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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #6491
    Let's keep it simple... Robert1988's Avatar
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    Hi all,

    just to tell you that going through this thread has made me to get a pipe and start smoking again, after 6 years.

    Two weeks ago I got this set:

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    from my girlfriend, along with Mac Baren Original Choice. I did not turn into avid smoker to smoke just to smoke, I rather enjoy occasional smoke with good company.

    Now, I am avid collector and go every Saturday to our local flee market. There I found this beauty:

    And I believe that it is ready now for salt treatment. Now, I noticed that stem has some funky smell to it (on the outside) so I was thinking of immersing it into dish washing detergent solution and after that to sand it (P1000 - P2000 wet dry) and polish it by hand, as it has some teeth marks at the lip. Does that stem look like oxidized vulcanite or does it look like something else?

    Any info is greatly appreciated.


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    Last edited by Robert1988; 03-25-2013 at 08:13 AM.

  2. #6492
    Let's keep it simple... Robert1988's Avatar
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    Last edited by Robert1988; 03-25-2013 at 08:18 AM.

  3. #6493
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    I've been to all those places Tomi, and even for a country lad like myself, I found New York interesting. Yellowstone is like stepping back into time, and you sort of expect a dinosaur to come out at you. A strong smell of sulpher and boiling mud. Alaska is amazingly pure and wild and Niagara needs to be seen from Canada to really get the full glory...Or from down below and looking at it from the water. Route 66 is just a back road and not well kept, sadly.

    N.Y or L.A would be interesting maybe, but i've never been so fascinated about crowded places with lot of folks around. I feel sort of lost. Back roads have much more to show about life. You should see some back roads & places in Poland, Lithuania or Spain. It was like coming to a whole new world.

    Back years ago, as a kid i read a book 'Last places' by Lawrence Millman. It was like seeing the light Ever since i've been interested in places with not much tourists around.

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  5. #6494
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    absolutely agree, Tomi!

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    Sailor (03-25-2013)

  7. #6495
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert1988 View Post
    Continued pics:

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    Hey there Rob....Welcome to SRP and the pipe thread. If you have a tobacco shop near you,check with them and see if they sell mouth piece restoration kits which are better than using dish is an example of what I mean..Pipe Polishes, Wipes & Cleaner Hope this gets you off to a start anyway...that will be a nice Dublin pipe once you get'er up an running...cheers Nightblade
    MickR, chay2K and Mauri like this.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  8. #6496
    Let's keep it simple... Robert1988's Avatar
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    Thanks for the answer.

    I have a specialized Tobacco/Pipe/Cigar shop nearby and I will check with them.



  9. #6497
    Senior Member spacemonkeyjon's Avatar
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    Just some PA in my fireside and a cold snowy day off. Hope all my Midwest brothers are faring well after winters one last hurrah.
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  10. #6498
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spacemonkeyjon View Post
    Just some PA in my fireside and a cold snowy day off. Hope all my Midwest brothers are faring well after winters one last hurrah.
    Same crap here... Just enough snow to screw things up...

    Pipe: Dirty Bear

    Tobacco: BC

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    Last edited by NoseWarmer; 03-25-2013 at 03:03 PM.
    Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated...

  11. #6499
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Beautiful a warm spring day here. Got some CF from Lorenzo pipe while taking doggies out at the neighborhood.

    Guess i wasn't the only one enjoying warm weather.

  12. #6500
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chay2K View Post
    I'm enjoying a few fingers of Knob Creek tonight, myself. Would you be so kind as to describe the Kickin' Chicken?
    It's a mix of Burley, Kentucky, Cavendish, Perique and Virginia tobaccos that packs quite a nic punch. The flavour is nice, somewhat strong and full with not a lot of sweetness. I don't mind it, but it's not my favourite (at least, not enough to order a pound of it). It's a plug/cake type, so I usually slice off a flake and crumble it up.
    NoseWarmer likes this.

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    chay2K (03-25-2013)

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