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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #351
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Great caliber 9x18; I prefer it over the .380.
    I owned several 9x18's,now just two, I love the Bulgarian & the Polish P-64, both built great.
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  2. #352
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Never met a Bad Gun; just careless shooters.

  3. #353
    Senior Member Nonstickron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    This has gotten way off topic from what I intended. As with all things that opinions are wildly opposite, emotions get fired up. Please keep this to if you carry, what, and how. Not stories of bad accidents from negligent discharges etc.
    Have a CCP, and I have a Ruger GP100. It's a little big to carry around in my waistband though, and I live in central florida where its usually too hot to get away with a shoulder rig, and flip flops don't make for good ankle carry options. My daily defensive carry weapon is therefore a sizeable, fairly sharp folded blade. In florida there is no stated size limit on the books for legal carry size without a permit, and nothing about legal carry size with a permit either. So basically without a permit they can nab you if they feel like it, for even the smallest knife, if they want to. I have a friend who was on 3 years probation for giving a cop lip and having a 3 inch folder in her purse which he decided was an unlawfully concealed weapon. Nothing on the books saying I can't have a sword in my pocket either, if I can figure out a way to carry it, as long as I have a CCP. I recently upgraded to a cold steel AK-47, a gift from a friend.

    I used to have a Springfield Armory micro compact GI 1911 but it was a piece of crap. Constantly failed to feed and stove piped at the range even after 1000 rounds put through it and one trip back to the manufacturer. After that thing I was happy to switch to a revolver for in home defense and just carrying a good knife. If I get into a situation where my size and a blade aren't enough I should probably be running considering I've got 6 kids and my lady to get out of harms way.
    Last edited by Nonstickron; 04-17-2012 at 01:56 PM.
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  4. #354
    Senior Member Tim Zowada's Avatar
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    Usually I carry a very modified Ruger super Blackhawk .44mag. I carry it either concealed, or open, depending on the circumstances. But, mostly open carry. I choose a .44 because where I live the biggest threat is bears, more than bad guys.

    Since my surgery, I have been carrying a .38 special snubby. Things are still a little sore... . I should be back to my regular pistol soon.

  5. #355
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Just getting technical here, not judging

    That is called a slam fire and can occur either by the spring in the bolt of the rifle being released, or if the Firing Pin has the ability to be in contact with the primer, this is a known condition, and a known safety issue... (Colt SAA owners always carried 5 not 6 and rested on an empty chamber for this reason, early M-16's were prone to slam fires too)

    Therefore it can be said that it was still not an accident, but unsafe gun handling... and yes that was Semantics, I tend to look at how many Gun Rules somebody broke for the "accident to occur"

    Gunhandling 101 He broke a few rules

    There is NO such thing as a safety...

    Never point a weapon at something you do not intend to kill (The PC crowd has changed this from Kill to Destroy)

    Never handle a weapon carelessly or with disregard to proper safety

    Never chamber a weapon, or leave a weapon chambered, without cause (this rule is open to interpetation for Police and Military)

    And I am out again, as I try and stay away from gun discussions

    Thanks Glen, you said everything I was going to with the exception of it being semantics. It was poor gun handling pure and simple, and that MY opinion, people can agree or not but,thank God I've never had an "accident" with a firearm and have had them around my whole life. I don't leave them with one in the pipe,nor do I count on a safety to make up for my carelessness, and I have never had a gun go off for no reason whatsoever,not once. One last thing, when not in use I keep them in a safe where they belong, and the one that's left out is hidden,and has the magazine out and in a different place,I find it keeps things safe that way.
    Devilpup likes this.

  6. #356
    Senior Member StraightRazorRobot's Avatar
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    i don't think i can ccw, being in Corona...haven't checked in awhile.

  7. #357
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    At dawn on April 19 1775 about 70 armed Massachusetts militiamen stand face to face on Lexington Green with the British advance guard. An unordered 'shot heard around the world' begins the American Revolution.

    At Noon April 19th 2012 Glen opened his mailbox to find his CCW approval letter....

    Coincidence or Providence ????

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  9. #358
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    At dawn on April 19 1775 about 70 armed Massachusetts militiamen stand face to face on Lexington Green with the British advance guard. An unordered 'shot heard around the world' begins the American Revolution.

    At Noon April 19th 2012 Glen opened his mailbox to find his CCW approval letter....

    Coincidence or Providence ????
    You must be the very last resident of sandpoint not to have a prior CCW

  10. #359
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Amazingly, Sandpoint is actually the only Bastion of Liberals in the state of Idaho

    Although the numbers of CCW's in the state jumped quite a bit in the last 2 years, most everyone up here gets an Idaho CCW and a Utah CCW this combo covers IIRC over 40 states..

    The odd thing here is that WA is the kicker state, you have to have a Utah CCW so you can carry in WA you can't with an Idaho CCW so now that I have the ID one I will apply for the UT one since it is an easy application now...
    Up here I really don't Need one, I wanted it for when we are riding the 4-wheelers so I don't have to have a weapon out, getting wet and dusty, and for when we go to Spokane for shopping, or shows/events since the Event center is not in the best part of Spokane
    Last edited by gssixgun; 04-20-2012 at 04:25 PM.
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  11. #360
    Senior Member Snurd's Avatar
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    Sounds like you may not have an issue, but to those looking to get a Utah CFP, you must have one from your home state to get it. They just changed that law fairly recently.

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