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Thread: The IXL PIPE Shop

  1. #211
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibbs View Post
    I believe it stands for " I Excel" aka I eXceL
    You're right in theory.
    But in many sources it's "I excell", from the word "excellent".

    The I*XL letters are pronounced nearly the same as the statement, "I excell".
    Knife World, January, 1983.
    Alex Ts.

  2. #212
    Blade runner Higo's Avatar
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    Thank you (spasibo)Alex, I've look at it again and it is Josef Allen &sons!

  3. #213
    Senior Member Mauri's Avatar
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    Hallo everybody,
    I have two Pipes, quite consumed (I can't say how old are them), one has a round point and the other a square one.
    Both have the same problem, that although I hone and strop them, and they seems shave ready, they don't work well when I try using them. I have 16 SRs and I hone and strop all of them, and usually I get results that are acceptable if not good, but with these Pipes.

    Can somebody help and tell me what is the problem with these razors? I noticed the steel is different from the other razors I have (it's easy to pitting and it seems "softer" than the others). Maybe some previous owner ruined their temper? But they come from different sources worldwide...

    Another question. Looking at the pictures in this thread I saw that most of the Pipes here have a stamp with this detail: the pipe funnel opening is represented by a curved line. On both of my razors this line is straight. Is this relevant to date them? Or is it just due to a consumed stamp?

    Thank you!

  4. #214
    Blade runner Higo's Avatar
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    Hi, it is difficult to answer your question straight on. It can take a page or two to describe all possible problems. The best way,if you really like to restore razors,is to get enough experience by working with them. After some time you would be able to deal with most common problems.
    As to the stamp I've never seen any with the straight line. I don't think it's important as long as it is deep and clear. The important thing is,whether you like blade so much as to spend your time and effort for the restoration!? Anyway have fun, and good luck!

  5. #215
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    My entry into the club I thought I would post the before pictures as well bought this off ebay for $9 including shipping. the pics from before I restored it where from the auction. I keep saying I am going to take pics as I restore them but I never have the patients and always end up jumping right into the restore instead of taking pics of the process. And yes those where really bad chips on the edge of the blade before I restored and honed it and know it is an awsome shaver.

  6. #216
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  7. #217
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    My first posting here. I inheritated my 92 yr. old uncle's estate. In it was the razor In your picture. I know nothing about these razors. What confuses me is that it is in a case marked "A. Weber Co" and "Imperial". Can you enlighten? Also a history of this razor. Also, I have been told that sometimes when you clean up (polish)old stuff that it decreases value. Is that true in these objects?

  8. #218
    WJF is offline
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    Hello connief7648,
    Welcome to SRP. I'm sure that others may also post, but I just wanted to say that many times razors can be found in boxes that are not the original.

    The next point is that you can damage a razor by cleaning incorrectly. For that to be addressed it would be useful to see a picture/pictures of the razor.

    This particular thread is mostly just folks showing off their Wostenholm Pipe razors. Also refered to by the marketing brand IXL. There are other forums here on SRP that address the cleaning/restoration aspects of razors and you are most welcome to search those out and learn from them.

    If I were you I would NOT do any cleaning on the razor until I had learned more about it's condition and something about how to clean it. Someone else may post soon and have more to say. This is just my 2cents. Please post pics if you can. Hope this helps.

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  9. #219
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    Default Do I qualify for club membership?

    This is my only Wosty at this stage, however, I'm looking for more.
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    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  10. #220
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    Picked up a GEORGE WOSTENHOLM & SON "pipe" RAZOR on EBay. Looks like it has turtle scales and the blade looks like it should hone up well. How do these shave? Has anyone else have this particular razor?
    Last edited by Robin1; 12-22-2011 at 05:14 AM. Reason: wrong url

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