as an american, has to stay in america until the day you die,I honesty believe at this point in time (sorry Glen perhaps there are better places than the good old U.S Of A

  9. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to pixelfixed For This Useful Post:

    bharner (07-23-2012), Hirlau (07-23-2012), Wullie (07-23-2012)

  10. #228
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    A lot of our youth (America's future) would be well served to hear what I just read. Re-think your choices , don't take life's lessons to the grave with you, pass them on.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Hirlau For This Useful Post:

    bharner (07-23-2012)

  12. #229
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    A lot of our youth (America's future) would be well served to hear what I just read. Re-think your choices , don't take life's lessons to the grave with you, pass them on.
    All has been passed on to my children by my wife and I ,in this world we have hundreds of millions, lets call them family units,You are the seed of your parents, only they can make you grow.
    American parents are far to involved with themselves to have any input into thier children (not all but most these days)
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  13. #230
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    A lot of our youth (America's future) would be well served to hear what I just read. Re-think your choices , don't take life's lessons to the grave with you, pass them on.
    So I was poking around Netflix tonight and thinking of this discussion aand found an interesting documentary that gets at some of the points that have been brought up by a lot of people.
    "The War on Kids" . Looking at the public schools in the US and the culture of the way kids are treated in a lot of schools across the country. It definitely pushes an agenda but as an ultra liberal conservative with a penchant for libertarianism, I recommended viewing it.
    It raises a lot of points towards what a lot of us are saying about American society. And as a father whose eldest child is getting ready to start school this fall, I'm scared.
    parkerskouson likes this.

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