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  1. #181
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    Razor: Wusthof Tridente Standard 1933
    Soap: DRH Arlington

  2. #182
    Always Learning. nubskillz's Avatar
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    Cool The Break is OVER!

    Due to work and other life related activities I was forced to abandon the SOTD thread for a wile. NOT ANYMORE! I am back everyone.
    During my time away I tried to stick to just one razor and pretty much the same prep until I was happy with my technique, and finally I can say that I am. Moving onto today's shave:

    Soap: Proraso
    Razor: Morley Clover Brand "Queen Cutter" (honing by Dylan, edge is smooth as butter)
    Splash: Thayer Rose Witch Hazel
    ASB: Trumpers Limes Skin Food
    Result: Amazing shave. Ever since i got this razor in the mail I've been using nothing else. I can tell my Case is getting jealous....
    Thanks again to Dylan for spotting and honing this beast for me, The Queen Cutter sure is a lady worthy of my time.

  3. #183
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Smile Tutorial

    Hey guys,
    Sorry for the delay, but here's a tutorial that several of you had requested from me ~1 month ago.

    Themed SOTD image (the PDF tutorial will show you how to achieve this)
    Name:  47891d1282916241-themed-sotd-sun-august-22nd-sat-august-28th-grand-canyon_panorama1b.jpg
Views: 286
Size:  32.2 KB

    It will teach you how to warp/twist/bend photos and put them into a collage of sorts...Kind of like the image above, which I posted not too long ago in one of my SOTDs. More will be coming (later).

    Here's the link to the Tutorial: PS Tutorial-Collage Of Warped Photos.pdf

    Enjoy it. Let me know if it is clear, doesn't work or anything.

    Also, I think I will start a thread soon where everyone can download their tutorials to share.

    Max: As the moderator of this forum, do you have any suggestions on how to best do this? Where would such tutorial belong?
    Last edited by BladeRunner001; 09-30-2010 at 06:45 PM.

  4. #184
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Welcome back

    Quote Originally Posted by nubskillz View Post
    Due to work and other life related activities I was forced to abandon the SOTD thread for a wile. NOT ANYMORE! I am back everyone.
    During my time away I tried to stick to just one razor and pretty much the same prep until I was happy with my technique, and finally I can say that I am. Moving onto today's shave:

    Soap: Proraso
    Razor: Morley Clover Brand "Queen Cutter" (honing by Dylan, edge is smooth as butter)
    Splash: Thayer Rose Witch Hazel
    ASB: Trumpers Limes Skin Food
    Result: Amazing shave. Ever since i got this razor in the mail I've been using nothing else. I can tell my Case is getting jealous....
    Thanks again to Dylan for spotting and honing this beast for me, The Queen Cutter sure is a lady worthy of my time.

    Welcome back David

    PS: Loving that French point ...Sweeeeeet

  5. #185
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Hey guys,
    Sorry for the delay, but here's a tutorial that several of you had requested from me ~1 month ago.

    Themed SOTD image (the PDF tutorial will show you how to achieve this)
    Name:  47891d1282916241-themed-sotd-sun-august-22nd-sat-august-28th-grand-canyon_panorama1b.jpg
Views: 286
Size:  32.2 KB

    It will teach you how to warp/twist/bend photos and put them into a collage of sorts...Kind of like the image above, which I posted not too long ago in one of my SOTDs. More will be coming (later).

    Here's the link to the Tutorial: PS Tutorial-Collage Of Warped Photos.pdf

    Enjoy it. Let me know if it is clear, doesn't work or anything.

    Also, I think I will start a thread soon where everyone can download their tutorials to share.

    Max: As the moderator of this forum, do you have any suggestions on how to best do this? Where would such tutorial belong?
    Thanks for sharing your tut!
    I'll test it tomorrow

  6. #186
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Hey guys,
    Sorry for the delay, but here's a tutorial that several of you had requested from me ~1 month ago.

    Themed SOTD image (the PDF tutorial will show you how to achieve this)
    Name:  47891d1282916241-themed-sotd-sun-august-22nd-sat-august-28th-grand-canyon_panorama1b.jpg
Views: 286
Size:  32.2 KB

    It will teach you how to warp/twist/bend photos and put them into a collage of sorts...Kind of like the image above, which I posted not too long ago in one of my SOTDs. More will be coming (later).

    Here's the link to the Tutorial: PS Tutorial-Collage Of Warped Photos.pdf

    Enjoy it. Let me know if it is clear, doesn't work or anything.

    Also, I think I will start a thread soon where everyone can download their tutorials to share.

    Max: As the moderator of this forum, do you have any suggestions on how to best do this? Where would such tutorial belong?
    Thanks a lot Robert, excellent tutorial, I'll try, but I'm not sure to obtain results as nice as yours

  7. #187
    Senior Member cyclelu's Avatar
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    Default Thursday Morning

    Hot Shower
    TGQ Green Alchemy sample size
    EJ Best Badger
    Henckels 7/8 Friodur
    C.O. Bigelow Balm

    Nice relaxing shave with the large blade today!

  8. #188
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    You don't find that to big to carry concealed? I went with a Keltec .32 Hollow point..with a clip on the handle. I can put it in my front pocket and it doesn't show.
    I use a IWB holster and primarily carry it during the cooler months (sweater weather). My daily is normally the Kahr pm9, sometimes the Ruger LCR, or LCP. I do love my Glocks in the cold weather

  9. #189
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    Broke out the D.C. Halsted (Faux Frame back)..Little patina, but I like it. It has original scales with the death (lead) wedge in it, but she still give a great shave. I really like frame backs. Faux and normal..Easy to hone and delivers a great shave. have a couple more in the box that need to get around to restoring.....Have a great day gentlemen..It looks like a Borsalino fedora day and a stanwell pipe on the way to work kinda day. Your posts inspire my retro genes to kick in..
    I really like that razor and the brush...Very Nice!

  10. #190
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Pre-Shave Oil: Truffit & Hill
    Music: Frédéric Chopin, "Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21, Maestoso, Larghetto, Allegro Vivace"
    Razor: 7/8" Novelty 1879, Hollow, Spike point
    Strop: SRD Premium IV (60/70)
    Brush: 24mm Shavemac Silvertip Badger
    Überlather: CarrieM Lilac Shave Creme + Mitchell's Wool Fat Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Post-shave/Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
    Cologne: Truffit & Hill Spanish Leather
    Result: I am happy to say that deadline #1 has come and grant #1 has been submitted. Now the waiting game begins with two more deadlines looming on the event horizon. Regardless, after a good night sleep, the day called for a lather which was not only rich and moist, but also Zen-inducing. CarrieM's Lilac creme mixed with MWF soap and some Glycerin provided just the right formula. As expected, I was greeted with an amazingly moist and rich überlather whereby the subtle scent of Lilac was in no way overpowering, but still seductively potent enough to put me in this "shaving trans" that I so desired and sought. Absolutely relaxing!! The Novelty's wonderfully close shave left my face feeling super smooth. I feel re-energized and reborn...My batteries are almost fully charged and ready to tackle the new deadline(s).

    Attachment 49600

    Have a great Thursday gentlemen
    Great composition as always Robert! Congratulations on meeting your deadlines. Keep up the good work!

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