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Thread: Whats your opinion on automatic weapons?

  1. #371
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pithor View Post
    My view is pretty simple:

    As it seems to me, there's too many people who see a gun more as an extension of their penis rather than a serious and grave means to defend themselves in an extreme situation.

    "I got a gun and if anyone comes at me, I'll whip it out and shove it up their ass!!" seems a common sentiment. Accidents happen when scared people get guns.
    In all the years I have owned a firearm I have never said anything as stupid and irresponsible as that ,anybody who is a responsible gun owner would not say that. Thanks for the generalized and speculative statement. And if you have taken the proper classes for concealed law abiding carry,you would be less inclined to have an accident let alone say something as cowboy irresponsable as that.Further don't think for a moment that soldiers and law enforcement officers don't get scared in the heat of the moment.
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  3. #372
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    In all the years I have owned a firearm I have never said anything as stupid and irresponsible as that ,anybody who is a responsible gun owner would not say that. Thanks for the generalized and speculative statement. And if you have taken the proper classes for concealed law abiding carry,you would be less inclined to have an accident let alone say something as cowboy irresponsable as that.Further don't think for a moment that soldiers and law enforcement officers don't get scared in the heat of the moment.
    Well I don't want to get in the middle of this one but if you look at the stats - I think you might find that most handgun deaths in America are done because of dumb people doing dumb things! So he has a point.

    That said - considering how many people here in the States carry handguns and have them in their homes... the numbers compared to other nations is remarkably small!! But of course you never are given that data when they publicize the Darwin awards!!

    I personally think you are both right!

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  5. #373
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Do the stats indicate whether said dumb people had the firearms legally or illegal ? There are a million "Stats" out there tailor made for whatever you want to believe. Left or right. think for yourself.

  6. #374
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    I am thinking for myself Night! In a country with so many people owning handguns lawfully or not... that there isn't more people being hurt is remarkable!!

    Maybe I am missing your point? If I am sorry... anyway, Mr. Sandman is singing his siren song

  7. #375
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Fair enough....have a pleasant night and no harm done .
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  8. #376
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    I'm out as well fellas.....pleasant dreams....nite.

  9. #377
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bharner View Post
    I don't understand the waiting period, especially after the first gun purchase.
    In Massachusetts it was $50 every 5 years for the card (that was 10 years ago)
    Here in Virginia as long as you're over 18, have two forms of ID, breathing and can pass a background check you you're good to go for long guns.
    "Assualt rifles" with pistol grips, detachable magazines and flash hiders require an additional ID.
    Handguns are the same, you just have to be over 21.
    Concealed carry is $50 every 5 years, apply at the county court so the Sheriff can sign off on it, extra background check and a safety class of some sort.
    You blokes seem to have more regulations than us. You comment about not understanding the waiting period holds true for us here as well. The licenced shooter here is just as much in the dark over that one too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    So I'm piping up again here for a moment.....Glen is right. We have enough laws and they need to be enforced.The reason anymore that people are so dangerous with guns or bombs or anything else for that matter is because of our society breakdown. Especially but not all inclusive in big urban areas where people, like hot little molecules are work obsessed or forced to work more hours to afford to live and spend little time with their Kids/family. Where schools are lax in or hand tied in making a bad behaver accountable because politics and lawmakers say they aren't allowed. When (at least in our country) we were at a time when the family unit existed and we punished a child for misbehaving without repricussions from the feelgood crowd and were able to monitor the growth and development of our kids.A time when law enforcement could do it's job without lobbiers crying fowl and Nazi at every turn. A time when media and cell phones didn't influence our emotions and sway our common sense. A time when acheivement was rewarded instead of handouts and a gold star on the forehead for everybody just because. When we thought for ourselves and kept a cohesive family unity with values and a good sense of community..that's when we had less problems with violence of any kind and less herd mentality want for our government to take over everything in our lives and regulate the snot out of us. At least for us here in the States,that was our hallmark ...being of a independant self governing pioneer spirit and mindset. Taking guns away here isn't going to solve anything because guns are not the problem's the modern lunacy that we live in and especially but again not all inclusive to our urban centers. Glens right...poeple who live in the more rural areas tend to be a little more grounded because thay have more space and time to focus on family and community...that's why we refer to the "Rat Race" here in America. Most big city dwellers(NOT ALL) are more concerned with their Latte's and facebook and would rather have everything taken care of for them so they can get on with their selfism. But as a society overall here in the states we need to get back to grassroots instead of progressing forward into this let the robot take care of the kids mentality.....that would be truly progressing forward......IMHO ! Now....about that Boar sausage...think I got some Kielbasa in the fridge somewhere hmmmm.
    ^ What he said! I agree.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    We're do I find a copy of this Willie?

    Just a little extra on a post I made regarding three supposedly handed in and destroyed firearms being found in the hands of criminals the other day, amongst the cache were several home made pistols (as well as an M 16 and a multitude of other long guns, one so old it's make and model couldn't be identified) that looked remarkably well made. A firearm is technically a simple affair that could be made with the use of a metal lathe and a little ingenuity. A law abiding person wouldn't do it, but obviously the crims are onto it.

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  10. #378
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    Hunting license is different and I still have to do that one, but one step at a time. PAL is a pretty painless experience but you don't save much time/money by not having your options open with a rPAL.My buddy who already had passed his PAL exam decided to take the rPAL portion of the course and the exam with me.

    I agree. What'll help prevent gun crime are 2 things:

    1) Stop the illegal imports from the US and China
    2) Create enough jobs that a decent life is guaranteed for most people on 8-8-8 including owning their home and retiring without eating cat food.
    I am sure those two things are a decent start at fixing the trouble and there is likely more too. I am disappointed to find out that I should be eating cat food though, now that I am retired myself.


  11. #379
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I am sure those two things are a decent start at fixing the trouble and there is likely more too. I am disappointed to find out that I should be eating cat food though, now that I am retired myself.

    I have done work where there was plenty of interaction with people on OAS/CPP, living in community housing, in truly squalid conditions. In one case, and that was while times were better than they are now, one oldtimer told me "I am sorry, but all I can offer you is a glass of water.. Haven't been able to afford coffee for the last 6 months." They are the lucky ones. The wait for the subsidized rent community housing is LONG. Even if they kicked out all of the dealers and pimps, there still wouldn't be enough units to house all the seniors who worked minimum wage jobs all their lives and just did not save enough to retire on.

  12. #380
    Senior Member donv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mapleleafalumnus View Post
    Is Ogie Ogilthorpe still banned in Canada??
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