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  1. #41
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I was in the liquor store last week and noted a Speyside malt called "The Singleton" 12 year old for $23.00 and thought it must be swill. I took the bait and went for it though figuring, how bad could it be ? Turned out to be a very tasty single malt. Not sure why so cheap but it was darned good ...... as long as it lasted.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  2. #42
    Gold Dollar Heretic greatgoogamooga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowhead View Post
    My recommendation for an inexpensive, easy drinking single would be Aberlour, .
    First I run into a Bourbon thread, now a scotch thread. I knew I'd find this one somewhere

    Aberlour is my house scotch. Smooth, easy to drink and reasonably priced. I Drink most liquor with ice, scotch included. I think the water helps open up flavors.

    next thread I'm looking for is the hombrewer thread. i'm sure it's out there somewhere too.


  3. #43
    Senior Member Malacoda's Avatar
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    You know, it's funny...

    I had always thought of Glenfiddich as a low end scotch. Then, in 2001, while on my honeymoon in Ireland and Scotland, I planned a stop at The Macallan distillery because I always heard they were one of the most appreciated by aficionados...

    Turns out they were doing maintenance and closed for tours. So my wife saw a sign for Glenf's and said 'there's one with tours why not stop there?'

    Now, I have to tell you, up to that point I had already gone on MANY brewery tours and a few distillery tours (couldn't pass up Jameson's while in Ireland) so I had seen my fair share of stills, vats, etc.

    Well, a bit bummed but wanting to do at least one distillery tour while in Scotland I said 'okay'...

    Best damn tour I've ever been on. And, while I'm not a diehard scotch fan, turns out of those of I've tried (including the likes of Johnnie Walker Blue, etc.), it surprised me and as one of those I liked most. Also learned that it's one of the last few - if not THE last - distillery that still adds water from springs on site rather than shipping the concentrate straight from the barrels to a port city where the water is added just before distribution or export.

    Glenfiddich has always had a special spot in my heart and on my taste buds ever since...

  4. #44
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Well just got back home from the national league ice hockey game. To celebrate the victory it is a time for piece of Bunnahabhan now. No time to take a decent picture
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    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
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  5. #45
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Oh dear, I reckon this will take some explaining. An impulse buy at Heathrow airport today: Lagavulin limited edition cask strength 12yo. My wife doesn't know yet. Question is, how much of a dent can I put into the bottle before I return home on Tuesday?
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  6. #46
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I was in the liquor store last week and noted a Speyside malt called "The Singleton" 12 year old for $23.00 and thought it must be swill. I took the bait and went for it though figuring, how bad could it be ? Turned out to be a very tasty single malt. Not sure why so cheap but it was darned good ...... as long as it lasted.
    I believe that Max had a bottle of The Singleton displayed in one of his earlier SOTD posts. I've tried to locate it in my favorite local liquor store, but every time I ask for it, its sold out.

    It must be popular.
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  7. #47
    Gold Dollar Heretic greatgoogamooga's Avatar
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    I see a new sub forum starting. SOTD---Scotch of the day. Post a pic of your bottle du jour, with the glass and describe how you served. Tonight is a bottle my wife gave me for Christmas. McCallan's Cask Strength. Served on the rocks and allowed to rest for a short while before drinking. The Cask strength does not have any water added to it, so it's got a little bite to it.

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  8. #48
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatgoogamooga View Post
    I see a new sub forum starting. SOTD---Scotch of the day. Post a pic of your bottle du jour, with the glass and describe how you served. Tonight is a bottle my wife gave me for Christmas. McCallan's Cask Strength. Served on the rocks and allowed to rest for a short while before drinking. The Cask strength does not have any water added to it, so it's got a little bite to it.

    I find after you let it sit a few minutes, the bite retreats and you get a nice McCallans taste. Enjoy.
    I am a bit jealous as I don't drink on work nights.
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  9. #49
    Gold Dollar Heretic greatgoogamooga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    I find after you let it sit a few minutes, the bite retreats and you get a nice McCallans taste. Enjoy.
    I am a bit jealous as I don't drink on work nights.
    Exactly why I drink on the rocks. As for the work nights.....I didnt' really work today


  10. #50
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatgoogamooga View Post
    Exactly why I drink on the rocks. As for the work nights.....I didnt' really work today

    Drinking on the Rocks.
    Takes me back to Sydney Aus...

    But I digress -- I was drinking Guinness and too much at that.
    The good news is that Sydney has lots of cabs.

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