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Thread: The Famous/Infamous Norton 4/8 "JaNorton 2012"

  1. #421
    Junior Member georgephillips's Avatar
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    I agree maxi, im on my 4th shave (actually my 8th but 4th for this razor) on one of my two for this test, and i only went through one cycle of pyramids after i initially set the bevel at med pressure. I touched up the blade (American Shear & Knife) with feather light pyramids and some additional 8k polishing to see if it would make the shave better, and it absolutely did. I may continue tomorrow with just additional 8k polishing to see if i can get it even smoother. This shave was great because i didnt slice anything unlike my last shave, the irritation was far less especially with some additional stone work, and barely any sting. Not a BBS shave, but a good close shave and I got to try my first soap puck instead of Proraso which was Penhaligons - English Fern.. Actually seemed a little slicker than proraso to me.

    So all in all since my total number of straight shaves is probably in the low twenties in total i'd say that in the last 15 days I've become confident that i can at the very least set the bevel and hone to the point of at least shave capable at worst and semi comfortable but totally acceptable at best. I've been more amazed at how much actual shaving technique ive learned out of necessity of the blade conditions. More finesse, more attention to pressure and angle, and most importantly for me I now realize that pulling the skin and skin tightness is not just a suggestion but mandatory. Especially when the blade is not as keen, pulling the skin tightly for me (with coarse hair) makes the shaving far easier with far less irritation.

    Time to look for a jeweler's loupe.

    *** edit. I must have missed page 42 and didnt see your reply till this morning. Thanks Lynn for the suggestions to my earlier question! Had i read it last night i would have tried that pyramid method instead. I will give that go on my henckels tonight. Much obliged!
    Last edited by georgephillips; 01-12-2012 at 03:49 PM.
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  2. #422
    The Knight who says NI! mcgyver74's Avatar
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    Ok, after a particularly trying day at the office I decided to give this honing thing another run.

    So I soaked up the 4/8 and got my Genco Master Barber ready....

    Even though I know it's not really necessary (it didn't have much of an edge after my LAST attempt at honing LOL) I killed the edge using the same technique Glen did in his honing video then proceeded to the 4k stone

    Did about 5 figure 8's with the DMT325 to raise a touch of slurry then did:

    3 sets of 40 circles heavy and 5 x strokes (Just back and forth with a slight heel forward cant to the razor, no "swoop" at the end) checked, nope, not popping hair

    So, ANOTHER 3 sets of 40 circles (40 each way I mean) 5 x strokes and checked,,,,pops a little hair with effort but not quite ready

    Again, another 40 circles.... 10 X strokes, This time it's popping hair but I think it could still be better
    so one LAST set of 40 circles and 5 more x strokes... NOW it's popping hair decently

    I looked at it under the loupe, and the bevel seems even (not that I really know what I'm looking at....) so I decided to move up..

    3 sets of 40 circles and 5 x strokes medium pressure

    3 sets of 40 circles and 5 x strokes NO pressure

    Then I went for the following pyramid

    5-5 3-3 1-3 1-5 and then 10 x strokes on the 8k ZERO pressure...

    100 passes felt
    100 passes leather

    And this time the verdict is....SHE SHAVES!!! Did a 3 pass shave and while it's definitely nowhere near the smoothest blade I've ever tasted, and it wasn't the closest shave I've ever had, I got a decent shave out of it. it's not getting as close as my other pro honed blades but for only my 2nd time out on the stones I'm happy... Still have way more to learn

    Wonder what I can do to make it smoother within the confines of JaNorton ....
    Lynn, gssixgun and Maxi like this.

  3. #423
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Well after reading all these posts I think the pyramid is probably a great way to learn, as it seems many of the newbies like it and it works for them, it worked for me also. At this point in time, I think for me at least that the progressive way seems to give me quicker and better results. Not to say that I didn't learn a lot using the pyramid, mostly feeling the difference on the edge with the TPT, and going back and forth. The pigtail stroke, and the circle, for me anyhow seems to be the quickest way to getting to the edge I want. The best way that I have been able to tell that my method has been working is because I have a test subject in the house, my wife. She used to on occasion use my straight or my shavette to nip off an eyebrow hair or two, now that she sees my naked arms and patches of hair missing from my chest and thighs, she is afraid to go near them, this tells me all I need to know. And I guess it comes down to this different strokes for different folks no pun intended.
    gssixgun, niftyshaving and 32t like this.

  4. #424
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    JaNorton has been boring me here lately... So, I decided to really test the edge. I used a latherless shave soap:Old Post Road #4. My last two shaves were very comfortable with that too... Just a really nice shave, nothing earth shattering
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  5. #425
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    What is lather less shave soap? I've never heard of it, how you use it, do you use water? Is it clear on your face so you can see your whiskers, if so that would be great to use around a mustache or goatee especially if you're trying to change it or reshape it. Can you expand on that please?

  6. #426
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    What is lather less shave soap? I've never heard of it, how you use it, do you use water? Is it clear on your face so you can see your whiskers, if so that would be great to use around a mustache or goatee especially if you're trying to change it or reshape it. Can you expand on that please?
    The soap at the Marriot Hotel!

  7. #427
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    It's just what it sounds like. No lather, so it it's totally clear. It's kind of odd actually not having the lather to to use as a guide.

    I just wet my face, put a bit of soap in my palm and rub it all over my face. After my first pass, I just rewet my face and do the next pass. I'm not sure why, but I have not missed the "cushion". It actually feeds into my theory that what we normally attribute to a cushioning effect of lather may really be moisturizing effect that causes the skin to be so supple that reacts well to the shaving action and isn't irritated by the blade... It may be that without lather, it subconsciously causes even more of a lighter touch. Either way, it's actually a nice product that comes in handy on days when the result of shaving is more important than the process. It was actually when I overslept yesterday that I decided to give it a shot with a straight (it was pretty frequently used when I used a DE). Good stuff.
    Last edited by richmondesi; 01-13-2012 at 05:12 AM.

  8. #428
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Where does one get this latter list soap? I would like to give it a try.

  9. #429
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Since this isn't on topic and bordering on inappropriate commercial activity outside of the vendor corner, I'll PM you that information
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  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to richmondesi For This Useful Post:

    gssixgun (01-13-2012), Str8Shooter (01-13-2012)

  11. #430
    Junior Member georgephillips's Avatar
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    This reminded me of something i heard as a technique used before concerning lather and stones. Does anyone have experience with using something other than water on the surface of the Nortons? (And by other I mean soap shaving cream lather, not oil) Has this been something that people have found to provide better or smoother polishing while honing?

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