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Thread: Can you "feel" progress when honing?

  1. #51
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    You razor was probably taped when it was honed prior.

    Are you using magnification, how did you determine, when the bevel was set?

    You have to make sure the bevels are meeting completely across the whole edge.
    If you don’t you honing will be hit and miss.
    You know what? I did put tape on the spine the last time I honed it. I had forgotten that. GOOD CALL. I was thinking how could it be that convex just from stropping. I pull the strop pretty tight so it's almost as flat as a stone. I don't have any slack in the strop. I couldn't figure out what else could cause it though. I thought maybe I was even lifting the spine a bit when stropping. The tape explains the previous angle being a bit higher. Pretty smart Euclid.

    I initially used a sharpie to mark the edge and watched as the marker got thinner and thinner at the edge. Then I used a loupe (30x and 60x lenses). I could also see the coarser scratches created by the 1k stone starting at the top of the bevel. Whey the bevels had the same scratch pattern all the way to the apex completely from heel to toe I started with the 4k. The new 4k scratch pattern was going all the way to the apex.

  2. #52
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Jack, that’s great for getting a flat even bevel, but it does not mean the bevels were meeting (fully set).

    You have to adopt a test that will tell you absolutely, that the bevels are meeting in a straight edge. If not, you are wasting your time polishing a bevel without an edge.

    Check this thread, post 19.


  3. #53
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Jack, that’s great for getting a flat even bevel, but it does not mean the bevels were meeting (fully set).

    You have to adopt a test that will tell you absolutely, that the bevels are meeting in a straight edge. If not, you are wasting your time polishing a bevel without an edge.

    Check this thread, post 19.

    I did look at the edge from straight on to see if I could see any flat spots indicated by a shiny spot. There weren't any. Ironically, I have an appointment today at the eye clinic. I'm going to get glasses. Right now I've been wearing the $1 reading glasses from Dollar stores but it's getting bad enough I need something prescribed just for me. That means I'll be able to see the edge better. That will allow me to get the edge sharper. That will give me better shaves. I didn't know glasses provide better shaves.

    I read some of the thread and there's great stuff there. I'm pretty sure I have the basics down. It's a matter now of refining my technique. I think. I've learned to do a bunch of things in my life. I have always "thought" I had basics down or had reached a level of some given success. But,,, every time as I gain knowledge and skill I realize some of what I "thought" was not completely right or sometimes it's completely wrong. Living and learning. I really appreciate the help. These forums and videos so easily accessed is a life saver. Without them or a person to help me I would still be buying books on how to learn shaving, honing and the rest. Books are great but you can't ask the author to further explain something you don't quite get like you can here or with a personal mentor.

    I think I HAVE TO get a razor in my hands that is honed by Lynn or someone. Right now I'm torn between sending him a razor or buying one on SRD. I understand he hones every razor they sell. The problem with buying one is wife will make me leave it for a Christmas present. That leaves two options. Send Lynn one or go ahead and buy one. I could shave with the new one THEN put it away for Christmas. That sounds best to me. Gotta go order a razor. Keep the advice and suggestions coming please. If I get a known better honed shave ready razor that will be a great test of my stropping. If I can't get a bunch of shaves from that razor I'll know I still need a lot of work learning to strop. Off to order a razor. Can you give me a suggestion on the one, single, best razor in the world to buy? Just kidding. I'll get a cheaper Dovo. I'm counting on it being a great blade with a less expensive handle. I'll probably make a new handle for it in time anyway. That's another hobby I'm taking up.


  4. #54
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    You guys who have read or posted to this thread I think have an idea of my position and experience with straight shaving and honing. I'm going to buy a razor. So far I've only used 5/8" razors with rounded heel and toe. I'm going to keep the rounded ends but what is half-hollow? Another razor I looked at (Dovo's) doesn't say anything about half-hollow or any other description about the grind. These razors are on SRD at $93 and $102. I don't see any reason to try a different size like 6/8". Don't razor people know how to reduce fractions? I spent 3 years in 4th grade learning to do that.

    For now I want something based on performance only. Nothing fancy at all. I should be able to get that for $120 or less. I know there is no "one" perfect razor.

    There is a 6/8" razor on Chef Knives To Go for $25. I trust them as far as quality. If I saw the same razor on ebay I wouldn't consider it because I wouldn't trust the seller's knowledge. Has anyone tried this $25 razor? I figure it would be a good, inexpensive way to see if I like a 6/8" size.

    Any FAST help is appreciated. I'm ready to order. Thanks.
    Last edited by Jack0458; 10-28-2014 at 02:30 PM.

  5. #55
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack0458 View Post
    You guys who have read or posted to this thread I think have an idea of my position and experience with straight shaving and honing. I'm going to buy a razor. So far I've only used 5/8" razors with rounded heel and toe. I'm going to keep the rounded ends but what is half-hollow? Another razor I looked at (Dovo's) doesn't say anything about half-hollow or any other description about the grind.
    All about grinds below:
    Form:Straight Razor Database Submission Form - Straight Razor Place Library

    These razors are on SRD at $93 and $102. I don't see any reason to try a different size like 6/8". Don't razor people know how to reduce fractions? I spent 3 years in 4th grade learning to do that.
    The only company that I know of that reduced fractions was TR Cadman. Bengall 6/8 were boxed as 3/4.

    For now I want something based on performance only. Nothing fancy at all. I should be able to get that for $120 or less. I know there is no "one" perfect razor.

    There is a 6/8" razor on Chef Knives To Go for $25. I trust them as far as quality. If I saw the same razor on ebay I wouldn't consider it because I wouldn't trust the seller's knowledge. Has anyone tried this $25 razor? I figure it would be a good, inexpensive way to see if I like a 6/8" size.

    Sorry. No experience with these to opine.

    Any FAST help is appreciated. I'm ready to order. Thanks.
    'Fast' is often connected to damage or injury in razordom. Take a breath & do your research.
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    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  6. #56
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Well I ordered one of the $93 razors. Yellow one. That will make three in my "collection". I got two off ebay that I plan to try my hand at restoring. That'll make five. I'll be looking forward to shaving with this razor right out of the box. Using a professionally honed razor will let me know what I'm shooting for regarding honing and stropping. Especially looking forward to the shave as well.

  7. #57
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    I've been honing, stropping and shaving with two razors for about 1 year. A Boker a friend gave me that I made a handle for and a L. Herder & Son razor. Keeping in mind I'm learning all this stuff I seem to not have as much success with the L. Herder regarding keeping it as shave ready as the Boker. I honed then used the Boker for about two months maintaining it by stropping only. I did re-hone it a couple of days ago with a 4k and 8k stone then strop. But it didn't really need re-honing because the shave was poor. With the L. Herder it just doesn't seem to keep the edge as well. If I were more confident in my ability I'd say it may be a different steel that doesn't have as good edge retention. As it is I don't know what's up. I could be imagining things. They both shave ok. It's just the Boker feels better. It cuts whiskers easier, even after several shaves.

    Any ideas? Not really an issue on a level much higher than curiosity.

  8. #58
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    What does the edge look like?

  9. #59
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    I got the razor I ordered from SRD today. When I first touched it to my face I could immediately tell a difference in the edge. The edge apex seemed to reach out beyond any steel and cut a whisker. For some reason my "order" in the areas of my face I start with is wierd. The first strok starts at the end of my mustache on my right side. I then shave the front of my chin and down my neck. Then I do the cheek first (so I can pull my skin from above my jawbone). Then I do the jawbone and down that area of the neck. I said that to say when I then started on the left side at the end of my mustache I didn't notice the initial feeling (and sound). I heard a much more distinctive sound on my first several strokes of whiskers being cut. You can hear it real loud on some videos. Does the sound created say anything about anything? Razor sharpness? Thickness of whiskers? Just curious.

    Anyway, in addition to having a new razor I shaved with a SHAVE READY razor that was much sharper than the ones I hone. I see where my efforts should take me. Now my job is to keep it in good shape by stropping between shaves. I guess I'll just use the leather (kangaroo) strop. No webbing, linen, or stones.

    Thanks SRD for a nice razor at a very good price. And thanks Lynn for honing this guy. I'd say you definitely know your stuff.

    Question for Lynn or anyone else that has been honing razors for MANY years. Was there a time frame when you feel you got to a certain skill level and now are maintaining it? After 10 years of honing/stropping were you as good then as you are now 10 years later? I'm just curious again. I'm not worried about improving too slow. It will just take as long as it takes. Maybe you guys improve a bit every time you hone a razor.

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