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Thread: Should I try to tackle this (very difficult, IMHO) challenge?

  1. #1
    pcm is offline
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    Default Should I try to tackle this (very difficult, IMHO) challenge?

    OK, I'm a relatively new honer. Having done about four times, from easier touch ups to simple restoration in the case with a Ja Henckels I got at a local antique shop. Some challenges along the way, but with help from folks here (there are a bunch of threads), I've been able to successfully sharpen and bring back to life several razors.

    Confidence is up, but I have a razor that is staring at me, with a smirk, taunting me to try to hone it. I'm willing to give it a go, but would like to hear from those experienced, whether this is cannon fodder, and I'm better to toss this blade. And frankly, I know, I'll be over my head, but I'm kinda hoping the challenge will be a good (great?) learning experience.

    Early on, in my straight razor shaving, I wanted to try different grinds and sizes. I had a Dovo 5/8 1/2 hollow, and a Union Cutlery Spike 9/16 1/4 hollow. I ended up getting a Saunders NY vintage 6/8 near wedge, with French point from gssixgun. I used it about 11 times, after which it was starting to pull quite a bit, so I set it aside. I suspected, that my stropping may have not been well with the razor (although I had no problems with other blades).

    In any case, it sat for months, and finally, when I needed to get the Dovo honed, I sent it to SRD and asked if Lynn could sharpen it. Well, Lynn called and said that the blade need much more than a simple sharpening. He played with it for a while, but in the end sent it back (at no charge).

    So, here it sits, like a puppy at the pound, having me wondering if I could "restore" this blade, along the way learn more about honing, and maybe learn how to maintain a (near?) wedge. Or, will this end up being a frustrating, hair pulling experiment? I'm willing to give it a go, if folks think I have a shot at it.

    Here's some pictures of the razor, along with lower magnification of the edge, which is huge - 3-4mm:

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    There are multiple bevels, uneven variation in width, and spine wear. Here's the edge:

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    It doesn't cut arm hair, and seems like TPT is not sharp as well. Here's straight onto edge (sorry a bit OOF on some). It doesn't seem to meet:
    Name:  160306115446789.jpg
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    Comments? Suggestions? Am I crazy (about trying to tackle this)?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    You should start by watching Glen's honing a smiling wedge video series. It will give you a better idea of the stroke required. There is a ton of wear on that razor and will likely need three layers of tape, two for sure. It will be a challenge. Be prepared to set it aside and then come back to it. It is likely going to be a challenge. If you feel like being challenged then open that can of worms!
    Last edited by RezDog; 03-07-2016 at 03:40 AM.
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  4. #3
    KN4HJP sqzbxr's Avatar
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    And be prepared to use a lot of tape, and to spend hours setting that bevel. With an old near wedge or heavy hollow grind like that, your bevels are much wider than on a full-hollow straight edge blade and will take correspondingly more strokes/time to remove the same depth of metal. You still need the same precision and attention to detail, but your progress will be much, MUCH slower and it's easy to get impatient and rush ahead leaving an unset bevel behind because it's easy to see the vast gleaming plane of the polished 99% area and overlook that last 1% where the planes don't meet. And it may take a couple of hours to get that last 1%. But it's that last 1% that turns it from an overpriced box cutter into a razor.
    Maladroit, Steel and Willisf like this.
    "Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats." -H. L. Mencken

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  6. #4
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    Try it out. Spend just a little bit of time on it at a time. Throw some sharpie on there and see what happens with some layers of tape. It will most likely be difficult, but see it as a challenge to give you more experience. And don't forget to update us on your progress!
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  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    You can do this ! Like the others said, start with 3 layers of tape to set the bevel and change it often. Once you see the bevel your making you can decide what to do from there but once you get the edge meeting and no shiny spots you can move on to the finer stones. The thing to remember is if you start pulling off layers of tape you start adding time and increase the height of the bevel. There is no shame in having a 3 layer bevel/edge especially on a razor like that. Just try it and see if you run into trouble. Heck I have started with 4 layers on razors like that just to get something going.
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    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

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  9. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    General rule of thumb on spine wear

    1 Layer of 3M #700 per 1mm of hone wear

    You are looking at 5+ mm of spine wear, that razor is into Re-grind territory, the issue is that the razor isn't worth the money for a re-grind unless you have the ability and equipment to do it yourself .. I would measure the Bevel angle right now to get an idea of where it is even at, and if there is enough spine left to even do a re-grind..

    I am by no means saying don't have fun with it to learn some things about honing, but I am saying don't get discouraged if it doesn't work so well..

    I would start with 5 layers of tape and a MM test just to see what you have there
    Last edited by gssixgun; 03-06-2016 at 08:23 PM.

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  11. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    I would give it a go...

    But I am CRAZY...................

    Heck worse that could happen is you learn something.

    Be it that you are successful and get it to shave...


    You are not quite there in the honing department....YET!

    You might have to set it aside for a while and hone a few more...

    As long as you have tape on it you are not "really" hurting least not creating MORE hone wear...
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  12. #8
    FAL is offline
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    PCM, send it to Glen after you are through playing with it so that you will know the best shave it can give, then decide if it's a keeper or a Trainer. Perhaps you have a more local to you Hone-master you could send or take it to? Best of enjoyment either way.

    Tough challenges, Love 'em, can hardly resist them.
    Last edited by FAL; 03-07-2016 at 12:13 AM.
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  13. #9
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Use it to learn on. Nothing lost nothing gained. Worst case send it out to be re-ground.
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    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  14. #10
    pcm is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinnermint View Post
    Try it out. Spend just a little bit of time on it at a time. Throw some sharpie on there and see what happens with some layers of tape. It will most likely be difficult, but see it as a challenge to give you more experience. And don't forget to update us on your progress!
    Most definitely! I'll post updates on this thread as I progress.
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