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Thread: Hone of the Day

  1. #1241
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Congratulations Phrank nice Special stone, they are awesome. Only use on Good Razors he,he.

    Here is big Yoncho-gake Henkotsu bevel set process.. One trick on wa-kamisori is to use is tape on Omote side to strike new edge and see how the spine geometry will be affected. Yes the Chosera 1K is used for this, why mess around.

    Once you are confident the grind is evenly balanced you can remove tape or leave on. I prefer to remove tape unless requested not to. Make however many strokes it takes to set the bevel proper. It will not take as many on the Ura side.

    Visually inspect to assure the bevel is set before proceeding to the finer stone progression. to be continued. Mike
    Last edited by MODINE; 12-18-2016 at 03:15 PM.

  2. #1242
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    I refreshed a blade in a Naniwa 12k and CrOx today. The Thuringian home was out but at the last minute I decided to see how the 12k and CrOx would turn out. If I get caught up on some other projects I have going on today I might investigate my new Norton 1k.
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  3. #1243
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    The Heavy Grind Dorko is coming up for use, so I thought it was a good time for a refresh. I have favorite stones, but I like to use them all at one time or another. Some blades respond marginally better to one stone or another. The Dorko was taken to my Y/G Thuringian bout.. every bit the equal of my finest Escher..

    Ready for use.

  4. #1244
    Senior Member Badgister's Avatar
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    Honed two #14's for a friend this evening, a Palmyra and an Imperial. Bevels were like Swiss cheese. Removed the chips with my 1k chosera with a layer of tape, followed by coticule dilution without tape.

    These #14's are a pleasure to hone.

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  5. #1245
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    2 ERNs on my tiny Y/G Thuri.... 50 on horse, 50 on Cord and the edges where tight like a tiger!!!

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    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

  6. #1246
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HARRYWALLY View Post
    2 ERNs on my tiny Y/G Thuri.... 50 on horse, 50 on Cord and the edges where tight like a tiger!!!
    I think you mean toight!
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  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BeJay For This Useful Post:

    ejmolitor37 (12-22-2016), HARRYWALLY (12-22-2016)

  8. #1247
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Never posted here before, so bear with me.
    Finished this one the other day, but the edge needed a total overhaul. ( Wonky spine wear, and a light frown ). After lifting the toe and heal on a 600 Nani SS, and setting the bevel on the 1000 Chosera, I wanted to try something different than the typical progression of Nanis'.

    Dont everybody gasp at once.
    But I think its a damn good stone, and with a little advice from Nelson , an excellent stone .
    This is the progression I used on the Washita, after bevel set.
    Slurried with DMT, Dilluting to water. ( didn't count laps, way too many to bother ) then pure glycerin (this is the tip from Nelson ). This made the Washita act as three different stones.
    Slurry: 5000 grt.
    Water: 7-8000 grt.
    Glycerin: 8- 10000 grt.
    These are approximate, looking through a 40x loupe.

    Then took it to two Thurigan's, slurried- water. First one was the larger/ softer stone, then the small hard stone.
    The larger was slurried w/DMT,
    Smaller with slurry Stone.

    Then a ton of Russian tanned leather, and a bucket of shell.
    The test shave this morning was a dream. I was expecting it might pull a bit, but it was quite smooth, as was my face.

    No cuts,weepers, burn, or irritation.
    I'm quite happy to find a place for this rock in a progression, and that the heavier grinds like it too.
    Funny... Haven't read much about this stone hear, doe's anyone still use them?

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to outback For This Useful Post:

    Phrank (12-23-2016), Steel (12-24-2016)

  10. #1248
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Touching up a Torrey and a Wostenholm on a Thuringian.
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  11. #1249
    Matt MW76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Haven't read much about this stone hear, doe's anyone still use them?
    I'm planning to try. Just got this a few days ago.. Pike/Norton No. 1.

    Your post just gave me some ideas.

    I want to see how far i can push the edge on the Washita like you did. Then I have a hard arkie and a surgical black to try to finish on.

    I just won a bid for under 20 beans on an old Buck 134 Washita. Still trying to find out those are the real thing, or just a really soft ark.

  12. #1250
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW76 View Post
    I'm planning to try. Just got this a few days ago.. Pike/Norton No. 1.

    Your post just gave me some ideas.

    I want to see how far i can push the edge on the Washita like you did. Then I have a hard arkie and a surgical black to try to finish on.

    I just won a bid for under 20 beans on an old Buck 134 Washita. Still trying to find out those are the real thing, or just a really soft ark.
    I had Lynn, and Nelson look at mine during the Ohio meet, and she's true Washita ( hard as a man on his wedding night )
    Got it at a junk/antique store. One of those indoor, yard sale type of places.

    Was a real PITA to get lapped flat again.
    Ate up a few sheets of 220 W/D paper, as we'll as 400 and 600.
    petercp4e and MW76 like this.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to outback For This Useful Post:

    jdc0501 (12-27-2016)

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