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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #5071
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Default Corn Cob Dress Pipe

    Well after much thought and talking with another member... I figured I'd experiment... So here it is...

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    Granted it's not a $600.00 Dunhill, but it smokes like one...
    Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated...

  2. #5072
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    What did ya do here ??

  3. #5073
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    What did ya do here ??
    What did who do where???
    Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated...

  4. #5074
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    The cob?Did you stain it or something??

  5. #5075
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    The cob?Did you stain it or something??
    A little sand paper, a wire wheel and some black dye... It needs a shine...
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    Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated...

  6. #5076
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    The tobacco barge arrived today. First of many bowls of C&D Old Joe Krantz in a pre-1938 Kaywoodie (8733). Also not a $600 Dunghill but it would probably out smoke one.
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  7. #5077
    Senior Member milehiscott's Avatar
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    I came across this Puritan poem about tobacco pipes. I thought it was interesting. I hope you enjoy it.

    PART I

    This Indian weed now wither'd quite,
    'Tho' green at noon, cut down at night,
    Shows thy decay;
    All flesh is hay.
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

    The pipe so lily-like and weak,
    Does thus thy mortal state bespeak.
    Thou art ev'n such,
    Gone with a touch.
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

    And when the smoke ascends on high,
    Then thou behold'st the vanity
    Of worldly stuff,
    Gone with a puff.
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

    And when the pipe grows foul within,
    Think on thy soul defil'd with sin;
    For then the fire,
    It does require.
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

    And seest the ashes cast away;
    Then to thyself thou mayest say
    That to the dust
    Return thou must.
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

    PART II.

    Was this small plant for thee cut down?
    So was the plant of great renown;
    Which mercy sends
    For nobler ends.
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

    Doth juice medicinal proceed
    From such a naughty foreign weed?
    Then what's the pow'r
    Of Jesse's flow'r?
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

    The promise, like the pipe, inlays,
    And by the mouth of faith conveys
    What virtue flows
    From Sharon's rose.
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

    In vain th' unlighted pipe you blow;
    Your pains in inward means are so,
    'Till heav'nly fire
    Thy heart inspire.
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

    The smoke, like burning incense tow'rs
    So should a praying heart of yours,
    With ardent cries,
    Surmount the skies.
    Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

  8. #5078
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Photo's to come on the morrow, but today I have tried two new tobacco's in a new MM Corn cob thanks to our good and generous friend Phil (nosewarmer).
    The tobaccos were Lane 1Q and Black Cavendish. If I was going by smell I would have stated the Black Cav as my pick of them, but going by the smoking of both, the 1Q comes out on top, though both are right up my alley as 'go to' tobacco's, it was the 1Q that really took me by surprise. A nice plummy(?) taste that really appealed to my senses and a nice room note as well, though the Black had what I thought to be a nicer room note, it came across as milder to taste.
    This is only after trying one bowl of each so final judgement is far from made. However,both these tobacco's would be on my top three shortlist.
    Thanks for giving me a chance to try these Phil, neither are available from local tobacconists, but I know I can order these from specialist toboccanists within Australia when I want them.


  9. #5079
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Here's the Kaywoodie from last night's smoke, it will also be the pipe du jour today. Of course I'm working from my newly arrived pound of Old Joe Krantz
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    The older I get, the better I was

  10. #5080
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    The tobaccos were Lane 1Q and Black Cavendish. If I was going by smell I would have stated the Black Cav as my pick of them, but going by the smoking of both, the 1Q comes out on top, though both are right up my alley as 'go to' tobacco's, it was the 1Q that really took me by surprise. A nice plummy(?) taste that really appealed to my senses and a nice room note as well, though the Black had what I thought to be a nicer room note, it came across as milder to taste.

    To me the 1Q is like a Marshmellow taste... But not too sweet...

    As far as the BC, there are lots on the market... The one I sent you was Smokers Pride... You can get it in the states for about $13.00 for 12oz...

    A BC is nice for the times you want to smoke but know what you want to smoke... Mild with out a crappy after taste... My opinion...
    Last edited by NoseWarmer; 11-08-2012 at 01:50 PM.
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