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Thread: Learning Jnats with Microscope

  1. #41
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Donato, What is enlightening for others are the micrograph photos and systematic approach. Yes, much of the process has been discussed many times and even some micrographs of a finished bevels and edge, but not much of the process.

    So, for a new Jnat honer it is a tool for them to compare what they see through their loups to your micrographs and the result you are getting, compared to theirs.

    It is not that some razors are too hard, but they are harder and that can produce different levels of polish. And that you do not need a perfect looking bevel to get a good shaving edge, but it does not hurt to polish to a given level consistently to get consistent, repeatable results.

    A great edge does not mean much if you cannot repeat it.

    Good work, interesting post that will help a lot of new Jnat converts.
    ischiapp, DZEC and Skorpio58 like this.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Euclid440 For This Useful Post:

    ischiapp (03-18-2021), Skorpio58 (03-03-2021)

  3. #42
    Senior Member Skorpio58's Avatar
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    Default Honing a Swedish Razor. (Update)

    I suspected, given the positive test (finger+treetop) results and the microscopic aspect. .. and today I got the confirmation: the razor shaved veeeery close

    And in relation to the cutting depth, the comfort was remarkable too. I'm sure after some more stropping it will be even better.

    Very happy with this result! Hard work always pays off...
    Last edited by Skorpio58; 03-04-2021 at 12:31 PM.
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  4. #43
    Senior Member Skorpio58's Avatar
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    Default Third Round.

    After a short pause (playing with other razors ), I'm going on with my comparative tests on Naguras.

    In the Third Round, the blade was finished with Black Tshushima (as in the previous rounds) and an Ozuku Suita Tomo Nagura.

    As the edge was already quite straight, I jointed it just one time, before starting with the Black Tsushima. Then, after each Nagura, I stropped the blade on canvas for 10 laps.

    For what I can see and understand, the Ozuku Tomo seems quite fine, at least @ the same level of previous Asagi Tomo. It gives a nice Kasumi finish of the bevel and a straight/clean edge. A couple of random stria aren't not significant. Seems a little bit reduced the chip on the edge too.

    Finger & Treetop tests passed but, as usual, tomorrow will test on shave and see if there are significant differences.

    Name:  Poltgen - Tsushima - Ozuku Suita 001.jpg
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    ischiapp, boz and Tathra11 like this.
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  5. #44
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Nice bevel and edge, what I would expect from a hard Ozuku Suita and a fine base stone.

    When you compare this bevel and edge to a fine Diamond slurry, you will see the difference this Tomo makes.

  6. #45
    Senior Member Skorpio58's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Nice bevel and edge, what I would expect from a hard Ozuku Suita and a fine base stone.

    When you compare this bevel and edge to a fine Diamond slurry, you will see the difference this Tomo makes.

    Already published in the previous thread... but think (also if on a different Solingen razor) can be useful to compare it here: it's a diamond slurry from the same base stone (Nakayama Kiita Koppa).

    Name:  Estas 006 - Nakayama più Slurry Diamantata.jpg
Views: 187
Size:  86.3 KB
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  7. #46
    Senior Member Skorpio58's Avatar
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    Update after the Third round:

    Another great shave! It's becoming hard to find the subtle differences between the different Tomos.

    1) Nakayama kiita koppa + Tsushima Black Nagura + Nakayama (1) Tomo Nagura = Shave Test OK

    2) Nakayama kiita koppa + Tsushima Black Nagura + Asagi Tomo Nagura = Shave Test OK

    3) Nakayama kiita koppa + Tsushima Black Nagura + Ozuku Suita = Shave Test OK
    Last edited by Skorpio58; 03-06-2021 at 01:26 PM.
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  8. #47
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    “Already published in the previous thread... but think (also if on a different Solingen razor) can be useful to compare it here: it's a diamond slurry from the same base stone (Nakayama Kiita Koppa).”

    For the comparison to be a true comparison, it must be of the same razor and from the same spot ideally. Comparing photos, the Ozuku Suita finish appears finer of all the tomo and diamond slurry.

    Of the all the Tomo I would expect these 3 to be the best performers, Kita, Asagi and Suita. Still there is room for improvement with those tomo.

    We are just trying to compare tomo performance, at this point. But there is a lot more performance that can be squeezed from slurry with technique.

    You should continue your test of the all the tomo, then we can work on improving technique, so that you are comparing only nagura grit. If you start making changes in technique now, you may skew the results.
    Skorpio58 likes this.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Euclid440 For This Useful Post:

    Skorpio58 (03-06-2021)

  10. #48
    Senior Member Skorpio58's Avatar
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    Of course I'm trying to be consistent during this comparison, also if it's impossible at least for me, doing exactly the same things each time. E.g. the quantity/consistency of the slurry. It's a crude comparison at a glance but it's not scientific.
    For the rest, I try to record everything and indicate it on images.

    I've still to test the Kiita, the Nakayama Kiita and Red Ohira, but have also a Shobudani and was thinking to use my Aiiwatani Karasu as a Nagura too, because it still seems to me a rather fine stone.

    Btw. as we used the Tshushima "instead" of the diamond slurry, I guess if it could be useful using it "after" the Tsushima (a sort of Diamond Nagura)?
    I know that I don't know (Socrates)

  11. #49
    Senior Member Skorpio58's Avatar
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    Default Fourth Round.

    Good morning guys!

    And here we are at the fourth round of the Nagura's test.

    As usual, everything else remains unchanged, apart from the last nagura used. This time it was the turn of a Nakayama Kiita Tomo.

    As already stated on previous round, microsopic differences are very subtle. The Nakayama kiita Tomo (aside from being the softest tomo tested until now) seems to be quite fine too. The chip on the edge keeps on becoming smaller than before.
    After honing the edge is straight and the blade passed finger and treetop test . Shave test planned for tomorrow.

    Name:  Poltgen - Tsushima - Nakayama Kiita 001.jpg
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    Name:  Poltgen - Tsushima - Nakayama Kiita 006.jpg
Views: 174
Size:  65.0 KB
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  12. #50
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    "The chip on the edge keeps on becoming smaller than before."

    I generally look at the pictures, then read the post, then look at the pictures again. I swear I was going o say "if you keep honing this same blade eventually that chip will disappear". But, it seems like you know that .

    Edit: You keep saying that it passes finger and tree top tests. Do they keep improving, or is it about the same each time and you are just getting a different comfort level?
    Last edited by planeden; 03-09-2021 at 06:55 PM. Reason: afterthought
    Skorpio58 likes this.
    If you're wondering I'm probably being sarcastic.

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