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  1. #21
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    No is always the easiest answer to give. This should teach you a valuable lesson ;-). I am sure that you would be able to find your way around this one though. I have seen people do many things that are not allowed or legal in college.

    Al raz.

  2. #22
    Member jcw122's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    That really is too bad that they don't allow them. I was a RA, and the area coordinator thought it was really cool that I was into straights. I even ran a wetshaving program in which I gave away DE razors/blades/soaps, showed off my straight gear, and did a demo straight shave.

    As a last ditch effort, you could try getting a copy of the official rules that relate to knives. Typically, whether or not they are allowed is based on the blade lenght, and straights are under the normal limits. Worth a look, I think.
    I found the actual Weapons Policy on the PSU website actually. It is extremely blurry with regards to the definition of knives:

    Any knife with a blade larger than that of a folding pocket knife; dagger; razor or other cutting instrument, the blade of which is exposed in an automatic way by switch, push-button, spring mechanism, or otherwise.

    It does say "razor" but that is only something with a switch/button/etc. Additionally, saying "larger than that of a folding pocket knife" is pretty broad, as folding knife blades can be pretty big or pretty small.

  3. #23
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    I've been shaving with a straight since I was about 12 or 13. Subsequently I have shaved with a straight razor at 4 universities and colleges - at least - during my college years. One of them was Harvard University.

    No one ever said anything about it. Many of the bathrooms I shaved in were coed as well and some of the people would stop, stare, ask a question or two and then move on with their day. No one ever had a complaint nor a warning.

    I agree with those that said the school gave you the answer that best serves them. I would not let that stop me from using my straight there. You're intentions are to use it for it's intended purpose not as a weapon. No one will be looking for it when you get there nor will anyone be watching you to see if you brought it.

    I would wait until you've mastered the straight though before using it at college. This way you won't attract the unwanted kind of attention.

    I imagine the worst that could happen is you could be asked to leave it at home if someone made an issue of it. But it's Penn State for Heaven's sake I don't think anyone will bother you.

    Hope that helps.


  4. #24
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    Just bring it anyway, and as long as your roommate(s) don't have a problem with it you'll be fine.

    Besides, In my experience it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

  5. #25
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcw122 View Post
    I found the actual Weapons Policy on the PSU website actually. It is extremely blurry with regards to the definition of knives:

    Any knife with a blade larger than that of a folding pocket knife; dagger; razor or other cutting instrument, the blade of which is exposed in an automatic way by switch, push-button, spring mechanism, or otherwise.
    I have no difficulty understanding this. It means:

    1. You are not allowed to take anything with a blade larger than a pocket knife.


    2. You are not allowed to take a dagger. (The implication to me is that you arent allowed a dagger even if it IS smaller than a pocket knife)


    3. You are not allowed to take a razor or another cutting instrument which has a blade which is opened automatically in any way.

    So- Your razor isnt opened automatically. Its opened by hand. It therefore doesnt fall into the third category. It certainly is not a dagger so it doesnt fit category 2. As for category 1 it depends on interpretation. Larger in what way? Width? Almost certainly it will be thinner. Longer? Hell there are a huge range of pocket knives.

    If it comes down to interpretation then i'd say your razor is fine according to these regulations. Looking again I see why you may have difficulty.

    I still wouldnt have asked to begin with. And i'd still take it anyway. Even if the RA and my Dad told me not to. Just dont do anything to draw unwanted attention to you that might justify them searching your place. Try to only do legal things while you're there.

    And have a great time. College/Uni rocks!

  6. #26
    Absinthe Minded Shavelle's Avatar
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    keep it hidden with your smokey

  7. #27
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidM View Post
    Why the hell did you ask??? I would have waited until someone had a problem.
    +1. This is one case of 'don't ask, don't tell'.
    Do you shave in communal rooms or in your own bathroom. If noone sees you, justy go ahead and use your straight. Just make sure it is always properly locked away.

    But really... you shouldn't have asked because now you cannot claim ignorance anymore.
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  8. #28
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    I would have never said a thing!

  9. #29
    Senior Member RalphS's Avatar
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    Default APPEAL!

    I do not know the Penn. State administrative structure, but there is usually a right to appeal every ruling or decision, and if it is a state funded university, all students who are adversely affected by any of the rules, regulations and decisions must be afforded due process. If you really want your razor, find out where to file the appeal and explain why you want to straight razor so badly. For a college student, it's a matter of economics (not to mention that the lovely co-eds will find you more interesting and looking and smelling better).

    I think pre-law is in your future!


  10. #30
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RalphS View Post
    If you really want your razor, find out where to file the appeal and explain why you want to straight razor so badly.
    Of course, then you will forever be known as the weird guy who was really obsessed with straight razors.
    And since the rules are made by a board of admins who are paranoid about preventing another school massacre, they will

    1) keep a close eye on you.
    2) simply change the rules to explicitly mention straights.

    I am not saying you shouldn't stand up for your rights. But know in advance that it may have consequences. And in this case you could simply think 'f-you' and take your straight to college (assuming you have your own bathroom of course)
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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