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Thread: Heddiw dda i chi o Gymru (Good day to you from Wales)

  1. #311
    Senior Member MrPeters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterMoo View Post
    Yechyd da, assuming you too speak Klingon.
    Iechydd dda is the welsh version im assuming , which means good health, there's a local cafe near where i work called "Cafe Iechydd dda" and you pronounce it like (yeah-keethe tharr) (It's hard to prounounce welsh and that pronounciaiton isn't accurate, you'd have to hear me say it). Perhaps klingon took that from the welsh language?!
    MickR and edhewitt like this.
    "Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize until they have depleted" - Denis Waitlet

  2. #312
    Mortal Member bombay's Avatar
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    so Damon, back to this being a thread helping a beginner. i was wondering if your skin is oily, normal or dry on your face? have you looked into different post-shave treatment?

  3. #313
    Senior Member MrPeters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bombay View Post
    so Damon, back to this being a thread helping a beginner. i was wondering if your skin is oily, normal or dry on your face? have you looked into different post-shave treatment?
    My skin is very (i dont know), very very soft to touch, almost feminine and quite sensitive at times, i have an olive complexion. At the moment I'm still using disposables (blasphemy) and post-shave i apply Imperial Leather talc (dabbing and soft rubbing) before putting a wet towel/flannel over where i have shaved and where the Talc is and leaving it there for 2 minutes before wiping off. Looking for some sort of post-shave treatment,i used to use alcoholic based aftershave but I'm not sure if it will dry my skin out or not? (or can i make that sacrifice because i have oily skin anyway?)(Btw i hardly ever get spots and have hardly ever)
    Last edited by MrPeters; 09-09-2013 at 07:40 PM.
    "Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize until they have depleted" - Denis Waitlet

  4. #314
    Mortal Member bombay's Avatar
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    i like to use alcoholic aftershave myself. there is the risk that if you wipe away all the oil your skin will then over compensate and you end up massively oily. next time your at the supermarket pick up some distilled witch hazel it is completely natural and will soothe senstive skin and reduce oil but smells a bit rank. i use that before going to bed so i get the pleasure of slapping some stinky aftershave on in the morning
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  5. #315
    Senior Member MrPeters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bombay View Post
    i like to use alcoholic aftershave myself. there is the risk that if you wipe away all the oil your skin will then over compensate and you end up massively oily. next time your at the supermarket pick up some distilled witch hazel it is completely natural and will soothe senstive skin and reduce oil but smells a bit rank. i use that before going to bed so i get the pleasure of slapping some stinky aftershave on in the morning
    I'm in Bristol tomorrow with work playing 5-a-side football so i could get some when I'm there, distilled witch hazel? Would it be amidst the toiletries?
    "Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize until they have depleted" - Denis Waitlet

  6. #316
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    And don't I know it!
    Now I feel bad, you aren't a "fart" he he.
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  7. #317
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Hey Mr P, congratualtions on becoming a "man" .
    I think your senior post breaking post was:"there is an age old saying -"practice makes perfect"".
    Good advice, and I would hazard more useful than my 100th post, at least judging by the rubbbish I currently turn out.
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    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  8. #318
    Senior Member MrPeters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Hey Mr P, congratualtions on becoming a "man" .
    I think your senior post breaking post was:"there is an age old saying -"practice makes perfect"".
    Good advice, and I would hazard more useful than my 100th post, at least judging by the rubbbish I currently turn out.
    Why thank you! Now you've quoted it i feel good it was my 100th.
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    "Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize until they have depleted" - Denis Waitlet

  9. #319
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Damon, as the oldest among us and with sensitive skin to boot here are the two things I can choose from to soothe the face after a shave. Aloe Vera gel. Not a lotion with Aloe in it. A bottle of gel, it will be translucent green in color and a little goes a long way. The other, and I don't know if the brand is sold in the UK, is Gold Bond Ultimate Diabetic Dry Skin Relief. You don't need to be a diabetic to use it. I do because I'm type 2 diabetic (on the edge). Either one is good, just depends on how irritated your skin feels at the moment. Also, if no one has said it, get an Alum block and use it after shave, before final rinse. Works wonders on nicks and scrapes.

    Congrats on reaching 100, now you know how I feel.

  10. #320
    Senior Member MrPeters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    Damon, as the oldest among us and with sensitive skin to boot here are the two things I can choose from to soothe the face after a shave. Aloe Vera gel. Not a lotion with Aloe in it. A bottle of gel, it will be translucent green in color and a little goes a long way. The other, and I don't know if the brand is sold in the UK, is Gold Bond Ultimate Diabetic Dry Skin Relief. You don't need to be a diabetic to use it. I do because I'm type 2 diabetic (on the edge). Either one is good, just depends on how irritated your skin feels at the moment. Also, if no one has said it, get an Alum block and use it after shave, before final rinse. Works wonders on nicks and scrapes.

    Congrats on reaching 100, now you know how I feel.
    Thanks for the advice, i definitely need an alum block, every time I've had nicks however i simply spray them with some aftershave (has alum inside apparently) and its worked wonders, the joys of DIY.
    "Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize until they have depleted" - Denis Waitlet

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