Results 191 to 200 of 289
01-07-2011, 01:39 AM #191
Thank you sir! You know, the Boker is the oldest razor in my stable at this point. I must have purchased it on sale from SRD way back when and it seems to always give me consistent shaves. It was actually one of the first razors I purchased. It is a quality little razor at a very affordable price.
01-07-2011, 02:13 AM #192
01-07-2011, 02:22 AM #193
01-07-2011, 02:34 AM #194
Thank you sir, and yes they do. The one in the picture is a loaner, but I plan on acquiring one in the next few years. New Hasselblads are much different.. digital now, and they cost upwards of 30k. I don't know if you noticed the much smaller but very capable Olympus Pen FT next to the 'blad... Also a loaner, and #1 on my camera-to-buy-asap list. That, and a micro 4/3ds digital camera, but I'm currently torn on which one to get.
01-07-2011, 02:45 AM #195
01-07-2011, 03:07 AM #196
Great looking razor and who better to have honed it than Lynn himself
Way to go Teiste. Beautiful shave maestro
That is an absolutely stunning, yet unassuming and fantastic shaver. Congrats...this one is definitely going to be one of your best. I have one exactly like it that I snatched from Max while visiting Vegas this October past and I love it.
As for the stands for the brotherhood/fellowship of the shave (just kiddin')...come to think of it, it is my belief that over the past year or so, I feel like this community has metamorphosed into more than just an SOTD...It has become the "Fellowship or Brotherhood of the Shave".
It never disappoints Monroe...even on a bad day
Congrats Monroe. I think a small investment in some basic hones/stones will also be in order.
Beautiful blade Tom...Some wedges are made in heaven. They do deliver a smooth shave, as bit as good as their hollow cousins
Thank you Lu...You da man
Thanks Blugill. I am generally not crazy about horn, but this one (and the W&B frameback that I have from Max) do make the cut in my mind
What a nice post with a beautiful blade Lu. Well done
Forget the shave David...I Love your Hasselblad. I used to own one and have since sold it (and regretted it). Those are one of the BEST cameras on the market...especially the old film cameras. They have released a medium format digital that goes for $40K or so (without the accessories). I still like the film on Hasselblad though (if you can find them).
Nice W&B Jeff...enjoy it while it lasts (a long time still, I guess)...all things material will eventually come to an end. It's how they "check out" that will define their life and the memories they leave behind. Looks like she will definitely go in the books. But I agree about the BOW...hard act to follow. And of course, you can't go wrong with Glen's honing/restore.
That's a beautiful's a 5/8", right? I love the etching. Very classy
01-07-2011, 03:58 AM #197
Oops, It's a Boker "King Cutter". I got all evaluations written for 1 department (81 pages written
). I have 1 small department left and I'll be done with writing and then it's time to schedule the meetings and make travel arrangements.
Sounds like fun! Sorry about misspelling your name! I work with a guy named Lou, so I didn't even think to look.
EVERYONE: Great shaves this week!I haven't had much time to comment, but your fine photos, razors, shave gear, and other accoutrements have provided a much needed escape from work and for that I say "THANKS!"
01-07-2011, 04:23 AM #198
"Fellowship or Brotherhood of the Shave" Robert, you couldn't have said it any better, I agree 100%. Coming here and reading and conversing on each others Shave of the Day, and all the other threads posted is a highlight of the day for me. This is a great group of people here that I'm proud to be a part of. This is by far, in my opinion the best site of its kind on the Web. Thanks so much for the stand up job you do on this site.
Thanks, Mark "aka blugill"
01-07-2011, 05:34 AM #199
My Name All Over It
Location: 40°46'48.93"N 73°57'47.93"W
Music: Bach & Sibelius Radio
Razor: Makrauer Barber Supply House, "Justice"
Brush: Rudy Vey Ivory
Soap: L'Occitane CADE Soap
Astringent: Ogallala Bay Rum
AS: L'Occitane CADE Balm
Result: BBS. Boy I'm glad David reminded me about this razor, I had nearly forgotten about it! It needed some edge work so I coped a few of Stefan's moves and took the blade from DMT 325 and 1.2k (thanks Dylan) through the entire nagura series. The results were incredible, a new benchmark entirely. Thanks!
01-07-2011, 06:00 AM #200
Good morning friends.
Friday morning
soap: Calani- Cadre Noir- Stick
brush: Muehle
razor: Thiers Issard
ASB: Murnauers Totes Meer
Have a nice day.