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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #481
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    damn right I am against armed citizens,99% of them would not have clue one as to how to protect themselves or there familys.
    Liberal social re-engineering sure has taken a toll in North America.
    Sounds like you would love it here in Canada. You can't even shoot a criminal who has broken into your home in the middle of the night here without catching a case and either going to jail or having to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to prove your innocence.

    Be careful what you wish for, because it sounds like your beloved Obama wants to go down the same road.

    And hey, don`t kid yourself about armed citizens not knowing how to protect themselves. Most legal gun owners I know could shoot circles around any law enforcement officer around here.
    Last edited by kristopher; 11-22-2012 at 08:48 AM.
    Grizzley1 and Devilpup like this.

  2. #482
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Default You can not control stupid !

    I always try to look at each sides perspective of a given issue and what I find is a lack of empathy in every case. I understand why some feel it is best to control guns however, like all other controls/laws the root of the problem is never addressed. This is evident in places that do have strict gun laws. Our society seems to think that curing symptoms is the way to go about everything. Ignoring the the cause of the problem. I would agree that this world would be a wonderful place without gun violence but let's face it, utopia is a very difficult goal to achieve. If you are afraid of harm then your best course of action is to have the capability to defend yourself and/or stay out of harms way. This is a basic human right. Relying on others is certainly no answer for me. There are people who should not be allowed to own dogs , but what are you going to do ? Tell me I can not have a dog because your neighbor lets his ferocious pit bull run free? I can give you a long list with you tube links and news clippings of why some people should not own guns. But I can not think of 1 reason I should not have a gun. I can not think of 1 reason you should fear me UNLESS you plan on doing me or my loved ones harm. There are bad things in this world but you can not punish good folks in your solution to a problem. Your just creating more problems than you already have. Even without guns people will find a way to hurt you. Those people are what you should focus your solutions on. I do not CCW and I walk thru this world with no fear of those that do. If I knowingly go somewhere that I think I may need a gun to even the odds of protecting myself I do. I do not need a permit to actually do that and realize that if I am caught I may be arrested and fined. If I do something stupid like get hostile with an officer of the law in any way, and say I get shot. Do you think I deserve it ? If I do something stupid I know there will be consequences. We unwittingly give up freedoms in the effort to control stupid. If you take away stupid's gun he will use a knife, make a bomb, or any other means of inflicting his will against you. Why do you want to take away my right to defend myself against stupid ? If I was to CCW and, I feel anybody that does, should be properly trained and tested. I will say that it may be to easy to get these permits. I am not sure about that. I would favor a law insuring that, over just obliterating someone's right to have one. Does this not make sense? Is that approach more favorable to the majority ? I would favor any law that prevents stupid as long as it didn't take away any of regular Joe's rights. It is my feeling, that is what this country is all about and what others in this world envy about us most. The world is getting more and more senseless and it doesn't have to be that way.
    Lynn, HNSB and WillN like this.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  3. #483
    Senior Member Chugach68's Avatar
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    I rotate my ccw depending on my mood and my attire. Right now, pt-99, last week xd-45, weekd before snub nose 357. Maybe next week will be 1911. As I have grown up with guns, am ex military, and have tons of formal and informal practice/training, I am very confident in my ability to protect myself and my family. Remember when seconds count, police are just minutes away.
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  4. #484
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Default 99% ?

    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    To stop an attacker,in the best possible way is to pop him in the head so he go's down like a rock/for good,perhaps you think shooting an attacker intent on killing you,in the knee is the best defense.
    damn right I am against armed citizens,99% of them would not have clue one as to how to protect themselves or there familys.
    I understand your feelings my friend but when you throw numbers like that around it kills your whole argument. You understand the concept of extreme I am sure. From my point of veiw you appear to be as far on 1 end as you can be. That's fine, you are entitled to your opinion. I may or may not agree with you but I will stand behind you 100%. No lop sided number at all, 100%.

    Now, let's say you are being robbed in your own home. Your wife has been shot, and your kids are being held with a gun pointed at you. I am watching from the window (being your neighbor, having heard the gun shot) and I have a scope on the gunman's head. Do you want me to take the shot ?

    Simple scenario, your choice. What do you say ?

    Don't try to tell me he doesn't have a gun, because all guns have been taken away. Another impossible scenario in this country because the numbers are overwhelming and, there is no technology that can assist that type of eradication. Not to mention this would activate the Militia in a heartbeat and all hell would break loose.

    Don't try to tell me this scenario is far fetched because I have been in this type of situation. Not exactly but just as scary.

    I do not think: You know many people with guns.
    Have ever shot one.
    Or ever been around 1 when it was fired.

    If you have, then i would bet it was a bad experience that has clouded your perception. And probably by someone who should not own a gun. I know this first hand also.

    To me it is a funny situation. On 1 hand you have people who own guns because they are afraid of being a victim. On the other, there are people like you who are afraid of those very same people AND being a victim. ** scratching my head here** Where is the compromise ? How do we live happily amongst each other (not counting criminals) without fear ?

    I am for CCW . #1 reason is more than 30 states have active CCW citizens and the violent crime rates are dramatically lower. Murder, armed robbery, rape, all the big ones. That is enough for me. It works.

    I am also blue in the face trying to get everyone to see that by trying to force your opinion on me and me on you. We will remain in this constant state of fear and bickering. Why is it we can all discuss straight razors and allow each their own opinion and be happy for their choices but, when it comes to the important things, our eyes roll back in our heads and we bite at each other like sharks? (not so much in this forum) I tell you why. We fear what we don't know or fully understand. We take a defensive posture or take flight from the issue. I would be more thankful on this day if I could see signs of Americans standing together in solving problems in a sensible way rather than taking sides like we would in a battle and fighting over things that should have been resolved years ago.
    EMC45 and Costabro like this.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  5. #485
    Senior Member Costabro's Avatar
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    OMG.hope all the people you kill deserve it
    What a ridiculous statement.
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  7. #486
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    People of SRP... I oringinally started this thread to find out if people here are carrying legally and what they are carrying. Not to debate ideology or politics. Clearly I am a gun owner and carry all the time. If a store does not allow CCW I choose not to go there. (california, illinois, NYC and Wash DC also) I do not care if you are LEO, Military, sheep dog etc. Nor do I care about your tactics of what you "would" do in a situation. Talk is cheap and over inflated. If you want to talk about what you would/could/have done in a combat situation please start another thread talking about your heroics, not here.
    That being stated, can we please keep this on topic?

    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Str8Shooter For This Useful Post:

    Devilpup (11-26-2012), HNSB (11-27-2012), Otto (11-27-2012), ScottGoodman (11-27-2012), WillN (11-29-2012)

  9. #487
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    To stop an attacker,in the best possible way is to pop him in the head so he go's down like a rock/for good,
    Unless you are trained to shoot during an adrenalin rush and maintain that training, that advice is wrong. Because during an adrenalin rush, you will be fast and focused, but lacking fine motor skills. Unless you've been drilled properly under pressure, all you have left will be gross motor skills. In that case, center mass is a much better option because a likely hit center mass is much better than an unlikely hit in the head. Especially with a moving target.
    nun2sharp and Swerve like this.
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  10. #488
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Even though this is still off-topic, I wonder if the antis on this thread realize just how much safer they are because of us. People wishing to do others harm have to think twice because there are people like us. Just my two cents.

  11. #489
    Contains ingredients Tack's Avatar
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    I agree with Grizz, that's the whole point of the "concealed" part.. the bad guys don't know who is armed. Unfortunately, the guns-are-the-problem types refuse to consider it. Caudill's argument answers them perfectly (if you could only get them to read it).

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  12. #490
    Junior Member MajorSights's Avatar
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    My wife and I would, if we could... Stupid Canadian laws.
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