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Thread: Whats your opinion on automatic weapons?

  1. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    This is the thought, behind the "More Guns Less Crime" statements and here in the US that trend is evident, Where people are precieved to own and carry and use guns (Rural areas) the crime stats are quite low.. Where the Gun laws are very strict and only criminals have guns (Large Cities) the Crime rates are much higher..

    This however also could be attributed to other things as well, and you get the Pro-gun vs Anti-Gun debates

    There is no simple solution, but "More Gun Laws" are not it, at least not here in the Wild Wild West of the US

    BTW where I live I better be able to protect myself and fight fires too, because I am so far out in the boonies that it would be at least 30 minutes for help to arrive

    Oh and to really scare my EU friends, I have maybe 10 houses within a 2 mile radius of my place and every single one owns multiple guns..
    It is amazing that we haven't all shot each other Huh???
    We have almost no crime in rural areas just the same, I think it could be because there is more of a sense of community in rural areas, where in cities people don't know their neighbors and are detached.

    You better keep an eye on those neighbors of yours Glenn lol
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  2. #442
    Senior Member donv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I sincerely thank you for so succinctly pointing out that your Anti-Gun rhetoric is based not on facts or logic but blind, hatred of something that you can in know way have experience with.. Now I no longer need to even bother reading your future posts on Gun Issues..

    Yep yer a proud Liberal alright

    Time for the true Liberal test question

    I ask all supposed Liberals this one,,,

    I don't know your family situation so let's generalize

    You and your most favorite loved one are sitting quietly at home, Watching TV (Since you have eluded to "Training" in this thread) you have a cast on your broken leg from a "training accident" .. The door brusts open two unarmed large thugs rush in and grab your loved one, without asking for anything or demanding anything, they procede to brutilize them, it looks as though they intend to kill your loved one... In the drawer of the table you are sitting next to is a loaded handgun (an old Webly your Grandfather used during WW2 )...

    Do you draw and shoot,, or do you accept the inevitable.. BTW if you shoot to warn they will see the fear in your eye, and take the gun from you and probably kill you and your loved one... Also you might not know this as a non-shooter but shooting to wound is not so easy...

    So???? Moment of truth now, pretty tough situation, huh

    Watch out I have converted many Anti-Gun Liberals into shooters with this one
    You didn't give the option of calling the police.

    You didn't give the option of calling the ACLU.

    I only included the ACLU because they need to be on hand to insure that nobody's rights are violated.

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  3. #443
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Have lived in rural Id. Alaska.Nev. The attitude that prevails in such areas is that guns are just tools,no diff. than the shovel in the bed of the truck.people in such places respect each other because thay know everyone is armed,every husbands wife knows how to use a gun and has easy access to one,You do not see pedophiles in rural areas,they know better to not reside in such places,such people oftimes just disapear, never to be seen again

  4. #444
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Have lived in rural Id. Alaska.Nev. The attitude that prevails in such areas is that guns are just tools,no diff. than the shovel in the bed of the truck.people in such places respect each other because thay know everyone is armed,every husbands wife knows how to use a gun and has easy access to one,You do not see pedophiles in rural areas,they know better to not reside in such places,such people oftimes just disapear, never to be seen again
    Back in my college days I was heavily into cave exploring and a couple times a year we would make the trek to West Virginia which is a big time cave area. We would go off in groups way into the hills looking for caves and usually stumble into a clearing and find a shack and some out buildings and a family living like it was back in the 1800s and a few shotguns leveled at us. For the most part they knew what we were because we wore coveralls and were covered in cave mud and after a brief misunderstanding got along fine but every now and they we'd run into some werry, werry swenge folk livin back in them hills who shoot first and don't ask no questions never. You talk to the town constable later and he tells you no one goes back there not even him and he knows them all.

    yep folk just disappear there.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #445
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post

    We're do I find a copy of this Willie?

    EASY!! Right click, "SAVE AS". LOL
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  7. #446
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    EASY!! Right click, "SAVE AS". LOL

    Geez, I hate that. Reminds me of the ime I asked this lanky hillbilly in Tennesee, which of the five bus' he wanted us to board for our trip to the head of the white water. His response, "That'n one with all them rafts on top'll do fer a start!"


    P.S I ws going to just say "B@$t@rd", but that very Australian bit of vernacular, and the way it is used may well have been misconstrued by others not from these parts .
    Last edited by MickR; 07-26-2012 at 06:04 AM. Reason: Added a P.S. Couldn't help myself after all.
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  8. #447
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    Geez, I hate that. Reminds me of the ime I asked this lanky hillbilly in Tennesee, which of the five bus' he wanted us to board for our trip to the head of the white water. His response, "That'n one with all them rafts on top'll do fer a start!"

    So long as you didn't hear banjo music in the background, you'll be alright.
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  9. #448
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Thems were my kinds a folks. I felt right at home with the banjo playin'!

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  10. #449
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mapleleafalumnus View Post
    I'm calling BS on this one, unless the test was similar to this
    It's Kansas. Less than 500 people that live there actually want to be there. The blind guy is helping the process.

  11. #450
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    It isn't just Christianity it's a matter of principle and moral fiber IMO, I'm not even religious I'm humanist. I can't imagine thinking I had the right to take another's life, nobody is superior to anybody else, some just get lost along the way.
    You are right that we can't always control our emotions but given time, practice, and training, we learn to operate around or in spite of our emotions.

    I have had the distinct displeasure of performing CPR on an older friend who taught me a few important life lessons. Knowing that there was no heartbeat I did it anyway. I knew there was a very slim chance he would survive due to one of the valves of his heart not properly working but, because of my training and my duty to him as a friend, I did it anyway. All I wanted to do was hold him and cry.
    Two coworkers of mine were near by. I had one of them call 911 while I began CPR. She answered questions that were asked of her and then shut down and was out of work for the next couple days. The other coworker just began crying and had to leave work early that day.
    I dug a Black & Mild out of my car, smoked it, and finished up my shift. Because of various training I have chosen to undertake throughout my short life and because I have been, from a relatively young age, exposed to situations where my fight or flight response has been provoked (sometimes on purpose, sometimes due to my youthful indescretions and stupidity) I have learned that the correct option is usually neither. It's to calmly figure out what the exact issue is and how can I resolve it in a way that causes myself and those I care about the least amount of harm.

    In Glen's scenario I can assure you that both perps would be dead or wishing they were. I wouldn't be pleased with myself but my firm belief is that once someone has crossed my threshold they have decided that either my possessions or life are worth more than theirs and I am happy to oblige them.
    That is a situation where I would be fully aware of my emotions and while I may be overcome with fear my desire to see my children and wife survive would be far stronger.

    When I was single I could probably have cared less what bad people did to me provided I lived through it. But quite honestly, the lives and safety of my wife and children are worth more than gold to me. I could not live with myself knowing that they had been raped or killed while I had the power to prevent it but not the will to act upon it.

    Believe it or not I went to a pacifist university and had a professor that was such a hard core pacifist that he once told us that if his home was invaded and his wife was being raped in the next room he would pray for the men raping her, forgive them, and pray for her.
    It's amazing what age, experience, and young children will do to a man's pysche.
    EMC45, WillN and Crotalus like this.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to bharner For This Useful Post:

    parkerskouson (07-26-2012)

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