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Thread: Whats your opinion on automatic weapons?

  1. #451
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I don't know if I would regard myself as a pacifist anymore after reading that last paragraph. I thought I was, but in light of many of the comments made by self admitted pacifists, I reckon I'm more war-monger than anything else...Maybe I'm a conflict avoider who won't let himself be pushed...

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  3. #452
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post

    My eyes aren't what they used to be but I still ain't no slouch.

    I was taught to shoot at an early age by men who used rifles like that in Europe and the Pacific in WWII.

    Those old boys DAMN sure knew how to shoot. Thanks to them, I do too.
    I knew how to shoot when I went in the Navy, at least I thought I did. Our boot camp instructor said, "The people here that _know_ how to shoot won't listen to me and therefore won't do very well. The ones the listen will."

    So I decided to listen. I qualified for Expert at 200 yards the first time I picked up an M1 Garand. They were impressed enough that they took me out of classes and let me re-qualify while being watched. I shot 185 out of 200 and got my Expert Marksman medal.

    While shooting I got to miss the gas chamber class.

  4. #453
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    That's not a tough one at all!! Nope! No sir. It might be after the deed is done, but nope - easy peasy - blow him away lol.

    This is the one that haunts me though. You're getting up there in age and it's late. You hear a crash downstairs and you are the only one living in the house. You call the police - grab your scatter gun and go down to investigate. As you look around you are relieved to see its only a raccoon that has entered your house and raising hell.

    You think you hear something behind you outside, and turn gun in hand to look out of your front door window to see what it is... only to be shot by the cops for refusing to drop your gun.

    True story according to some training manual I was reading... Moreover it's called a "good shoot" so it doesn't even make it on the books!

    The point was - carry a handgun and conceal it if you can - if police see you walking around with a gun - anything can happen : (
    Two local incidents come to mind. One was an old lady that came to her door holding a gun after calling the police. She was inside her house and refused to drop the gun when ordered to by the police. She was shot.

    Another was a store owner that had a robber trapped and called the police. The police arrived and the cop in charge ordered his rookie partner to stay in the car. The robber squeezed out of a window and the store owner gave chase. The rookie shot the store owner.

    Draw your own conclusions about how safe the police make you.

  5. #454
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    Ask them to leave, They may intend to Rob you and leave. You say unarmed, do you have a metal detector on the door to your home, you mean seemingly unarmed. BY discharging your weapon you could give your family a death sentence by being to proud to lose your possessions. There are other things they could be after but ultimately shooting could cause your family to die, there are two men you kill one and the other draws his weapon and sinks two rounds into your chest. I know it's difficult to shoot to wound, I have in depth knowledge of human anatomy from my university training. Hence why I don't think people should have access to weapons that are, in the hands of a non expert, really only be used to kill.

    Also, anti gun rhetoric didn't need experience you just need to know life is important.
    My family's life and MY life are more important than the robber's life. When a robber enters my home he has incurred the death sentence and I will carry it out.

    Why is your life less sacred than the life of a man intent on doing you harm? I will NEVER understand this sheep like mentality.

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  7. #455
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    Two local incidents come to mind. One was an old lady that came to her door holding a gun after calling the police. She was inside her house and refused to drop the gun when ordered to by the police. She was shot.

    Another was a store owner that had a robber trapped and called the police. The police arrived and the cop in charge ordered his rookie partner to stay in the car. The robber squeezed out of a window and the store owner gave chase. The rookie shot the store owner.

    Draw your own conclusions about how safe the police make you.
    Years ago a young man came home from college unexpected by his parents, after his long drive home he walked into his parents house in the middle of the night and was shot and killed by his own father, draw your own conclusions.........

  8. #456
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    The gun is in a fingertip gunsafe under the lid of the table, any responsible gunowner with Children has safeguards, and teaches their kids about guns...

    Trust me I have answers for just about any situation you try and toss in there I have asked this question 1000's of times and have heard just about every wrinkle that can be tossed out there..

    You either step up to protect your loved one or you don't

    SRH your answer is called the the Cap't Kirk, Kobayashi Maru where you try and change the rules of the Scenario to suit yourself (you might have to Google that don't know how popular Star Trek is across the pond)
    We have always had loaded guns in the house. My children were taught from a very young age what they were and how dangerous they were. The way I taught my kids was to take them to a gun range at a young age and let them watch me shoot. I think feeling the pressure wave, seeing the flash, and hearing the explosion was enough to impress their young minds that guns were dangerous and not to be touched. When they were older I let them shoot. It worked.

    When my kids had overnight guests I made sure and advised them that any gun they might come across in our house was LOADED. We never had a problem.

    I took the whole family to a skeet range about a month ago and all had fun. They have already requested another round.
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  9. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Pretty easy to answer. Of course i shoot. And in the panic i kill the bad guy when i mean just to stop and not kill him. Makes me a murderer (morally doomed for life) although by law i have all the right to kill. Or in the worst case i kill my loved one.

    Of course this is a zero scenario. Such thing do not happen here. Even those rare burglars have no intent to kill.
    Sadly it does happen here. At the same time I give a cheer when the bad guys get shot in the act. It makes the next bad guy think twice.

  10. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    Here's one for the conservatives: A communist is starving and half dead on your doorstep. There is no one but you around. You have nothing in your cupboard but one can of baked beans which you had been saving for when Obama brings down Armageddon with his ineptitude. In addition, she is a former soviet supermodel and believes in Obamacare and gun control. Do you feed her, or do you let her starve?

    Well, since she is a supermodel, I offer to let her move in and trade her half my beans for sex.
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  11. #459
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    Quote Originally Posted by Groth View Post
    As a gun owner. I understand safety a rules to follow when using a firearm. One of them is know what you are pointing at, and what is potentially behind that said target.
    This is why you keep bird shot in your shotgun. Less chance of going through sheet rock and hurting someone in the next room.

  12. #460
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    This is why you keep bird shot in your shotgun. Less chance of going through sheet rock and hurting someone in the next room.
    But then you have to explain the malicious wounding charge.
    A .223 (hollow point, soft point oor TSX) is much less likely to overpenetrate. And with a red dot sight it's not much different than aiming a shotgun

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