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Thread: French Hones

  1. #121
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Thank you ! The pertinent info for each link translates ;


    Stonemasons and Domptail Merviller 19th
    Genealogy Thiriet - Knidel

    The best careers Muschelkack ( sort of sandstone) were then in Domptail and Merviller they used to build houses and large buildings of Luneville . Seen on " MERVILLER autrefois généalogie " I was in touch with a researcher from the Institute of Strasbourg globe who told me that the pink stone Vosges is formed has the time desert that is to say , or the Lorraine countryside resembled the present sahara, very fine sand that under the influence of heat and iron oxide is solidified to form a very fine grain stone providing remarkable grindstones tooling shipped by rail across France


    NOTE : I have been in contact with a researcher from the Institute of globe Strasbourg
    who told me that the pink stone Vosges is formed to the desert it is time to say or Lorraine countryside resembled the present sahara, very fine sand which, under the influence of heat and iron oxide is solidified to form a very fine grain stone providing outstanding grindstones tooling shipped by rail across France
    The thickness of stone often than the thickness
    three meters of the sublayer consisting of sand often used in masonry which explains that during the reconstruction of the art made ​​by items having undergone several war destruction , Raon step bridge for example it was necessary to down up the possibility of piling more than ten meters and will discover that the sand was admitted that at this depth the risk of scour was limited
    We did not adopt the same provisions for the bridge over the Moselle Charmes which collapsed ten years after its reconstruction
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    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    doorsch (05-17-2014), Margeja (05-17-2014)

  3. #122
    Compulsive frankensteinisator Thaeris's Avatar
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    Mine :

    Two vintage combo coticule / BBW and one BBW

    First is 8,7*1,97 inches, second is 9,1*1,4 and the BBW is 5,9*1,4.
    JimmyHAD, RezDog and doorsch like this.

  4. #123
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    small contribution

  5. #124
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  6. #125
    Henk Margeja's Avatar
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    Default Metamorphic clay

    Quote Originally Posted by doorsch View Post
    Henk iam still unsure about this BBW/Rouge Du Salm interpretations sometimes...just added a picture of a BBW and a Rouge Du Salm in my that something you can agree on in terms of colour and appearence ? Slurry of the red one is really red, vine red...the BBW one is a natural combination stone...the red "Rouge Du Salm" was a seperate stone with only this kind of material...
    Name:  P1290460.jpg
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    Almost all for sharpening a straight razor suitable stones are a form of metamorphic clay .
    See pages 10-11 for a detailed explanation of Ginding and Honey part 2. Http://

    We speak of clay when the particle size does not exceed the 0.065 mm.
    How the final quality is depends on the size and the shape of the quartz particles , the minerals, and in step the transformation.

    In general, the color is bluish gray. For example: the Norwegian Ragstone, Finnish Wastikivi, and the Special Stone from the Pyrenees.

    If glauconite is present, the color is bluish green. For example: the Thuringers.

    If iron oxide is present, the color becomes brown. For example: the stones from the Vosges.

    If manganese is present then there may be formed some garnets. For example: Rouge du Salm and the Belgian Blue. The name indicates the color. Because of the garnets these stones can grind steel harder than the above. If no garnets are present in the stone then it is no Rouge du Salm or Belgian Blue.
    Last edited by Margeja; 05-18-2014 at 08:27 AM.

  7. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Margeja For This Useful Post:

    antoine46 (05-18-2014), doorsch (05-18-2014), Euclid440 (11-12-2014), hatzicho (05-18-2014), MichaelS (01-03-2015), Neil Miller (06-17-2014), Thaeris (05-18-2014)

  8. #126
    Compulsive frankensteinisator Thaeris's Avatar
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    I allowed myself to quote you and translate you.

    Your post is truly really interesting, thanks.

  9. #127
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Thanks Henk for the explanation.....this brought a little bit more light on this issue...

    And i have to accept that i should read your Grinding and Honing Parts more attentive and i should re-read the parts :-)

  10. #128
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Two other examples of hones sold by F.G.B.C. (F. Ghelfi, Birolleau & Cie.) for shure the Arkansas is a imported one, the other one (Brocken Selected) menmade but french :-)

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to doorsch For This Useful Post:

    Margeja (06-17-2014)

  12. #129
    Compulsive frankensteinisator Thaeris's Avatar
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    Update of my rotation of stones :

    At the very left you can see a Pyrénée under a DMT, several edgepro's synthetic, possibly a LaLune on a sponge, a coticule inside a woodbox, a finishing slate, a dragon tongue, a very efficient BBW and four slurry stones on behind.

    The four on the right are two coticules and two hones (with their slurry stones) found by Antoine46 following the protocol of "Found it over here" and which seems to be stones around 12 - 14K grit.

    On the three following coticules, I'll keep the third. The first is traded with a friend, the second is on ebay, and the third is the latest I've found on my flea market, hidden under a mountain of dirt !

    She has green spots and pink waves. Pretty hard and very well preserved, I really like it

    Last edited by Thaeris; 06-17-2014 at 02:59 PM.
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  13. #130
    Henk Margeja's Avatar
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    Wrong thread?
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