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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #4461
    Crimson King
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    I think your opinion is a sound one. I think you may also be "preaching to the converted" as most of us who follow this thread are fairly "unpretentious", and, "exactly what we try to be" as well. We're fairly laid back around here I'd say.

    I absolutely recognize this; that is why I said some in the community rather than some on this board. I have been impressed flipping through the pages here both with the pipes posted and the responses. A MM pipe will get as many likes as an expensive piece of briar. It is more the photograph than somebody's preconceived notion of what makes a good pipe or tobacco that seems to matter. I will confess that I have never owned a MM; drug stores up here do not sell pipes anymore, the tobacconists do not carry them (likely not enough profit margin?) and I had not really considered ordering one online. After going through the pages and seeing some serious MM pipe porn I will be searching one out soon.

    I just always feel like ranting when somebody feels that they need to put up a defense of their choice in either tobacco or pipe. As Nosewarmer has just stated: as long as you enjoy it that is ALL that matters.

    I had spent a lot of money chasing the perfect pipe in the past based on other boards where one poster would declare a Dunhill patent the ultimate smoke, another a pre-transition Barling and yet another poster say that only a high grade will ever satisfy the quest for the ultimate smoke. I do not know that I ever found the perfect pipe, though I have a strong sense of my personal preferences (none based on price or maker- all based on shape, grain, size etc.)

    I find that I have really enjoyed this thread and appreciated all of the pictures with extra credit objects. It has the creative juices flowing.
    Last edited by dolf; 07-19-2012 at 07:28 PM.

  2. #4462
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    While I smoke my Dr. less than my other pipes, it's not because its a bag pipe, it's simply not my favorite. I love my MM cobs, IMHO they're the best bang for your buck out there. Dont let anyone tell you OTC blends are bad, I reach for CH, PA and Granger more than anything else.

  3. #4463
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    i have a few different pipes myself. i personally like churchwardens. but the pipes i have that see the most action are my cobs, if only because of the of two factors. one they smoke great, and two, while on the job, i don't want to risk losing a high end briar to a furnace full of molten copper, and to lose a cob wont set me back an arm and a leg to replace.
    dolf and oldschooltools like this.
    always be yourself...unless you suck. Joss Whedon

  4. #4464
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devilpup View Post
    While I smoke my Dr. less than my other pipes, it's not because its a bag pipe, it's simply not my favorite. I love my MM cobs, IMHO they're the best bang for your buck out there. Dont let anyone tell you OTC blends are bad, I reach for CH, PA and Granger more than anything else.
    The force is strong in this one! IMHO, codger burlies such as CH, PA, Granger and even Captain Black, are great tobaccos in general but particularly good start up tobaccos. They're affordable, quite smokable and virtually turn a blind eye to techique (or lack thereof.) As you point out, nothing goes better with these types of tobaccos than a MM. Burley and cob pipes are indeed a match made in heaven.

  5. #4465
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wvloony View Post
    i have a few different pipes myself. i personally like churchwardens. but the pipes i have that see the most action are my cobs, if only because of the of two factors. one they smoke great, and two, while on the job, i don't want to risk losing a high end briar to a furnace full of molten copper, and to lose a cob wont set me back an arm and a leg to replace.
    Like jumping into a furnace after an expensive briar would, huh?!

    I am also a lover of my churchy. I only have the one. It rarely gets smoked, as it is just much less conspicuous smoking my other favourite style, the 'bent', while in public. My luck I would have someone run into me and jam my churchy down my throat by accident, or I'd take out someones eye or something .

    dolf, Adam G. and NoseWarmer like this.

  6. #4466
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    The force is strong in this one! IMHO, codger burlies such as CH, PA, Granger and even Captain Black, are great tobaccos in general but particularly good start up tobaccos. They're affordable, quite smokable and virtually turn a blind eye to techique (or lack thereof.) As you point out, nothing goes better with these types of tobaccos than a MM. Burley and cob pipes are indeed a match made in heaven.
    Niothing beats the codger burlies for this old codger. Best blends there are to break in a new pipe or just relax. As already mentioned no need for alot of technique.

  7. #4467
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    Kingfisher in a Savinelli Milano.

  8. #4468
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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  9. #4469
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    The force is strong in this one! IMHO, codger burlies such as CH, PA, Granger and even Captain Black, are great tobaccos in general but particularly good start up tobaccos. They're affordable, quite smokable and virtually turn a blind eye to techique (or lack thereof.) As you point out, nothing goes better with these types of tobaccos than a MM. Burley and cob pipes are a match made in heaven.
    Thank you. I have to admit it was your glowing reviews of them that conven Ed me to to try them to start with.

    Last night I was lucky enough to have a pipeful of CH in a cob while listening to Motörhead live. Today I returned home after a funeral to find my apartment fuilled with an extra 3 girls I didn't know. It seems we've opened a boarding house for passing college girls. Thats alright they seem to like my pipesmoking and tip well when I bartend. ;-)

  10. #4470
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Hearth and Home Stogie in an Edward's Prince. Can't decide if I like this tobacco or not, it has that lemony sour virginia taste and the leathery oriental taste, with just enough burley to make it smokeable and just enough maduro to make it kind of remind you of a really, really mild cigar. Sometimes (like tonight) I really enjoy it and sometimes it just doesn't seem to pass muster. Rather unusual most blends I find I either like or don't care for pretty consistently.
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 07-23-2012 at 01:43 AM.
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