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Thread: old style black combat boots anyone?

  1. #1
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    Default old style black combat boots anyone?

    does anyone here have and wear old military combat boots the old style you have to polish, I have 2 pair of used marine boots, 1 pair of jungle boots that were new when i got them and 2 pair of new combat boots, Since the us army no longer uses them a buddy of mine was able ot get me a few pair from the armory storage center. I find the boots comfortable and ive hearned how to shine them to a mirror shine with a couple of hours time.

    Anyone else wear these day in and day out. I the used ones almost everyday adn keep the nice ones for formal events like weddings and and a pair for work ( working around costomer have to keep a professional image lol )

  2. #2
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Jungles I can see wearing for comfort, if you take out the shank. The old quick lace black boots, not so much... The heels were horrific and would come off after a lot of miles, along with being hard to polish. The paratrooper boots were super uncomfortable, but would shine well. The old, old big leather tongue boots of the late 70's and early 80's had a super thin sole and sticks and snow would always get behind the tongue, making for a rough hike.
    THe only boots I liked were the old deserts..Like slippers on your feet.. Still have some.

  3. #3
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    i know the regular quick lacers arnt the most comfortable but there give a professionall look if your willing to take a night and spend 3 hrs polishing them once in a while the old marine boots are so worn they are brown in most spots where the leather has started to peel, there nice for checkign traps or whatnot, the only downfall to all the military boots i have is the fact that they suck in snow and ice, i slip and slide alot so i have one pair of civilian boots just for huntign in the snow. the junlg boots are by far my favorite they lace up nice and tight (boot knife fits perfectly)

    my recrutor was impressed when i ment him and had shined boots one he said that alot of new recruits dont give a crap about there appearance, i was thinking of wearing a good pair to basic to see what the srgt says when i get off the bus in a professional military look.

  4. #4
    Senior Member InstaRAD's Avatar
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    Since serving I have always liked the comfort of the black jungle boot with a good insole. They shine well and are wearable all day. Having been Airborne, jump boots were the most uncomfortable things to wear and this is the overall consensus of my platoon back in the day. But to each their own. And yes I have a full duffel of boots from my time in that I rotate and keep in good repair including dessert boots.
    cudarunner and regularjoe like this.

  5. #5
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    never cared for the no shine jungle boots they look to much like what i buy in stores, i know i will be issued them and will wear them daily but for now its old school boots for me guess im the only person that owns more combat boots than any other footwear,

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    does anyone here have and wear old military combat boots the old style you have to polish, I have 2 pair of used marine boots, 1 pair of jungle boots that were new when i got them and 2 pair of new combat boots, Since the us army no longer uses them a buddy of mine was able ot get me a few pair from the armory storage center. I find the boots comfortable and ive hearned how to shine them to a mirror shine with a couple of hours time.

    Anyone else wear these day in and day out. I the used ones almost everyday adn keep the nice ones for formal events like weddings and and a pair for work ( working around costomer have to keep a professional image lol )
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    That's hardcore, brother.

    I spent most of my spare time in the service shining boots for other Marines. That is how I made my pocket money.
    Uncle Sam took most of paychecks for fines, due to fighting. This quickly took the enthusiasm out of combat boots.
    At 50 years of age and over weight, I look for the most comfortable shoes available.

  7. #7
    Just a guy with free time.
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    I wear some deserts from time to time for work. I wear my black boots if I'm on the bike. At all other times, it's sneakers for me. Then again, I don't tromp through the woods, or even walk on grass very often. Paratroop boots are designed to make you hate life so much, you'll kill everything in your path. So, no..I don't like those either. And don't get your feelings hurt if the DS doesn't notice your shiny boots. You're gonna be one of about 200 people that's making his life suck for the next 9 weeks. Oh, and if nobody told you, do not take a straight razor with you to BCT. You won't even have an option of sending it home. It'll just be gone....forever. You won't have any time to use it anyways. lol.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    I have a pair of jungle boots and a pair of SWAT boots, both in black, but I tend to gravitate more towards good old fashioned police "beat" shoes. Comfortable as hell and take on a nice mirror shine.

  9. #9
    Member KingsRam's Avatar
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    As soon as I got out of basic training I went and bought me some Corchoran field boots and never looked back. I probably went through 5 pairs in 10 years. I kept a pair of parade boots spit shined for inspections and ceremonies. I got out before the new uniforms came in.

  10. #10
    the deepest roots TwistedOak's Avatar
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    Nope, I never wear combat boots (especially old models) other than when I have to. They're just sub par when it comes to comfort of many other brands of boots or shoes, whether they're leather or sneakers. If I was forced to have a dress pair of combat boots, I would get a pair of corcoran II jump boots with the flatter tread profile.

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