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Thread: Dogs!

  1. #231
    Senior Member donv's Avatar
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    I took my husky Sasha and her new friend, a yellow lab named Abbey to the coast. Good lord! They had a blast!! My Sasha did so good, she usually doesn't listen to me too well, but, after she calmed down she could run free in camp and didn't misbehave even when four other dogs came over from another campsite. Abbey was a good influence on her, Sasha didn't run off to explore for miles with someone to explore with.

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    checking out the creek
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    being good in camp
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    Sasha the sailor
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    a pretty, obedient pup, a GSD from another campsite
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    Silence is Golden, but duct tape is Silver.

  2. #232
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EAGLESKADU View Post
    Why do bad things happen to our loved ones at the worst times? When money is extremely tight and were about to move and need every dime we have our Lab/American Bulldog Mix was coming around a corner in the house last night and all of a sudden she had her back left leg lifted. She has had a luxated patella for a while but it will usually just pop back in or I can massage it back in, not in this case. So all night I was worried about her, till morning hoping it would pop back in. No luck. So we took her to the vet and low and behold she has a torn Crucial ligament, basically a torn acl for people. Shelby my pup, never made a wince, never a cry, not a whimper. It breaks my heart. And of course the one and only orthopedic surgeon within 100 miles of me is the one I went to and he isnt board certified. Not making me feel any better. And of course $2600 for the surgery sure as hell stings. Sorry to bring the post down.
    I feel for ya brother,forget the price of getting the ears done,when it comes to a repair,I treat my dogs like I would treat my a point,but as you said,those points can really hurt. Hope he heals alright.

  3. #233
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    As if its not bad enough that my Shelby blew out her acl but that there is only one vet that can do the surgery for 100miles as mentioned. Couple that with his first opening the 23rd of this month. She has to wait patiently in her crate for almost 2 weeks before even getting the surgery. She is being so damn good, it breaks my heart that I have to keep her in her bed all the time. She doesn't understand that if I let her run on the 3 legs as she wants to she can blow out the other back one and I'd really be scewed. Reason 100000000 why I can't wait to get out of this town and get back down to the bay area and civilization.

  4. #234
    Senior Member donv's Avatar
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    Saw this and just had to post it! It should probably be on the "black and white photo" thread, but I don't know where to find that. Another great picture from Retronaut!

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    Hirlau and pfries like this.
    Silence is Golden, but duct tape is Silver.

  5. #235
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by EAGLESKADU View Post
    As if its not bad enough that my Shelby blew out her acl but that there is only one vet that can do the surgery for 100miles as mentioned. Couple that with his first opening the 23rd of this month. She has to wait patiently in her crate for almost 2 weeks before even getting the surgery. She is being so damn good, it breaks my heart that I have to keep her in her bed all the time. She doesn't understand that if I let her run on the 3 legs as she wants to she can blow out the other back one and I'd really be scewed. Reason 100000000 why I can't wait to get out of this town and get back down to the bay area and civilization.
    I just left the bay area after 64 years,trust me,it is not civilized by any stretch.

  6. #236
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    Now your just further East Bay now.
    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    I just left the bay area after 64 years,trust me,it is not civilized by any stretch.

  7. #237
    Member NOVARazor's Avatar
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    Lexy, our 8 year old pit bull. We rescued her from the shelter in December.
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  8. #238
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Here's a dog post. That's almost inconceivable, this Sunday while walking my dog with my best friend who owns her half-sister we were walking around a lot and the subject we were talking about was their age, their condition and how long we thought they had being that they're both in good health, his dog Angel is six months younger. Well, we had gone around the track twice and come to the conclusion that they were both in pretty good shape other than their back legs, the knees aren't what they used to be with arthritis and age, I'm sure you guys know the story, but as the words came out of my mouth that other than their legs, they're in pretty good shape for twelve year old dogs and probably have a couple good years left, at that point we turned around to see where they were and saw Angel on the ground doing what we thought was rolling around in bird crap as anyone with an outdoor dog will tell you they love to do, so as we started walking towards her. We noticed she wasn't breathing, at which point we ran, her eyes were open but she wasn't breathing we performed CPR on this dog for almost a half an hour, and she almost came back to us, but after the 30 min. her bladder let go her gums turned white, and we lost her. I have never seen my friend more shocked and stunned it all the time. I know him (over 40 yrs) my son came with the truck. We loaded her in the back and my dog, Comet got in with her, leaned up against her and didn't make a sound. We got her back to my house called the vet and brought her there for overnight storage, so to speak. This had to be one of the strangest days of my life. I'm not sure if this was some cosmic coincidence as my words were still hanging in the air but after reflecting on it for a bit I realized this is probably the best way your best friend can go, she was in the park with her sister and her master. Having a great time and pretty much gone before she hit the ground. I'm still a little shook up by this ordeal as I carried that puppy back on my lap for six hours while we drove back from the breeder as he did for me five months earlier, the bond between man and dog can sometimes be tighter than men have for each other. Just a strange story. I thought I had to share.

  9. #239
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    Sorry to hear that, while your right it couldn't have ended a better way they are family and the pain still runs deep.
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    Grizzley1 (04-17-2013)

  11. #240
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EAGLESKADU View Post
    Why do bad things happen to our loved ones at the worst times? When money is extremely tight and were about to move and need every dime we have our Lab/American Bulldog Mix was coming around a corner in the house last night and all of a sudden she had her back left leg lifted. She has had a luxated patella for a while but it will usually just pop back in or I can massage it back in, not in this case. So all night I was worried about her, till morning hoping it would pop back in. No luck. So we took her to the vet and low and behold she has a torn Crucial ligament, basically a torn acl for people. Shelby my pup, never made a wince, never a cry, not a whimper. It breaks my heart. And of course the one and only orthopedic surgeon within 100 miles of me is the one I went to and he isnt board certified. Not making me feel any better. And of course $2600 for the surgery sure as hell stings. Sorry to bring the post down.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    Here's a dog post. That's almost inconceivable, this Sunday while walking my dog with my best friend who owns her half-sister we were walking around a lot and the subject we were talking about was their age, their condition and how long we thought they had being that they're both in good health, his dog Angel is six months younger. Well, we had gone around the track twice and come to the conclusion that they were both in pretty good shape other than their back legs, the knees aren't what they used to be with arthritis and age, I'm sure you guys know the story, but as the words came out of my mouth that other than their legs, they're in pretty good shape for twelve year old dogs and probably have a couple good years left, at that point we turned around to see where they were and saw Angel on the ground doing what we thought was rolling around in bird crap as anyone with an outdoor dog will tell you they love to do, so as we started walking towards her. We noticed she wasn't breathing, at which point we ran, her eyes were open but she wasn't breathing we performed CPR on this dog for almost a half an hour, and she almost came back to us, but after the 30 min. her bladder let go her gums turned white, and we lost her. I have never seen my friend more shocked and stunned it all the time. I know him (over 40 yrs) my son came with the truck. We loaded her in the back and my dog, Comet got in with her, leaned up against her and didn't make a sound. We got her back to my house called the vet and brought her there for overnight storage, so to speak. This had to be one of the strangest days of my life. I'm not sure if this was some cosmic coincidence as my words were still hanging in the air but after reflecting on it for a bit I realized this is probably the best way your best friend can go, she was in the park with her sister and her master. Having a great time and pretty much gone before she hit the ground. I'm still a little shook up by this ordeal as I carried that puppy back on my lap for six hours while we drove back from the breeder as he did for me five months earlier, the bond between man and dog can sometimes be tighter than men have for each other. Just a strange story. I thought I had to share.
    My thoughts and prayers are with both of you, It is hard to lose a family member, a friend, or to watch a loved one suffer.

    Prayers and thoughts
    Grizzley1 likes this.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to pfries For This Useful Post:

    Grizzley1 (04-17-2013)

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