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Thread: Sun September 16th - Sat September 23rd

  1. #101
    Senior Member tbert33's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sun September 16th - Sat September 23rd

    Had a great shave today... Finding this is really relaxing at the end of a very hectic day!

    Prep: Hot shower followed by 3 bouts of the hot towel.
    Razor: Hamburg Ring (maker unknown)
    Shaving cream: Body shop Macca Root
    Brush: Wilkinson Sword basic brush
    Post shave: Witchazel

    Was a very enjoyable shave. 2 very slow passes and even the wife sat and watched in amazement - now i have the thumbs up from the wife where is my credit card... Ive got some buying to do!!!

    Have a great evening gents.

  2. #102
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    Pre-Shave: Hot shower/GFT Sandalwood skinfood
    Brush: SRP Thäter
    Razor: Les Croix
    Strop: 40/60 Neil Miller Linen/Kanayama Cordovan
    Soap: Sir Irisch Moos
    After shave: Sir Irisch Moos
    Music: AC/DC - Touch Too Much, Dire Straits - Money For Nothing, Syntax - Pride

    Simply a marvellous shave, this razor takes an amazing edge, two passes DFS++

    Playing around with my new camera, quite fun

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  3. #103
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Today's shave:
    Warm Shower
    Home made pre-shave balm
    Dirty Bird Scuttle
    Badger Brush by Tim
    Taylor's of Old Bond Street Lemon and Lime shave Cream
    Puma Silber, 5/8, full hollow
    MickR Roo Strop, 100 laps
    Razorock aluminum
    Stephan's Island Lime AS
    Vaseline for men.

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    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  4. #104
    Senior Member MichaelS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post

    Another brand/ed of Lecoultre type, replaceable blade, frameback surfaces from France with the prestigious name of Brossard.
    Richard, I think the Brossard store is still going in Lyon France, I'd like to visit some day:

    Blaireaux artisanaux de haute qualit - BROSSARD Brosserie - Coutellerie - Cisellerie
    sharp, Geezer and mjhammer like this.

  5. #105
    Senior Member Tarkus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbert33 View Post
    Had a great shave today... Finding this is really relaxing at the end of a very hectic day!

    Was a very enjoyable shave. 2 very slow passes and even the wife sat and watched in amazement - now i have the thumbs up from the wife where is my credit card... Ive got some buying to do!!!

    Have a great evening gents.
    I'm so glad your getting on so well. Keep it up!
    Mvcrash, sharp and mjhammer like this.

  6. #106
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Glad to hear Bailey is forging ahead. Hopefully soon, this will all be behind him.

    That contraption is what they use to figure out what lens you need when you get old and require reading glasses. They slide little lenses in and out to see which are best.
    Thank you. He's very resilient...
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  7. #107
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSomebody View Post
    I certainly hope this is not a precursor to the remainder of the day!
    For some reason I cannot seem to upload a picture of the razor I rescaled last night, slightly irritating but small potatoes when looked at the view through Carl's window. Great news about Bailey Carl...hope they get everything sorted out.
    Thank you! I've had problems uploading before when I left pictures in GIMP's native format; I'd forgotten to convert them :-)
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  8. #108
    Stropping Addict Scookum's Avatar
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    This is a good day. I received a boat load of old razors yesterday PM. As you know you get like a kid at christmas waiting for them. The one I was anticipating the most was a Bartmann 7/8. When I opened the package I was dismayed, being a new kid on the block what I saw was a rusty blade in pretty bad condition and thought the razor was destined for the honing practice pile. I decided to take some sandpaper and wd-40 just to check it out and I discovered pitting near the blade edge in a few spots. I contacted Maxi about it and sent him some photos, he said the only way to tell is to hone it up and look at it. I broke out the stones and started. I'm using Naniwas and they seem to take a little longer than my old norton, so I kept at it and finally got a bevel set, broke out my loupe and had a look at the blade, no real pitting, both the sandpaper and hones did their job. Today after work and said what they heck, broke out the stones again and progressed up to 12K. Stropped the blade on my pasted strop, then to my latigo strop and had a great shave. This old razor shaves lovely, life is good. Thanks for the razors Bruno and thanks Maxi for giving a newbie some helpful advice.

    I love the spine on this Razor. Its going to clean up nicely and be a frequently used razor.

    Bartmann 7/8 Round point | Tabac Soap | Dominica Bay Rum AS

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  9. #109
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday, 18 September 2012

    Hat-tip to Geezer!

    Blade: Otto Hess "Otto's Special Wedge #200" (Hess Milk Labs St. Paul, MN) 5/8
    Brush: Rooney 1/1 in Finest badger
    Suds: Cyril R. Salter Almond
    Scent: Burberry Brit for Men EDT

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    My slavish devotion to spike-point straight razors is inversely proportional to the quality of the shave I get from them. Not that I get a bad shave, mind you -- this one wasn't BBS, but it certainly was a DFS -- and I didn't cut or irritate my face, but the amount of concentration required to keep that spike point from carving me like a pumpkin prevents me from using it more effectively on parts of my neck and on my upper lip XTG and ATG. I say "slavish devotion", because I have fought the thought to ever-so-slightly round it. The truth is that I just won't do it, and that's-that. OK, I feel better now.

    It's a beautiful little wedge, but for me that difference in weight and grind between a 5/8 and a 6/8 is what "makes all the difference". True, both are wedges, but I prefer the heavier grind of my 6/8 wedges, and their heavier weight lets me guide the blade, rather than "power" it. I have a number of French-point 6/8 and 7/8 wedges, awaiting some level of restoration and sharpening... and scales. Stay tuned!

    Smooth shaving!

  10. #110
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Default Smoooooooooootttttthhhhhhh!!!

    Catching up on all the posts this evening has been a real treat gentlemen. The pics and the shaves have been fantastic, and as usual the stories, the friendship and the comradeship make this the best thread on the web!!

    No pic today, as life has just not left me the time. I'm lucky to get to view the forums here lately! I am sure enjoying the money, the security and the sense of satisfaction my new job is bringing me, but I have been earning every dollar they are paying me. I haven't worked this hard in years. It's good for me, and I'm starting to get back into the swing after completing my first month and a half.

    No shave since last Friday, same as Bill, and I find that a shave after letting the face rest for several days always comes out excellent. Today's was no exception and I got a fantastic, smooth shave.

    So, without further ado .....

    Pre: Hot Shower, face scrub, hair conditioner left on
    Razor: 6/8 Pumeto Silver Steel
    Brush: WD 24mm in plain wood
    Uber: Cella
    Post: Alum and Witch Hazel
    AS: Aqua Velva Blue Ice (Ice Blue?)
    EdT: Navy

    I feel great, smell great and I'm sure I look 20 years younger too!! LOL. Just checking to see if your still reading.

    We made it to hump day, and it's all downhill from there!! Have a great week guys,

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

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