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Thread: Sun September 09th - Sat September 15th

  1. #151
    Senior Member csrund's Avatar
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    Name:  No Shave 2day.jpg
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  2. #152
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    Pre shave - Hot Towel, Palmolive Shave Stick
    Razor - Weber ARC
    Blade - Astra S/P
    Brush – The Beast
    Soap - Marlborough
    Cold Rinse/ Witch Hazel/ Prof Blighty's English Oak Aftershave Splash

    1st run with the CH3 Manchurian (The Beast), and a swap back to S/P's in the Weber.... delighted doesn't come close!!

  3. #153
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSomebody View Post
    Nice Pic Bill. Wish I had a little of your photography bug, these long days at work are kicking my keister!
    Was looking at an Oozuku Asagi, is the edge much different compared to a Naniwa?
    Honestly, Joe, every natural stone is different in terms of the edge you get. Personally, I find my stone to give me a very nice smooth and soft edge. If you'd like, send me a blade and I'll hone it for you to see what kind of results my stone gives...
    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  4. #154
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=JoeSomebody;1023474] This was an incredibly smooth shave for a razor fresh off the hones QUOTE]

    That combination of hones used, in my experience, produces some of the best and smoothest edges, consistently. Very nice!

  5. #155
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    Razor: Kamisori Ichihara
    Soap: Sapone da barba alla Mandorla (La Saponeria del Titano)
    Brush: Ω-48 replica
    Balm: Crema liquida dopo barba, Proraso
    Fine Cycladic art, 3rd Millenium BC
    Just to remember my recent trip to Mykonos and Syros

    Name:  DSC00025.JPG
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  6. #156
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    Wed, Sept 12

    Pre: Hot Towel, 10 Linen, 15 Leather
    Razor: Dubl Duck Special No 1 5/8"
    Brush: Thiers-Issard Super Badger w/ Black Horn Handle
    Scuttle: Dirty Bird Brush Scuttle
    Soap: AoS Sandlewood and Cedar
    Post: Cold water and Alum
    Aftershave: Trufitt & Hill 1805 Balm

    Today was a different kind of shave. I had an exam in my morning class so I post-poned the shave until after class. Well I already took a shower by the time I shaved, so why take another. I instead heated some water in the tea kettle and poured it in the basin and let a towel soak. I then wrung it out and relaxed on the couch a bit while massaging my face. When the towel had done its work I walked back to my shave station and tested the basin water. It was down to warm tap water. Excellent. If I need a tad bit of water while lathering that will do superb. I used the basin to splash a little water on my face and began a lather. Woo Boy! I am never using Classic Brand soap ever again. AoS soap lathered like a dream in comparison which makes me wonder what my TOBS and MWF will be like. I decided to test my new secret mystery razor. A couple small strokes and washed and dried it. A little too harsh, going to touch up the edge. I then picked up my Duck and gave it a chance to not leave a scar on my face. The duck obliged. I went through WTG and XTG pretty easily. Still a little rough around the neck. Also I am liking 1805 alot. May have been the scent I am looking for. Still probably going to try Trafalgar.

    Result: CCS but minor irritation on the neck from the second pass.
    Last edited by Pyrateknight; 09-12-2012 at 04:48 PM. Reason: Added opinion on AS
    Shaving with facial hair is like a golfcourse. It's a challenge of rough and fairways. You are the skilled greenskeeper of your face?

  7. #157
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: SOC two band
    Razor: Feather
    Soap: Castle Forbes, Lime
    AS: La Toja, Manantiales
    Result: Very, very clean

  8. #158
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Honestly, Joe, every natural stone is different in terms of the edge you get. Personally, I find my stone to give me a very nice smooth and soft edge. If you'd like, send me a blade and I'll hone it for you to see what kind of results my stone gives...
    What a generous offer my friend! Now I just have to find the proper 'victim'...
    sharp and mjhammer like this.
    Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  9. #159
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Razor of the Day:
    Gem Jr.
    Blades of the Day:
    Personna Red
    Brush of the Day:
    Semogue 830
    Soap of the Day:
    Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Lotion of the Day:
    Pinaud Clubman

    Name:  IMG_0660.jpg
Views: 249
Size:  64.8 KB

    Great shave today! I love the Gem Jr. I prefer it over a DE. I wish there were more blades to choose from.
    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  10. #160
    Senior Member lu20vt's Avatar
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    Valobra Stick // Bull Mastiff/Astra1 // Morris & Fordran Heritage 3XL // Thayers // Floïd Vigoroso

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