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Thread: Sun May 13th - Sat 19th

  1. #111
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Nice smooth shave with the Klas Törnblom this morning. It demonstrated the difference in smoothness between it and the De Pews I honed yesterday. I need to research what results in smoothness, i.e. lightness of pressure, grit, etc. Maybe the Shapton 16k is too harsh for the soft steel with which I guess the De Pews is made? Now isn't that a lovely, grammatically correct sentence; as 'correct' as English can get? I still think, one day, we should have a multi cultural day where we all post in our native language (I posted a post about that ages ago). I realise there will be a lot of English posts, but it would be really interesting to see Spanish and Hungarian and Malaysian (Malay?) and Norwegian (is that the name of the primary language in Norway?), etc, etc? Of course we'd only post in that language if we knew what we were talking about, not because Google Language tools said it was correct.
    Now, back to the shave...

    ...I had only to look at the Body Shop Macca root and it obligingly created a nice thick lather for me.

    I bathed in the clean, antiseptic, Hospital Grade yet alluring scent of Clubman.

    Oh, got my first real cut today. On the thumb. While trying to make the stupid razor stand up straight for the photo.

    Razor: Klas Törnblom, Ivory Scales
    Pre-Shave: Sukin Facial Moisturiser
    Cream: Body Shop Macca Root
    After Shave : Clubman

    Name:  SOTD160512(3).jpg
Views: 217
Size:  18.3 KB

    [EDIT], I'd like to get the background of the picture to blend with the background of the page, I wonder what the HEX value is, or whatever it's called?
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 05-16-2012 at 10:07 AM.

  2. #112
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Nice shave, Jeff and congrats on the incoming OCD!
    Thanks, Bob did an incredible job. The month of May has been tough since the girls went off to College. Moving them out always seems more of a pain in the ass. This time, I have one coming home and one coming back to Florida, then one going off to Europe. Keeping me on my toes. I'll be passing your neck of the woods around breakfast time tomorrow, I'll wave!!
    baldy and nicknbleeding like this.

  3. #113
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    ...Tonight's Shave was more for mental health than anything else...
    Take care! I think sometimes we need to concentrate on enjoying the really small things, like the warmth of the sun on your back, or something...
    I know that's what I need to concentrate on....

  4. #114
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    ...I strikes me that in the str8 shaving world one of the best things you can learn is that not every shave is perfect. Learning that it's not the razor, the lather, the edge but just me...
    So true, Paul. I was initially captivated by The Art of the Straight Razor Shave, by Christopher Moss. That text made straight razor shaving sound so luxurious and technical and so much an Art. Can one ever say they have 'finished learning an art'? I doubt it. There is so much to concentrate on; the angle, the direction, the lather, the prep, the razor, the strop, the stropping the hone, the honing the honer....

    I'm slowing up a little lately; trying to really think about what I'm doing. To be honest, it's become a little automatic, and I don't want it to be automatic, I want to actually DO it, not just 'have it done'. What I mean is, think about that last time you put your shoes on. You just 'had it done' by your body; your automatic, remembered, practised sequence of movements that results in your shoes being on. You may have intervened with your conscious mind to adjust your sock, or re-think how tight the laces were tied, but you didn't really have a lot of conscious control over the event.

    I have decided (well, just as I was typing "I have decided", really) that I'll ensure I 'DO', rather than 'have done' my shaves.

    Basically, what I'm saying is, I think shaving can BE meditation; though now I've said it I don't really know why I've even embarked on this discourse; other than to cement, a little more or less, the quite likely thought that many may have that I'm over thinking this whole thing entirely.
    JeffR, eTom, moonbeam and 1 others like this.

  5. #115
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post

    Oh, got my first real cut today. On the thumb. While trying to make the stupid razor stand up straight for the photo.
    Where's the pic? If you're going to get your first real cut, it's worth letting us see how it happened!

    BTW, sorry you got cut!
    Str8Shooter likes this.

  6. #116
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Where's the pic? If you're going to get your first real cut, it's worth letting us see how it happened!

    BTW, sorry you got cut!
    Yeah, yeah, yeah..."if there's no pic it never happened". Which clearly is why the Internet is full of porn these days instead of green writing on a black background; the need for every guy to prove his story about what happened on the weekend.

    Here's the porn...(please excuse the dirty thumbnail, I've been doing manly things around the house with taps...)

    Name:  P1080390.jpg
Views: 202
Size:  32.6 KB

  7. #117
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    I meant the SOTD shot that wasn't showing...

  8. #118
    Seńor Member (the name is Dave) DFriedl's Avatar
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    Razor: 5/8 Imperial/Utica Frogenstein
    Prep: hot water, Barbasol
    Brush: van der Hagen (boar)
    Soap: Estoril Sports shave cream
    A/S: witch hazel, Joop Homme
    Result: DFS (went light after getting some sun)
    Name:  IMG_0609.jpg
Views: 213
Size:  83.5 KB

    Walleye fishing on Lake Erie was wonderful the last couple of days. We didn't limit, but caught big fish. Had a blast.

    Name:  IMG_0600-1600.jpg
Views: 190
Size:  34.9 KB

  9. #119
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    I meant the SOTD shot that wasn't showing...
    Oh. Ummm. I don't know what to say....
    baldy likes this.

  10. #120
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot Shower/ Noxema
    Brush: Thater 4125-2
    Scuttle: G5
    Soap: MWF
    Razor: Otto Fromm "Redhead" #50
    Post: Proraso AS/ Nivea Lotion unscented
    Result: BBS in 3 passes, but not as comfortable as usual. Need to restock on the Proraso pre-post cream, it truly makes a difference for me. Off to another fine day at the races...

    Have a Great Wednesday Gents!

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