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Thread: Sun June 17th - Sat June 23rd

  1. #61
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Well, I am cured of The Malaise and also my bad back, which were clearly linked. Although I still feel like reading Byron and shaving and taking meals in my room. Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll purchase a French vintage shaving set circa 1920. This will go nicely on my antique wash stand (also yet to be purchased) for nice Saturday or Sunday afternoon shaves in my room. The bowl I intend to purchase is quite large, and in fact maybe the shallow dish that’s advertised as a razor dish is for massive hypodermic syringes, and the whole deal is some sort of bloodletting paraphernalia; regardless, given the availability of funds it shall be presently employed as stated above.

    Today’s shave was with the Wade and Butcher, the Mme Scodioli soap and the Mme Scodioli After Shave. My experience with this soap is that it doesn’t lather like O Melhor cream, it dissipates a little after application. But I allow, nay! Welcome this, as it’s an indication of its natural nature.

    By the way (or BTW for you young folk), I would like to explain my current penchant for the underline. A little while ago I read a letter from Lord Byron sent to his mother. I found the letter hilarious, full of pompous self importance. The young Byron was clearly upset; very many words were shown on the web page in italics. Now, I haven't seen the original letter, and I know nothing of how people wrote in the early eighteen hundreds, but I'm guessing they would have found italicising their handwriting as difficult as I. It's just not that obvious unless it's in a form typed on a typewriter (Google it, young folk, it's an early word-processing machine) or a computer. Or even those things we used to have; 'newspapers' and 'magazines'. Anyway, my thoughts are that Byron's letter actually consisted of underlined words to give emphasis, not italicised words (I'll stand corrected if I can be shown evidence, Sir). So I've started to underline words rather than italicise them. Of course, some forms of communication (facebook) does not allow for the underline, and forces one to use the capital; a gross parody of the underline I say, and wasteful of one's time (as, you would have found, was reading this post).

    Here is the link to the letter: Lord Byron: Selected Letters

    Razor: Wade and Butcher | Soap: Mme Scodioli ‘Boheme’ | After Shave: Mme Scodioli ‘Step Right Up’

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  2. #62
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheXelol View Post
    Nice looking razor. The pattern I can see on the blade and the size and shape of the scales appeals to me for some reason...

    Quote Originally Posted by DFriedl View Post
    Carl, is there any animal you can hunt in your region this time of year? Hunting always helps me break out of a Winter rut (as remote as it seems to me right now!). Not just the hunt itself, but the feeling that there is some purpose to the season and the feeling of being alone in peace with a single purpose.
    Not really. I'm not sure but we're a bit strange here. I think generally one just can't take animals; I'm sure I'd need some kind of permit. However, it appears to me that my fellow citizens extinguish native fauna regularly with utter abandon with their auto-mobiles, at least the bloody carnage on the roads suggests either this or some sort of satanic acts are taking place each evening round these here parts. Good suggestion though. I don't have my bow yet, so I suppose guerrilla type manaouvers should take place; the poisoning of water-holes for instance; that do you think?

    Quote Originally Posted by moonbeam View Post
    SotD - Wednesday
    Lately I found out something is not right with my shaving routine.I guess the ritual needs to be reviewed.When I started Str8shaving 1 and a half years ago,the first few weeks was a very careful one though you get cuts and nick here and there,time was not a criteria.The next few weeks was like a champion wannabe,a quick no nick comfortable shave below 10 mins or so.After a few months, I seemed to be very confident with the str8s, getting BBS shave most of the time.These few days I do not feel I am getting the shave right.My daily shaving routine is:immediately after shower in the morning,wet face,lather face with cream/soap,WTG,XTG and ATG,followed with astringent and AS.I do not touch my face anymore and I am ready for the day.The problem is when I left the house,it is quite congested and at this time I started to touch my chin,lower jaw,upper and lower lips and found out that though not visible,I can feel the sharpness of the hairs at some spot as I strecthed the skin.This really gave me disappointed feeling about my shaving [unless the rate of growth is very fast].I guess I need to go back to square 1,a proper face prep[with hot towel treatment this time],increase shaving time and a thorough touch up before applying the AS.O yes,back to the basics for that perfect shave.

    Have a perfect shave to all.

    This was exactly my experience a month or so ago; maybe six weeks. Even as far as feeling the chin. I found I'd got so much better that I stopped really trying. I also found I had either stopped trying to go completely ATG on all hairs, or hadn't really paid attention on mapping my face; or maybe a combination of both; I'm still not 100% sure. Anyway, I started to take a few minutes more and 'care' more and concentrated on going REALLY absolutely ATG on all hairs (as close as can be possible) and found the result was better than anything I'd achieved before. I found my motor skills and comfort using the razor now allowed (and probably didn't previously) this degree of precision.

    Best wishes.

    Quote Originally Posted by celticcrusader View Post
    The first thing I thought was 'Jamie, your photos are always really excellent' (with a hint of jealously)
    And then I thought, 'How on earth did he get it to stand up like that!'
    Then I saw the stand. That's an excellent photo!!
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 06-19-2012 at 09:04 AM.

  3. #63
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    MdC | Mk32 in Ivory | Rover in Manchurian Badger | Lucido | Patou Pour Homme

    There is just something about a good shave, and MdC just seems incapable of producing anything else! I only loaded the brush for about 15 seconds, and I was left with this after three passes:

    With the lather built, the Heljestrand made quick work of the stubble and I was left with a smooth, CBS hollywood mug. The Lucido continues to impress and I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't have picked up a few bottles to store.

    Well, I'm off to the office. I hope you all have a great day!

  4. #64
    Señor Member (the name is Dave) DFriedl's Avatar
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    Razor: 5/8 LouPer
    Prep: hot water, C.O. Bigelow shave cream
    Brush: Whipped Dog Black Badger
    Soap: C.O. Bigelow shave cream
    A/S: witch hazel, Nivea for Men

  5. #65
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Prep: 2 mile run, lukewarm shower
    Razor: 1960 Gillette Super Speed
    Brush: Semogue 1305
    Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
    AS: Alum Block, Aqua Velva Classic
    Finish: Pierre Cardin EdC

  6. #66
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, here is today's shave den playbill:

    Razor: Edwin Jagger octagonal faux ivory and gold
    Blade: Personna red pack
    Brush: Semogue silver tip
    Soap: Tabac spiked with Arko unscented cream
    Pre-shave: Edwin Jagger
    Face lather
    Scuttle: Moss
    Witch hazel
    Balm: Institute Karite
    Aftershave: Rose of Bulgaria

  7. #67
    Senior Member lu20vt's Avatar
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    Excellent Bill !!

    JabonMan Vetiver // Plisson EW Size 12 // IBERIA 13 Doble Temple // Thayers // Floïd Vigoroso

  8. #68
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lu20vt View Post
    Excellent Bill !!

    JabonMan Vetiver // Plisson EW Size 12 // IBERIA 13 Doble Temple // Thayers // Floïd Vigoroso[/center]
    Thank you. I'm still learning, but hope to someday create masterpieces like this!

  9. #69
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Today's Shave:
    Preparation: Warm Shower and RS Cream
    Razor: TI 6/8
    Brush: Semogue 830
    Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Toner: Thayer's
    Post: Skincado Balm

    Not a bad shave today, better than what I have been getting. I think I am going to ditch the pre shave oils. Whatever benefits that possible could be derived from them are negated by the gunk they leave behind. I did order some Cast Forbes pre shave. I got the travel size in case I do not like it. That stuff ain't cheap, ya know? Hopefully it will be here in the next few days along with some other items. I did have to clean up a bit with my Gillette after two passes with the TI. Oh well, I have been in a bit of a funk lately. I think what I liked about today's shave was the MWF. I think I am turning into a rabid fanboy who will only shave with it. Let's see. The Scodioli soap should be arriving soon. Name:  IMG_0490.jpg
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  10. #70
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    Jeff, looks more like a near wedge to me. Definitely not half hollow!
    Thanks, I figured. That is one big wedge.
    mjhammer and Str8Shooter like this.

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