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Thread: Sun June 12th - Sat June 18th

  1. #71
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Post Week of June 12 SOTD - Monday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: 25mm Morris & Forndran, 2-band Blonde Badger, Mosaic Bone handle
    Razor: 6/8" H. Böker "Barber's Rattler", 1/4 Hollow Ground, Barber's Notch (w/ Abalone scales)
    Honing Regimen: Naniwa 1k, Shapton Pro 1k/2k/5k/12k
    Strop: 0/30 laps (Torolf linen / SRD Premium IV leather)
    Überlather: CarrieM "Bay Rum" Shave Creme + Ogallala "Bay Rum/Sweet Orange" Shave soap + Glycerin
    Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
    After Shave Splash: Ogallala "Bay Rum/Sage/Cedar" AS
    Cologne: Ogallala "Bay Rum" EdC (Double Strength)
    Results: I recently won this Böker off eBay and even though she came shave ready, I wanted to re-hone her from scratch and reset the bevel with tape on...that way there is no guessing later on as to what I did, in case I forget (which happens a lot lately ). She took on an amazing edge and was more than shave ready for today. Also new to my collection is this beautiful Morris & Forndran brush in bone handle. Gave her a good cleaning and she returned the favor by exposing me to her fabulous backbone and ultra soft tips (Shhhh....don't tell my wife ). I thought a Bay Rum überlather would be a great way to inaugurate the maiden voyage of the Böker/M&F combo. What a treat indeed. The M&F performed marvelously and the Böker plowed through the 1-day growth effortlessly . I love how this shave makes me feel.


    Have an AMAZING Monday gentlemen .

  2. #72
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    I was told you are the godfather of SRP.
    My English isn't so good, godfather is the same word like pate. Are you a member of the Mafia?
    The razor Mafia!
    Until today I thought the Armenians only produce good brandy?
    Last edited by eTom; 06-13-2011 at 02:40 PM.

  3. #73
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by str8fencer View Post
    After Shave Splash: Lavender Spice home brew
    Could be possible to have the recipe?
    Mvcrash and sharp like this.

  4. #74
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    Robert I am green of envy your shave and pic are absolutely awesome...and about the german guy , don't worry, you can " make him an offer he can't refuse"
    baldy, Mvcrash, sharp and 2 others like this.

  5. #75
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Razor: Utica Cutlery Co. Helma 88
    Brush: Rooney pure badger
    Soap: Omega
    AS: Thayers Lavender and Brut Attitude
    Result: Love this razor. Two pass BBS.
    Name:  003.jpg
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    And as promised, the Bengall Cast Steel from yesterday, still in its original horn scales.
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    Still some more work to do to get it shaving right, but it is getting there.

  6. #76
    Senior Member Batmang's Avatar
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    Monday 6/13/11

    Torrey 5/8 w/ barber's notch
    Semogue 830
    La Toja ss
    Thayers Cucumber WH w/aloe
    Speick a/s balsam
    Woods of Windsor Edt

    A fantastic shave with the Torrey and the newly acquired La Toja soap. I've been a fan of the La Toja cream and the soap is wonderful as well. A two day growth was dispatched with two passes and a couple of touch ups. The WoW finish is simply perfect.

  7. #77
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    Le Grelot 6/8, New Forest Tubby 2, RazWar classical shaving soap, Floïd blue, Lavanda EdC

  8. #78
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by du212 View Post
    Could be possible to have the recipe?
    Sure thing! This is a simple home recipe and goes like this:

    Essensial oils:

    8 drop Rose
    6 drop Clove
    21 drops Nutmeg
    4 drops Cinnamon
    15 drops pepper
    36 drops Lavender

    Mix and leave for one month, shaking it up well on blend and as you remember it - each couple days is great. After one month, add your alcohol. I like my alcohol strong and my perfume light, so I add 150 ml of 170 proof / 85% alcohol. Shake vigorously and leave for a week, there should be no unmixed oils if you follow these instructions. I would not recommend less than 100 ml in any instance. This is a light one, expect it to be gone in 4 hours after application. Cedarwood would work well in this mix and would add a lot in staying power, but I am happy with it as a light summer splash. A little less alcohol would also increase the stay, try 100 ml if you want.

    From my own notes: Nicely masculine, the lavender does not feel soapy and the spices make it a non-sweet, almost dry scent.

    Best of luck.
    Last edited by str8fencer; 06-13-2011 at 05:03 PM. Reason: typos and add-ons
    baldy, DOOM, Mvcrash and 7 others like this.

  9. #79
    Senior Member Teiste's Avatar
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    Mitchells Wool Fat SS/SIMFIX two band badger brush/Edwin Jagger DE87 with Treet Classic/Burberry Balsam

  10. #80
    jss is offline
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    Faultless 5/8ths Round
    Simfix Grosvenor LE
    Taylor's Lavender SC
    Thayer's Rose WH

    Best regards,

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