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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #1071
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Love those bobtails! Nice eye candy for sure.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  2. #1072
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJD View Post
    Please forgive me if some of these are reposts.
    AFAIC you can repost those any old time you feel like it ! ..........
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. #1073
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    I am in the exact same boat you are in, so the 938 is just a smaller version of my 1911. My problem is that I have been thinking about "reality & real world". Lets say I have to use my ccw for what it is designed for. Law enforcement will want to secure your ccw until it is fully investigated. THIS is where my over-thinking comes in, I ask myself: Would I prefer a $500 glock be "held" for who knows how long or my 1911 costing three times as much? Both will serve the purpose they are designed for every time. Oh what to do....
    I had the same debate and my deciding factor was the fact that I shoot the 1911 much faster and more accurately than anything else I've tried. If I have to use my CCW I want every advantage I can get.

    I'm sorry, it sounds like you got a lemon. Like Shooter I've had nothing but reliability from mine.
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  4. #1074
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I ended up with a S&W Bodyguard 380 with the Insight Technologies built in laser a couple years ago. The laser went out and I contacted S&W, they said to send in the old laser unit and they would replace it. They did & I finally got around to deciding to install the laser today...only to not remember where I had stashed it here in the house! We went and ate & it came to me where I thought it was & it was there. Installed the new laser unit (I was installing it to trade or sell it off) and dang it if I'm not sure if I am changing my mind on getting rid of it. What I remember is that the trigger is miserably long DAO & heavy. More of a "get off me" type gun. I'll put it back in the "stash" place (I have several firearms stashed about the place) and think about it. It is a good little pocket gun....just hate the trigger.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  5. #1075
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    I am in the exact same boat you are in, so the 938 is just a smaller version of my 1911. My problem is that I have been thinking about "reality & real world". Lets say I have to use my ccw for what it is designed for. Law enforcement will want to secure your ccw until it is fully investigated. THIS is where my over-thinking comes in, I ask myself: Would I prefer a $500 glock be "held" for who knows how long or my 1911 costing three times as much? Both will serve the purpose they are designed for every time. Oh what to do....
    Ultimately, I decided to carry what I shoot best with and it happens to be a Glock. If it was a $1,500 1911, then I'd carry that. As long as it was replaceable losing money on the gun is the last thing I'd be thinking about if I had to use it.

  6. #1076
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    Wow a lot of guys carry on this site. I wonder if the mentally of DIY and old fashion thinking is why.

    One of the first things my wife and I did when we moved from CA to UT is get our ccw. Every woman should have one.

    I'm still looking for something to carry but she has a Ruger SP101 with .38sp Critical Defense. Low recoil for quick follow up if necessary but strong enough to deter or put down a bad guy.

    I had to talk her out of using. 357+p+ hunting rounds😀

  7. #1077
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    Anyone have any experience with the CZ 75B PCR? A friend is thinking of picking one up as his ccw, and my only experience with the design is my Dad's old, and heavily modified, EAA Witness he used to shoot competition.

  8. #1078
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimClippers View Post
    Anyone have any experience with the CZ 75B PCR? A friend is thinking of picking one up as his ccw, and my only experience with the design is my Dad's old, and heavily modified, EAA Witness he used to shoot competition.
    I have the P01, which is essentially a PCR with a rail. It's been a reliable gun and actually came with a decent trigger, which is not the norm for CZ. Fits my hand perfectly and I shoot it very well. I bought it to replace my Glock, but it never made the jump. They have some wonderful ergos that make them strong cult favorite, so I would say your friend might be very happy with it.

    My honest take is that the sights are mediocre, the trigger can be very gritty out of the box, and the poly-coat finish will not hold up to carry use. There is unevenness in the metal work like ribs that don't match up and sharp edges. The stock rubber grips are comfy, but will grab on a shirt. The slide has very little area to grasp so its hard to clear malfunctions. CZ-USA doesn't have the best customer service or warranty (5 years, original owner only).

    I liked CZ when they were <$400 guns, but now that I see them going for $500-600, I'm less thrilled to recommend them. Overall, I just think their a bit overrated out of the box. As you know, they make a great platform custom work. I realized I would need to spend a few hundred to get my P01 to the point where I would be happy with it for carry. (sights, round the edges, refinish, trigger work, grips)

    What do I know, I still carry a Glock.
    JimmyHAD and GrimClippers like this.

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  10. #1079
    Junior Member Samo1's Avatar
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    Depending on where I'll be on what I carry. Most of the time S&W Bodyguard 380; then either my Springfield XD (45) or Springfield 1911

  11. #1080
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I heard good things about the old CZ in general, so I became interested and began to investigate. I read a lot of reviews online, on forums, and gun mags. Then I took a look at the different models. There were so many variations that I found it confusing and decided ain't nothing wrong with the Glock.

    BTW, a friend finds the double stack mag leaves too large a grip for his hand. Now Glock came out with the single stack G-43 9mm, so it is a slimmer profile if that is an issue. Good CCW. Been carrying my 43 quite a bit lately.
    ScottGoodman likes this.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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