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Thread: Target Shooting

  1. #51
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    That looks like a fun little rifle.

    I had a lot of fun with small bore stuff a LONG time ago.

    Since I've moved back into "civilization", I don't burn much powder any more. I used to live so far out in the boonies, I could shoot anything I had in any direction I wanted to and didn't have to worry about hitting anything much other than the ground. I miss it. On the other hand I don't miss having to drive 60 miles one way to get a beer or 25 miles one way for a grocery run.
    nun2sharp likes this.

  2. #52
    32t is offline
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    What is the purpose of the eccentric target? To keep you from using the larger rings?

  3. #53
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    What is the purpose of the eccentric target? To keep you from using the larger rings?
    I honestly don't know. My two guesses are:
    To make you "gamble" a bit; if you shoot at the bull and miss on the narrow side, a little distance can cost a lot of points, but shooting at a 9 or 8 or the other side is much safer.
    To make it so that you don't just aim for the center of the black.

    I only shoot them because the guys at the club cleaned out a locker and put a 18 inch stack out for grabs.

  4. #54
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    Got a link?
    A link? no. I've never seen an actual moving target at any range anywhere except at a school the U.S Marshal's have down in Louisiana. We used to go there for training.
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  5. #55
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RayCover View Post
    Get into position. Set your sight picture. Close your eyes and relax a bit and open your eyes and look at where you muzzle is pointed. IF to the left or right of center your body is not squared to the target. This will cause you to reach for the bull. IF your body is properly squared to the target (and your other position requirements are correct like having your forearm vertical under the forend etc) Your rifle should not have a lot of side to side movement. You should be able to see more up and down from your breathing and heartbeat than side to side. I hope this makes sense.
    Wow, this was excellent advice for me. I was screwing around with my air rifle (see the other thread) again today and this really made a giant difference.

  6. #56
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joesixpack View Post
    Wow, this was excellent advice for me. I was screwing around with my air rifle (see the other thread) again today and this really made a giant difference.
    Glad it worked for you. We have the kids on our YHEC team check this every time they get into position (at least they are supposed to). It does help them a lot. They are shooting silhouette with .22 and muzzle loader but the principles are the same as for target shooting.
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  7. #57
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    The other day I shot a 90 on an A32 (offhand, 50 feet); two bulls, two eights, and nines.. I'd just lightened the trigger up a little bit more, and I'm trying out Federal 711b instead of my usual CCI SV. I'm pleased, as the last time I shot an A32 (maybe a month ago) I scored an 80.

  8. #58
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    My Klinsky target stock arrived today. Got the buttpad and cheekrest adjusted. It would be nice if I could get the buttpad lower (I have a long neck, and the rings are high), but my head is only tilted a little bit while shooting. I've got to say, this thing is HEAVY. The barrel is now totally free floating, as this stock can accept a bull barrel, and I still need to get a torque driver to get the action screws in properly.

    Old photo: CZ452 Special
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    New photo: CZ452 Target
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    10 shots, 50 feet, offhand, 16x magnification. The bottom two were just bad shots, but check out the five touching! Not bad for a first attempt with a new stock, I think. I have to get used to the weight!
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  9. #59
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Maybe additional cheek rest could be in order...make it fit you...
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    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  10. #60
    Ooo Shiny cannonfodder's Avatar
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    I am a rifle instructor. Right now I am shooting through the NRA 4 position skills test. Up to sharp shooter, should not have any problem hitting distinguished expert. The blue target is from my 10/22 with a scope sitting position at 25 yards. The black target is an official 50 foot target shot from a Remington 510 with iron sights which is what you have to use for the official shoots. FYI, a 50 score is perfect.

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    Name:  2012-03-15_23-17-41_391.jpg
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