View Poll Results: What's your cuppa tea ??

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  • White

    11 13.25%
  • Green

    28 33.73%
  • Oolong

    13 15.66%
  • Pu erh

    7 8.43%
  • Masala Chai

    2 2.41%
  • Matcha

    4 4.82%
  • Rooibos

    10 12.05%
  • Herbal

    8 9.64%
  • Iced tea

    17 20.48%
  • Dirty Sock (white athletic)

    1 1.20%
  • Dirty Sock (black dress)

    1 1.20%
  • Black

    40 48.19%
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Thread: Tea anyone ??!!

  1. #4021
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Default Does anyone else grind/powder their tea?

    Lately I've been brewing my Pu erh tea in a sacrilegious manner rather than using the gaiwan:
    Finely grind/coarse powder in the blender
    1/8th teaspoon in an 8 oz cup
    Steep for about five minutes until the tea settles.

    Each cup is flavorful, not bitter, brothy and full bodied rather than weakening from multiple infusions of the same leaf.

    I'm not going for Matcha since I let the tea settle to the bottom of the cup where it dutifully stays put rather than consume the sludge itself.

    I have ordered some green teas such as Sencha and Lung Ching that are more vegetal in flavor and I'm planning on doing the same with those in which I will probably treat them a bit more like Matcha by spending less time allowing the tea to settle.

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    Does anyone else do this?

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  2. #4022
    Senior Member PigHog's Avatar
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    Interesting idea.

    Might I point out that you can actually buy powdered sencha, which is meant to be prepared in this very way.

    Known in Japan as taberu ryokucha (食べる緑茶), sells it and I'm sure you can find it elsewhere with a bit of internet hunting.

  3. #4023
    Senior Member PigHog's Avatar
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    Adding to my last post, powdered sencha tends to be smoother and less astringent than regularly brewed sencha.

    Plus, regardless of the type of tea you've powdered, the health benefits of the tea will be greater because you're drinking the entire leaf (most of the entire leaf, anyway -- go on, just drink it down)!

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to PigHog For This Useful Post:

    ChrisL (02-24-2014)

  5. #4024
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Good site for quality cozies made in USA. Decent selection of what I would call a little more masculine themes as well. Thought I would share. Tea Cozies - Home of the Tea Quilt brand tea cozy(cosy)
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  6. #4025
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I'm fangin' for a cuppa right now. Think I might just go have one. Bushells extra strong. Black.

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  7. #4026
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    I think I'll join you....I need a cuppa. I've been feelin wore out all night tonight.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  8. #4027
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    No worries. I'm buggered meself. Not gonna be on much longer. Gonna have an early one.


  9. #4028
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    A little reflection on tea and coffee I used to work at a gourmet kitchen store once upon a time. We started getting these newfangled coffee makers in that made coffee using these little disk like containers. Any flavor you wanted just about could be had. Yeah it was good but, at that time I was still a coffee drinker and I was all about the French press. I didn't give these machines much thought after that and figured meah, a phase. well here we are about ten years later and now when you go into the local grocery, there they are, the disk coffees right next to the instant which is next to the ground which is next to the beans. A young couple at the condos where I work recently got one of these uhm, coffee makers. They just raved about it. I asked them what was it they thought made it so great ? "It's quick" was the reply. Sigh........I said " what about a coffee maker ?" "isn't that pretty quick ? " In my naivety I thought you get the thing brewing and as you go about getting ready for work it's done by the time your shirt and tie is on. "Ding" coffee's ready ! Apparently I was wrong because they then shot back that it brews single cup and then out the door you can be. Wow.....I didn't know what to say at that point. In a time where people are always raving on about sustainability they persist on making something that uses disks that are not biodegradable, beans are and even paper filters are, and I did bring that up too...nope, didn't matter. You see, I have learned in this day and age every old school thing I do is wrong and dumb to a lot of modern folk or so it appears anyway. After all, I do shave with a straight razor and a safety razor. How Fred Flintstone of me. Well,... I suppose if you're in a hurry, you can just dunk a tea bag into some hot water and have tea also..."Ding" teas done. Thank God for now anyway, the tea culture here is still fairly underground and hasn't been destroyed by the "NUCLEAR MR. TEA 2000 PLUS" yet..........'YET' ........(shiver) hope I never see that day. Yep, nothing like brewing a nice humble pot of tea old skool . A few treats on the side, jam, a good pipe, my cat sleeping next to me. Got some slow jazz playing. No time to be in a rush, I got me some relaxin to do. P.S. Miss you Bela' Name:  001.jpg
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    Last edited by Nightblade; 03-07-2014 at 12:05 PM.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  10. #4029
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Nightblade, I feel that I have to let you know that they have tea discs for the crazy little coffee maker that you are talking about.
    I have one in my office at work. My wife bought it last Spring and we put it in my office temporarily while our house is on the market. My opinion is that the coffee tastes okay and it is a little more convenient. The tea(English Breakfast Tea) is nasty and I will not drink it. Overall, the drinks made with the discs are not as good as French Press coffee or loose leaf tea. The discs are expensive and create trash unnecessarily. The convenience is outweighed by the drawbacks.
    kerryman71 and MickR like this.

  11. #4030
    Str8 Apprentice, aka newb kerryman71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    Good site for quality cozies made in USA. Decent selection of what I would call a little more masculine themes as well. Thought I would share. Tea Cozies - Home of the Tea Quilt brand tea cozy(cosy)
    I can attest to the quality of the tea cozies from this site. I bought one a couple of years ago and the first time I removed it from the pot that had been sitting for a while
    I was surprised at how hot it still was.


    PS Currently drinking River Shannon Blend from Upton Teas.
    MickR likes this.

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