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Thread: %$#$$%% OMG - Unbelievable!

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    So had to pick up a prescription today, at another Shoppers Drugmart, went to see if they had any DE blades.

    They did...Wilkinson DE's!

    Looked for the price...gasped...$15.99 each!!!
    LOL, yeah I posted about that a few months ago. I'm not sure how Shoppers gets away with it, especially with Wilkinsons. I walked away too.
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  2. #82
    Senior Member Gehring9006's Avatar
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    That is the same reason I switched to a SR about 3 weeks ago after doing a lot of research on this site and other websites! Now I have 3 shave ready SRs and looking for more!!! I'm still traveling with a Mach 3 since I usually carry-on all my luggage. So far..I'm enjoying this new hobby.
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  3. #83
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    I'm in Canada too. I've bought DE blades from an online store in England. You can get DE blades from $12 to $30 per 100 from them . They only charge about $5 or less for shipping for the blades. Palmolive is really cheap from them too.
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  4. #84
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Just received my DE this morning after I had already shaved.

    It's in great condition, little Gillette Thin Blade inside the little tissue box (har har), the case was in great condition.

    Since I had already shaved, I looked at the DE for a few minutes, carefully unpacked one of the Lord Platinum DE blades, placed it into the razor, and had another good look at it.

    Maybe there is some scary memory buried deep in my psyche, but this razor absolutely scares the heck out of me! What a paradox, completely comfortable with a straight, yet this looks like it will butcher me given half a chance.

    I'm terrified of the thing, it looks like I'll lather up, and then proceed to rip the entire right side of my face off!! Sheesh, I remember using these things, and I didn't have to watch any videos or read any prep material, you put the soap on your face and dragged it across.

    Well, it's fun to read, so maybe I'll read some stuff here...any tips using these things for the first time in over 30 years??
    Last edited by Phrank; 11-13-2013 at 10:47 PM.

  5. #85
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Phrank, first of all, why even consider any instrument to shave with other then that insanely beautiful custom you just sold your sold for. Secondly, FDR said "the only thing to fear is fear itself" and that holds true for a DE. Deep breath, check angle, slide down face, admire smoothness of swath, repeat, a little more lather and a ATG, rinse and voila! done. Here is an heretical statement, use canned gel gunk to remember the shave you used to get with a DE or whip up an uber lather of MWF and Cella or Maca Root and enjoy the NEW sensation of a DE shave. Either way, it's great for lack of time or on the road.

    Just remember that the DE has no soul, you are the soul of the razor.
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  6. #86
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    It's not too scary, I got one the other day, chucked a blade in and away.
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  7. #87
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Just find the right angle and go lightly on the weight/pressure like you would using a straight. Good luck.

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  8. #88
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Yes, shaved with the W&B this morning, it's a truly unbelievable blade, awesome shaver.

    Yea...darn the torpedoes and away...I'll give the DE a try tomorrow!

    Still the irony though for me, totally comfortable with a straight, apprehensive about a razor I used to use without even a thought!!

    Thanks guys!

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    ....this razor absolutely scares the heck out of me! What a paradox, completely comfortable with a straight, yet this looks like it will butcher me given half a chance.

    I'm terrified of the thing, it looks like I'll lather up, and then proceed to rip the entire right side of my face off!!
    I understand, more than you know. Years ago I was more terrified of DE's than straight razors. I have no rationalization to back that up, other than the fact that I knew more than one person who had cut themselves up with DE's yet I didn't know anyone that had the balls to try a straight. Yet in the end I've been using DE's for almost four years and have yet to cut myself even a single time. Hopefully that helps comfort your mind
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  10. #90
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    I understand, more than you know. Years ago I was more terrified of DE's than straight razors. I have no rationalization to back that up, other than the fact that I knew more than one person who had cut themselves up with DE's yet I didn't know anyone that had the balls to try a straight. Yet in the end I've been using DE's for almost four years and have yet to cut myself even a single time. Hopefully that helps comfort your mind
    Thanks Ryan...that's good to know...still remember using them when I was young (and remember why I first liked the carts), vividly remember my Dad emerging from the bathroom, covered in little square pieces of toilet paper all over his face....guess he had crappy technique!

    Tomorrow will tell...

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