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Thread: old style black combat boots anyone?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    I still have my 2 pair of 1960's black combat boots. The only thing that I kept when I left. Only wear then a half doz or so times a Yr. They use to make great Santa boots when I did that for different groups. Keep them polished and use 'mink oil' on them once a yr.
    I do have another pair Altama black quick lace combat boots that I wear more often. Nice fit and I love the laces.
    Last edited by Johnus; 12-16-2011 at 03:35 AM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    i know the regular quick lacers arnt the most comfortable but there give a professionall look if your willing to take a night and spend 3 hrs polishing them once in a while the old marine boots are so worn they are brown in most spots where the leather has started to peel, there nice for checkign traps or whatnot, the only downfall to all the military boots i have is the fact that they suck in snow and ice, i slip and slide alot so i have one pair of civilian boots just for huntign in the snow. the junlg boots are by far my favorite they lace up nice and tight (boot knife fits perfectly)

    my recrutor was impressed when i ment him and had shined boots one he said that alot of new recruits dont give a crap about there appearance, i was thinking of wearing a good pair to basic to see what the srgt says when i get off the bus in a professional military look.
    Sure, paint a big target on your forhead too..... Jsut kiddin', but it is best to not draw attention to yourself in the beginning. They are looking for individuals who stand out to break.

  3. #13
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    yea ive gathered that i wanna blend in and dont try to show off just do what they ask of you and dont talk back

  4. #14
    . Otto's Avatar
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    I still have my Norwegian (Alfa) black combat boots. they are great on ice and snow.
    Last edited by Otto; 05-16-2013 at 05:52 PM. Reason: fixed link

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  5. #15
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    thats great otto i wish these did good on snow and ice but it only takes a week bit of ice to send me slipping and sliding so i have a pair of georgia work boots that do great. glad to see there are a few people that still wear there old issued boots

  6. #16
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    I have worn combat (type) boots for about 20 years now. since I was about 15. Some wear nicely and a lot don't. When I joined the USN in 96 I was issued "boondockers". They collapsed my arch and my foot grew about a size. I was promptly issued steel toed flight deck boots before I got to my first command (NMCB-74). We were Seabees and we did construction and operated equipment. Needed safety footwear. I wore the flight decks my whole 5 years in, aside from when we went to the field I wore a pair of black jungle boots with speed laces. I still had some steel toed combats/flight decks when I got out and I wore them at the machine shop I worked at. I wore out 3 pair in 1 year! I joined the AFRC in 05 and was issued a whole slew of new gear and also bought a few items. I got issued the Bates safety toe speed lace and they wear like sneakers. Looked good too. I also bought a pair of Corcoran stitch toe jump boots to wear in the BDU uniform. They are kinda hard on your feet, but look mighty fine when shined up and bloused. I liked them so much I just recenty had a pair of Vibrams put on them. They look just right now. Got out of military service April of this year and have a ton of boots left over. All safety toe (other than the Corcorans). I have a pair on right now. They are black jungle steel toes. They feel good and are slowly getting beat to death at work.

  7. #17
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I guess they're not exactly the type you are talking about, but I have a pair of black Mickey Mouse boots for the winters. They are FANTASTIC, but only if it's REALLY cold out.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    I can honestly say I hope NEVER to wear the old black again!!! I love the new style. I prefer teh Danner brand as they are in regulation and also VERY comfortable
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  9. #19
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    I first started wearing the a pair of USMC jungle boots in about the sixth grade. The soles peeled off after about 3 months (I'm guessing age) and... shall we say adopted my Dad's 4 year old bates. This was when they were still eyelet and thick, not like now. I wore those until I was a senior, I tried to replace them about once a year and they'd wear out after a month or two max and the old pair would come out. By the time I finally stopped wearing them all together the soles were coming off (and completely flat), and the leather was peeling so bad it would hold a shine for more than a hour or two of wear. Now I'm NROTC Marine Option I run around in a pair of the Belleville 550st's. I suggest wearing a pair of boring white running shoes. If they are plain enough you get to wear them for pt instead of issue shoes, and you'll be less of a target.
    No that pistol isn't the only thing under my kilt, but I can tell you both of them work just fine

  10. #20
    Senior Member osdset's Avatar
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    May I humbly suggest the long lamented character building British army issue 'hob nail'
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    Every serviceman's pride and joy, hours and hours of boning to get the 'orange peel' dimpled leather to a flat uniform mirror shine, unparalleled for making an impressive noise when marching on ceremonial, the Regimental Sergeant Major's favourite projectile weapon aimed at the head of the unsuspecting squaddie.

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