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Thread: Sun April 3rd - Sat April 9th

  1. #301
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    '40s Superspeed & Super-Max : Omega 80265 & Proraso : Proraso as : Fitjar Folgefonn Mint asb : Miller Harris Terre de Bois EdT

  2. #302
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by du212 View Post
    Kimson, Wacker, Lavanda, Opaline, Czech&Speake
    Great macro photo, Jose!
    baldy and BladeRunner001 like this.
    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  3. #303
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Default Saturday SOTD

    Had a sweet shave with this old William Gilchrist smiler this morning. First shave since honing it up. I have had lots of trials honing old wedges and really spent lots of extra time on the 1000 and extra strokes throughout the progression, being very careful to duplicate the rocking strokes. The result was stupendous and I took a slow ride with the smile, making sure to use every bit of the edge. The cleanup pass found very little and a super smooth shave was the result. It is surely nice to bring an antique to fruition. Its going to be a good day!

    Most EXCELLENT posts by all to-day, fellows!
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  4. #304
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    sharptonn , glad it shaved well for you!!!

  5. #305
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Hot Shower, Baby Oil Gel Preshave, Klos Tornblom (a.k.a. The Swede), VDH Boar, Arko Shavestick, Alum Block, Nivea ASB, Jovan Musk

    Simple as a hammer but a great Saturday shave. My Jovan Musk is getting low. SWMBO has mandated a re-engage.
    The older I get, the better I was

  6. #306
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Saturday

    Prep: Hot shower - followed by Lucky Tiger Molle’ brushless shave cream
    SC: Cella “CREMA DA BARBA”
    Brush: Rooney 3-1 faux Tortoise “Super Badger”
    Strop: VB Red Latigo 50 fabric; 55 leather
    Razor: 5/8” Joseph Allen & Sons “NON-XLL”
    Astringent: Dickinson’s Witch Hazel
    ASB: Barclay Crocker (Bay Rum Scent) + Anherb Natural Aftershave Conditioner
    AS: Dominica “Bay Rum”
    Result: A great shave to start the day…

    I had forgotten how great a shave this Joseph Allen delivers that I purchased from an SRP member in the Classifieds. Oh boy!!! A really close, comfortable shave.
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    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  7. #307
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    Salter French Vetiver
    Gotta love the CS Vetiver. Awesome stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by du212 View Post
    Kimson, Wacker, Lavanda, Opaline, Czech&Speake
    Simply fabulous José. Great close up shot

    Quote Originally Posted by lars View Post
    '40s Superspeed & Super-Max : Omega 80265 & Proraso : Proraso as : Fitjar Folgefonn Mint asb : Miller Harris Terre de Bois EdT
    A very "wake me upper" photo today. Totally Spring like colors and mood. I love it. Great job

    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Had a sweet shave with this old William Gilchrist smiler this morning
    Great to see you back on SOTD. Lovely bade. Very very sexy. Well done on honing her up my friend.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Hot Shower, Baby Oil Gel Preshave, Klos Tornblom (a.k.a. The Swede), VDH Boar, Arko Shavestick, Alum Block, Nivea ASB, Jovan Musk
    Fantastic way to start Saturday.

    Quote Originally Posted by jhenry View Post
    Razor: 5/8” Joseph Allen & Sons “NON-XLL”
    I had forgotten how great a shave this Joseph Allen delivers that I purchased from an SRP member in the Classifieds. Oh boy!!! A really close, comfortable shave.
    Congrats on purchasing a great blade Monroe. Sounds like a winner to me
    sharp likes this.

  8. #308
    In search of a rising tide nightbreed's Avatar
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    Amund, If your reading, you are in our thoughts constantly mate, Hope your OK.
    Good to hear that Jacky is ok. Me, I'm on day 16 of the first and obligatory treatment, in aplasia at the hospital but feeling fine. Up and about all the time, have even managed to do a 1 hour workout in the hospital gym every day Will probably have a break and be able to go home for a week or two next weekend.

    Amund, sitting on the bed with a glass of red watching Devils@Rangers.
    Last edited by nightbreed; 04-09-2011 at 05:47 PM.

  9. #309
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Post Week of April 3 SOTD - Saturday

    Honing Experiment (Series 1 - Coticule Polish/Finish)

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: 22mm New Forest Silvertip Badger
    Razor: 5/8" Geneva Cutlery, Full Hollow, Round Point (from Rene)
    Honing Regimen: (1) Shapton Pro 1k (Bevel setting), and (2) La Grosse Blanche Coticule (sharpen/polish/finish - dilucot method)
    Strop: 0 laps (Neil Miller linen/Premium IV leather)
    Überlather: TOBS "Eaton College Collection" Shave Creme + Ogallala "Bay Rum" Shave Soap/Stick + Glycerin
    Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
    After Shave Splash: Floïd Italian Blue
    After Shave Balm: L'Occitane "L'Occitan" ASB
    Point of this experiment: Well guys, in the next several shaves, I will be doing an experiment to correlate edge aesthetics with shave performance. I had started a thread HERE some weeks ago about this. In it (post #1), I decided to use 3 razors of the same make and (almost) same size and a couple of series of experiments to determine this (see post #41 in that thread). Rene was kind enough to volunteer three of his Geneva cutlery razors for this. I have posted the results of what the edge looks like (with the Coticule polish/finish) at 400X magnification and this SOTD outlines what I think of the actual shave. Over the next week or so, I will progress and update this thread and hopefully make an assessment of what edge I prefer and what it looks like. Here's how I will do this. Shave 1 day, take a break the next and repeat with a new honing process in the series. All variables (brush, soap, creme, etc...) will be kept the same so as not to influence the shave results.
    Results: When honed up, she took on a nice edge and was super sharp and passed the HHT with flying colors. On my face, this blade felt ultra sharp. 3 passes; (1) WTG: the sharp edge cut the whiskers with ease, (2) XTG: same thing with a little more clean up, (3) ATG: the blade really cleaned up any ghosts left behind. However, there was a level of smoothness that was missing. I have come up with a new rating for this experiment. (A) Sharpness, and (B) Smoothness. Here's how I rate this shave: Sharpness: 9 or 9.5, and Smoothness: 6. If interested to see more, see this link here. I have pictures of the bevel/edge at 400X magnification. My next shave will be Monday with series 1 (#2 - which is the Coticule sharpen and Escher polish/finish).


    Now, some of you may be wondering what those little "needle-striken" doll like toys are. Well, Rene was also kind enough to send my wife some P90X workout DVDs (Kick A**) and these represent voodoo dolls that my wife and I can use to curse (i.e., thank) Rene every time we work out (and last night we worked out and today we are hating him, LOL). Thanks buddy

    Rene: Thank you for everything my friend . You were instrumental in making this experiment happen buddy. I owe you one, BIG time...and thank you for the P90X DVDs (and the Bay Rum). Both my wife and I love them and thank you (ooops sorry...curse you, ).

    Have a FABULOUS Saturday gentlemen

  10. #310
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by nightbreed View Post
    Good to hear that Jacky is ok. Me, I'm on day 16 of the first and obligatory treatment, in aplasia at the hospital but feeling fine. Up and about all the time, have even managed to do a 1 hour workout in the hospital gym every day Will probably have a break and be able to go home for a week or two next weekend.

    Amund, sitting on the bed with a glass of red watching Devils@Rangers.
    Hang tough Amund. Working out is a great way to be strong.

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