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Thread: Whats your opinion on automatic weapons?

  1. #471
    The Razor Talker parkerskouson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    I simply don't understand this statement, why would I limit myself to a flintlock? I carry a ultra-reliable modern firearm, which is a semi-automatic & my backup is a mouse-gun (NAA .22mag revolver, small, very small). As a matter of a fact, I am eyeballing the new XDs...the latest and possibly greatest that is specifically designed for CCW in .45acp. I would be willing to bet that 95% of all concealed carry firearm research and development by major firearm manufacturers is in the semi-automatic department. Yes, I have a Judge revolver (the latest big thing to happen to revolvers), but that bulky thing is a hiking, console & nightstand weapon...hardly a CCW weapon unless you are wearing bulky clothing.

    May I remind everyone of the #1 killer of innocent people...negligence behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. My point is that people harm people & there is nothing a government entity can to about it. We the people must change it...
    Well said by a true Texan!!!!

    Like he said, the government doesn't have the slightest concern when it comes to these matters, so it is our job to fix it.
    "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Thomas Jefferson

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  3. #472
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    There's also the law of the matter.
    The second amendment states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

    Now, if me having aftermarket lights on my motorcycle is an "infringement" of traffic law, limiting what type of guns are legal is definitely an infringement of the 2nd amendment. We may need to let a few of the sitting supreme court judges go before this is agreed on though.

  4. #473
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    "Finns have the fourth most firearms in the world per capita (right after United States, Yemen, Switzerland) totalling 1.8 million registered privately owned firearms and 100,000–200,000 unregistered firearms. Gun related homicides are rare, comprising 14% of the total number of homicides, which is comparatively low"

    Sounds like maybe you have the guns but not the crime

    Edit: Looking closer it seems as though you are starting to get the Russian Mafia influence and Prisoners have increased 30% quite recently...
    Your crime stats also show that 75% of crimes are influenced by alcohol, sounds like you guys might look into Prohibition it might curb that crime rate for you...

    See guys it is rather easy to look from afar and render judgement...
    Pretty much guns, i know, but getting a license for hand gun these days is very difficult, but relatively easy for hunting rifles. I have a good mate who works at the police bear team (SWAT). He didn't get a license for getting a 9mm Glock. He was told that you already have guns at work, you wont need it when off duty.

    Street violence or violent burglars are almost non-existent problem here, specially the latter. We have violence but the crimes are rather related to alcohol and mental illness/depression. These two together make things go wrong. It is a cultural thing also but not reason to go into that in this thread about US gun laws. Something should be done, but no prohibition, thanks

    In general, violence is a small problem but of course it is a big problem for those who have experienced it. Maybe we have learned something about history or then it is a cultural thing, but using violence is not a first choice; not even the second. And not even for those 'bad guys' whoever they might be. As i wrote before, all life is sacred for most of us.
    Last edited by Sailor; 07-26-2012 at 04:14 PM.

  5. #474
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    It actually irritates me that a lot of people can't see that as a human you can't control your emotions enough in any number of given situations to make the correct choice. Men may burst into your home, I don't see how that make it ok to kill them, I don't even see how if they kill you or a loved one that gives you the right to kill. Nobody has that right. It makes me laugh that a lot of you are Christian and can't adhere to the 6th commandment thou shalt not kill. What about forgiveness?
    In the original Hebrew it is you shall not commit murder. Not Kill. A lot of folks get that one mixed up though. Murder is premeditated thought pattern to carry out an evil act. Killing is a physical mechanical act. I served 11 years in service to my country. Also have been shooting for 30 years. I have trained with multiple law enforcement agencies in regard to firearms (to include submachine guns and short barreled shotguns). I have also been employed by 2 different law enforcement agencies in my state. Part of my duties whilst (you brits talk clever, I do say) in service to my great FREE country was to carry a handgun on my side all over my base. I trained every 18 months with it. 45 rounds to practice and 45 rounds to qualify. I carried "round chambered, safety off" according to the local regulation that dictated such. Would you consider me a trained professional? A lot of the argument about these weapons centers around not being trained or not having the ability to operate them safely. Do I get a free pass now for having divulged just "some" of my past? I would like to know.
    Last edited by EMC45; 07-26-2012 at 05:03 PM.

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  7. #475
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    It's not about superiority, it is about survival. I love my fellow man. I am commanded to. I will kill him at a moments notice though, have no illusion. There are many warriors in days past who heaped up bodies in battle to return heros. And I am Christian. A follower of Christ. Evil is evil and I will do everything in my power to stop it if it presents itsself to effect me or my loved ones. I dare not councel the rapist or home invasion burglar on the enlightened highlights of live and let live. I will aim breathe and squeeze. More than once if need be.

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  9. #476
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    The home invasion robberies in my state more often than not end in death or serious injury/rape. One in particular in ATL a 15 boy was shot to death by 4 bandits. They were on their way out of the home too BTW. They just killed him. Or the one in CT. The lowlifes in that situation beat the mom to death and tied up the dad, raped the 11 year old daughter and burned the two daughters alive. I think I will take chances of having my family look at me differently by shooting a couple scumbags. At least they will be able to look at me right?
    ScottGoodman and MickR like this.

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  11. #477
    Senior Member sheajohnw's Avatar
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    But alcohol doesn't kill people, people kill people (taking liberty with the US slogan "Guns don't kill people, people kill people"). Seriously, the toll from alcohol abuse is very high. The US tried a grand social experiment prohibiting alcohol consumption through constitutional amendment. It is very difficult to amend the US constitution and requires a lot of support. Shouldn't the millions of people who consume alcohol with no issues be deprived of alcohol to reduce the carnage from those who should not drink? Noone really needs to drink alcohol. Are the persons who object to prohibition being selfish and socially irresponsible?

    Unfortunately, the grand experiment was a total failure. The public who wanted alcohol bought alcohol readily on the black market, the carnage from alcohol abuse was not reduced. There was a huge increase in organized crime, violence, and general disrespect for law by the public. Fortunes were made through crime and corruption. The constitution was later amended to repeal the alcohol prohibition, but we are still living with the adverse social consequences of its enactment. Before the early 1900s, there were no prohibitions against drugs. We are seeing the consequences of making drugs illegal today. The difficult question to answer is whether regulating drugs and alcohol significantly reduce their adverse social impacts or are most of those laws providing minimal benefit and making society much worse in comparison to the possible benefits gained.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Pretty much guns, i know, but getting a license for hand gun these days is very difficult, but relatively easy for hunting rifles. I have a good mate who works at the police bear team (SWAT). He didn't get a license for getting a 9mm Glock. He was told that you already have guns at work, you wont need it when off duty.

    Street violence or violent burglars are almost non-existent problem here, specially the latter. We have violence but the crimes are rather related to alcohol and mental illness/depression. These two together make things go wrong. It is a cultural thing also but not reason to go into that in this thread about US gun laws. Something should be done, but no prohibition, thanks

    In general, violence is a small problem but of course it is a big problem for those who have experienced it. Maybe we have learned something about history or then it is a cultural thing, but using violence is not a first choice; not even the second. And not even for those 'bad guys' whoever they might be. As i wrote before, all life is sacred for most of us.
    Last edited by sheajohnw; 07-26-2012 at 05:13 PM.

  12. #478
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Crotalus;997929]My family's life and MY life are more important than the robber's life. When a robber enters my home he has incurred the death sentence and I will carry it out.

    Why is your life less sacred than the life of a man intent on doing you harm? I will NEVER understand this sheep like mentality.[/

    Ding ding ding
    !!!!! Give this man the prize!!

  13. #479
    Senior Member Costabro's Avatar
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    If someone were to threaten my life or the life of one of my family member's, it is my earnest hope that I would dispense with the attacker in the most 'matter-of-fact' manner, then go fix myself a sandwich. The rest of this mealy mouth conversation makes my stomach churn.

  14. #480
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Ahhhh see you made the requirement for that with the Mob, in fact with the Mob I would want select fire.

    If there are multiple targets you want multiple rounds,, there is a reason why LEO's were switched from Revolvers to Semi-Auto about 30 years ago the stats were showing that they were more and more having to deal with Multiple Assailants sure wasn't because the Departments wanted to spend more on rounds and weapons...

    "If you need a hammer to drive a nail, don't show up with a screwdriver to get it done"

    We realize that it is hard for many of you in other countries to understand the US Wild West mentality, but you guys jumped in with your veiws and opinions about our gun laws, so we are explaining them to you and why they are ...
    No, not totally true. The main reason organizations change weapons and rounds is because they find themselves outgunned by one individual. Think the FBI shootout in Miami with the guy with the assault rifle and the guys with revolvers or going from 9mm to S&W40 to Sig 357. it's just to meet the threat. The number of bad guys is immaterial.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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