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Thread: Sun August 21st - Sat August 27th

  1. #231
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Wonderful eh? Did I start a Jnat HAD using my Ozuku?
    sharp, mjhammer and Jacketch like this.

  2. #232
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tumtatty View Post
    Fantastic Shave Today!! I got a little bit of a rash (razor burn?) the last time I used the Bismarck so I ran it over my coticule for awhile. That must have done the trick because that baby sailed right through my stubble this morning. I'm sure the MdC helped a bit as well
    Tim, I want a Bismarck so bad. That baby just lay's there and looks deadly sharp. (Jealous!!!!)

    sharp, tumtatty and Jacketch like this.
    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  3. #233
    rum is offline
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    Default Thursday

    GB Kent T4
    Martin de Candre
    Filarmonica 13 DT, white scales
    Castle Forbes Limes

    Very smooth and comfortable shave. My bowl of MdC is a year old next month. Look how little it has gone down in that time.

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  4. #234
    amb is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rum View Post
    Martin de Candre
    Filarmonica 13 DT, white scales
    Great combination! MdC & Filarmonica. Wow!
    rum, sharp and Jacketch like this.

  5. #235
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Warm Shower
    Warm oil
    Dirty Bird Scuttle
    Custom Cherry Brush by Tim (Tumtatty)
    Engstrom, frame-back in ivory
    Ambrose Strop 100 laps
    AOS Aluminum
    Pinaud Bay Rum
    Vaseline for men
    Earth Quake
    Hurricane Irene

    Today when I arrived home there was a little box waiting for me. Inside was a sample of MdC and a Cherry wood brush turned by Tim with what has to be my favorite badger knot installed. The original handle broke and Tim volunteered to fix it for me. I guess he really liked the Castle Forbes and Cade I sent.

    Anyway, I immediately took a shower and stropped up the twin of the Engstrom I used last night. Warmed the Scuttle and dropped in some MdC that Tim sent along with the brush.

    The Mdc whipped up into a creamy delightful thick lather that over flowed the sides of the scuttle. The aroma was delightful. The Engstrom glided over the thick cream and my skin to provide a wonderful shave. I know understand the rave over the MdC and will be ordering some. I've never had a soap lather like that.

    The handle of the brush has a beautiful cherry finish and fit in my hand perfectly. The knot just blooms on this one and holds mounds of lather. Tim, thanks so much!!

    Enjoy the evening.

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    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  6. #236
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Default When in doubt... Wedge it..

    Locale:Mile High in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado!
    Music: The J. Geils Band - Blow Your Face Out!!! Live (Musta got lost!!)
    prep: Hot Shower + Hot Towel Soak + Virgin Olive Oil Rub
    Strop: Star 3" Big Daddy Chestnut + Balsa + Felt / 40-40-100
    Brush: Custom Will Newman 22mm Silvertip in American Ash
    Soap: Speike + Glycerin
    Razor: 9/16 Union Cutlery 'Spike' in original Scales
    Post: Alum Block + Tend Skin on the worst spots
    AS: Jock Soap Tall Drink Balm
    EDT: Avon Signature
    Result:A fine shave!!! This little wedge is a dream. Hadn't shaved in 2 days, saw the neurologist today and had an epidural done in my neck for a few bulging disks that have been reeking havoc upon me in recent times. Crossing my fingers this helps!! It's taken a while, but I finally got that shower and shave I so craved!

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    Happy Shaves!!!!

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  7. #237
    Senior Member tumtatty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjhammer View Post
    Tim, I want a Bismarck so bad. That baby just lay's there and looks deadly sharp. (Jealous!!!!)

    When you get one KEEP IT DRY! I left mine in the bathroom and the humidity caused it to start rusting right on the goldleaf in just a couple days. I was so bummed, but I learned my lesson.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Custom Cherry Brush by Tim (Tumtatty)

    Today when I arrived home there was a little box waiting for me. Inside was a sample of MdC and a Cherry wood brush turned by Tim with what has to be my favorite badger knot installed. The original handle broke and Tim volunteered to fix it for me. I guess he really liked the Castle Forbes and Cade I sent.

    Anyway, I immediately took a shower and stropped up the twin of the Engstrom I used last night. Warmed the Scuttle and dropped in some MdC that Tim sent along with the brush.

    The Mdc whipped up into a creamy delightful thick lather that over flowed the sides of the scuttle. The aroma was delightful. The Engstrom glided over the thick cream and my skin to provide a wonderful shave. I know understand the rave over the MdC and will be ordering some. I've never had a soap lather like that.

    The handle of the brush has a beautiful cherry finish and fit in my hand perfectly. The knot just blooms on this one and holds mounds of lather. Tim, thanks so much!!

    Enjoy the evening.
    I'm so glad you liked the brush handle Jeff! That one fit my hand better than any I've made so far. I'm glad it works for you too. I knew you'd like the MdC. It's pretty amazing stuff. I've used it probably 10x and even after I scraped off the sample for you the jar still looks basically unused. I bet you could shave everyday for a year off one jar. Anyway, I am very grateful for your kindness in sending me a sample of the Cade and Castle & Forbes to try.


    Quote Originally Posted by str8fencer View Post
    Thanks Str8Fencer!
    Last edited by tumtatty; 08-26-2011 at 12:34 AM.

  8. #238
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  9. #239
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Default SOTD_8.25.2011

    Rudy Vey Chubby | Salter French Vetiver | Maxormonica DT 13 | Alum | Cade Balm | Guerlain Vetiver

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  10. #240
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    Prep:Hot Shower
    Scuttle:Dirty Bird custom double
    Brush:34mm TGN Silvertip Premium A in crimosn swirl
    Strop:SRD PIV English Bridle
    Cream: Calypso bomb
    Razor: Filarmonica DT 14
    After shave: Ogallala Bayrum & Sandalwood
    EDT: L'Occitane Vetyver

    Result: What a great shave to follow after the Maxtom. 2 passes and BBS. Thanks for all the great pics and posts gentlemen!

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