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Thread: Dogs!

  1. #701
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Spring is coming now fast so it's maybe last changes for the dogs to have fun in the snow for a while. Out on a walk today with Aura, Jurri and Tartu:

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  2. #702
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suticat View Post
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    Pandora Boxer
    Had to make the hardest choice of my life last week. She lost her fight against a vicious mast cell tumor that just wouldn't go away regardless of treatment. One of the most gentle and kind hearted dogs I've ever known.
    I'm sorry for your loss my friend. I hate it when things like this happen. It's so heartbreaking but at the same time, you know she isn't hurting anymore.
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  3. #703
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    we do Cattle Dog Rescue so dogs are rolling through all the time but have 4 dogs of our own 3 cattle dogs and a lab mix.
    Where in Aussie are you?

  4. #704
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    Name:  image.jpg
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Size:  74.2 KB (pre wet shaving obsession) My bird dog is a German Wirehair. Such a fun breed! Always craziness in the house..haha when I got home tonight, she rounded the corner so fast to come see me that she collided nose to nose with our now-16mo old son, Rowan - so hard that there was blood from his nose on top of her head. And it only took 2 years to get her used to the cat in the house. We had to compromise, though. She's allowed to eat any cat she can catch OUTSIDE the house. God, I love sporting dogs! Haha


  5. #705
    Senior Member jfleming9232's Avatar
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    My girls seem to be enjoying the new home.

    Last night, I shot an elephant in my pajamas..........

  6. #706
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    My 5 yr old Granddaughter and her kelpie...

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    Into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown ~ Jim Morrison

  7. #707
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    How did I not know about this thread until now..?!

    My beast - Nala.
    She's a half Boxer - Half Demon (or a Vizsla, we're not sure..)
    One day, while patrolling on a car, I see this dog chasing it, excited... I stopped, the owner was behind her and I knew him..
    Turns out, he took her when she was very little, a few hours before they put her down in the canal. He thought she'd make a good watch-dog (because of her color, she looks rather dangerous on first sight), and he was very wrong: She's kind of mute, she was scared of everything (including her own barking, hence - mute..), and she was too sweet...
    In order to "release" the inner guard dog in her, he treated her very-very badly, which didn't really work and only made her more scared. Anyway, he told me he didn't want her anymore, and I already fell in love, and took her from him.

    Today she's five, still frightened of almost anything, but she's amazing, smart, playful and extremely energetic (a typical Boxer). It took me a whole year to get her to realize I'm not gonna hurt her, and till this day, I think she's not sure of it. Even my parents love her, and my parents HATE dogs...
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  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Haim For This Useful Post:

    engine46 (03-20-2016), lz6 (03-20-2016)

  9. #708
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    My best friend moved into a new home not long ago & is looking to get him a German Short Hair puppy. His family always had that type of dog for years.
    My boy got out yesterday after some morons who my landlord sent over to look at parts of the house that need work, left the gate unlatched. When he gets out, he is a PITA to catch. I have even tried to bribe him with treats but it never worked but I got on my Harley & found him just down the street & tried the treat bribe but it didn't work as usual. I then yelled out to him if he wanted some pizza. He came running back home!
    Now I know that one works but I'm waiting for a GPS dog tag for him.
    lz6 and markbignosekelly like this.

  10. #709
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    For those that have been following my posts about my granddaughter and her service dog here are four pictures I got today. I am close to tears in seeing the difference in her from before the arrival of Naveen in her life. She has gone from basically closed off to the world around her because of myriad small epileptic seizures to a calmer, less agitated child so much more aware of life around her.

    Name:  Naveen & Abigail 4.jpg
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    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  11. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Razorfeld For This Useful Post:

    Cangooner (03-30-2016), engine46 (03-20-2016), GrimClippers (03-30-2016), Hirlau (03-20-2016), lz6 (03-20-2016), markbignosekelly (03-20-2016), MikeB52 (03-20-2016), ScottGoodman (03-21-2016)

  12. #710
    71L is offline
    Shaving Grace 71L's Avatar
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    Name:  image.jpg
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Size:  29.0 KBMy two German Shepherd girls, Bella & Neve ("Beauty" and "Snow" in Portuguese)
    Shaved by Grace

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