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Thread: What's Cooking?

  1. #71
    32t is offline
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    Here was today's breakfast.

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    I didn't want a big breakfast due to the food that has yet to be eaten around here today and cleaning off the dining room table there was some of the heirloom popcorn that my brother grew this year.

    I hadn't tried to pop it yet and it has gotten a couple of mixed reviews mainly on the popping ability of it. Which from what I understand is based on the moisture of the kernels. This seemed plenty on the dry side to me.

    The cobs are 3-4 inches long and slightly over an inch at the wide end. I popped one cob in some canola oil and with only 6 kernels left unpopped got the bowl shown. I sampled a bit before the picture.

    I then melted some Ramp butter and drizzled it on the top.

    It has held me until now and will do so for a few more hours when the big meal starts.

  2. #72
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    What is Ramp butter?
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  3. #73
    32t is offline
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    Ramp is a more common/fancy term for wild leeks that you might know.

    They are one of the first things to grow in the spring. They live most of their life before the canopy and larger plants shade them out.

    A taste of spring! I have ate and dried them many years but have never tried butter mixed with them. The leaves only.

    We tested it 2 years ago and this spring we made 8 lbs and put in the freezer. Contradicted by my wife but she has become a convert for the taste of spring this time of year.

  4. #74
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    Ramps were a big deal in West Virginia. I did not know they grew in Minnesota.

    You could always tell when someone had been eating ramps. Stunk for two or three days.

    I ate them once. Once
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  5. #75
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    There’s a true thanksgiving breakfast Tim!
    And very good job on that lattice Roy! Hard to weave that crust well I find. .
    Me, not a leek fan either, but my irish bride would love that ramp butter I bet.
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  6. #76
    32t is offline
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    I don't recommend eating any leeks if you are planning to kiss anyone in the next few hours!
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  7. #77
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Well I’m Irish from a full fledge Irish grandpas and grandma who came over on a boat. And I’ll pass on ramp butter too.
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  8. #78
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    My brother and I, were thrown out of the fishin cabin in WV, for eating ramps. It still is a big deal in WV. They hold large festivals each spring, for the annual hunts.

    I might have been born in Akron, Ohio. But my blood is pure, from the hills of WV. Bring on the butter..!!

  9. #79
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Well I failed to get a picture of a plate of what I served for Thanksgiving but here's a snapshot of the stovetop--

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    The turkey pics are here:

    I posted earlier about my first lattice apple pie here.

    I'd used my home canned Apple Pie Filling and I love it.

    As Tc and others will attest, my good friend Carolyn is an excellent baker. I had given her a quart of my apple pie filling to try. Well she used it for part of her Thanksgiving meal. I got an email earlier--Quote:

    "By the way I used your canned apple filling for our pie, it was yummy! Thank you again because everyone liked it."

    I had to take my brother home which is about 75 miles away and stopped by Carolyn's Cafe on my way home and she wanted the recipe for the pie filling so she could have it on hand at home whenever she wanted an apple pie. What a compliment!

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  10. #80
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    I'm just now sitting down to a plate of leftovers!!

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