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Thread: Sun November 11th - Sat November 17th

  1. #91
    Senior Member hitemfrank's Avatar
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    QCS Key Lime - Semogue 1520 - Henkotsu Kamisori - Dr. Harris Marlborough

    No picture from me today. I did take a picture but I had to scrap it as it was about as blurry as my vision is without my glasses on

  2. #92
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Cadet OC
    WS NOS Stainless (England)
    Vie-Long Butterscotch Beehive Horsehair
    Sultan Tahiti Bay Shave Cream Soap
    Nivea Sensitive Post Shave Balm
    TOB St James After Shave

  3. #93
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Nice looking razor and very interesting reading. What's an 'indenture'...Quote us all a paragraph... :-)
    "Indentures" can be many types of records (contracts, agreements, arbitration records to name just a few) generally between two but sometimes more parties. This one is a settling of debts between Richard II of England and the Earl of Northumberland. In a nutshell the earl was owed a bunch of money by the king, and this is a record of an agreement whereby he agreed to quit all claims in return for a one-time lump sum payment of £700. As part of the deal the earl also had to hand over a prisoner he was holding, one Payton Heryng, who had been a thorn in Richard's side for quite some time. I would not have wanted to be Mr. Herying once the king got hold of him.

    They get their name from the jagged edges on the copies. Three copies would have been written on one parchment which would then have been cut apart along jagged (indented) lines. They could then easily be validated by holding them together to see if they line up. An early form of a secure document.

    Here's my transcript of the whole shebang. How's your Anglo-Norman?

    Ceste endenture faite entre nostre seignur le Roy dune part et monseignur Henry de Percy conte de Northumbr dautre part tesmoigne que pur la some de sept centz livres le dit conte ad relessez et quit clamez a nostre dit seignur le roy par ces presentes toutes les dettes et somes de deniers que le dit conte purroit en ascune maner demander de nostre dit seignur le Roy pur queconques coustages ou despenses par lui ou ses attornez ou deputez euz ou faitez pur la gardeinerie de les marches dengleterre ou pour iours de marche tenu ovesqz les escotz ou pur confirmacion de trieues ou pur reparacion ou redressailes ou autre causes queconques touchantes la dite gardeinerie des dites marches ou des villes et chastelz de Kardoill et Rokesburgh et de la ville de Berwyk daucun temps passez tanque au iour de la fesance de cestes outre les somes auantdites des queles somes ensi a lui paiez avaunt ces heures et sur lui pendantz en lesch…[lescheqer - MS soiled] le dit conte serra deschargez premerment a cause du reles avantdit. Et aussi pur mesme la some de sept centz livres a avantdit le dit conte ad grantez a nostre dit seignur le Roy Payton Heryng escot’ le quel le dit cont tient en son chastel de Alnewyk come son prisoner et ferra le dit conte delivrer le dit Payton au sire de Neville al oeps nostre dit seignur le Roy. Et aura le dit conte assignment destre paiez de cynk centz livres en lien ou lieux et couenables en partie du paiement de les sept centz livres avauntdites. Et les deux centz livres residuez le dit conte aura allouance et descharge en les deniers que seriont trouez par lui estre duz a nostre dit seignur le Roy et des somes qui devera a nostre dit seignur le Roy pur diverses graces que le dit conte pense a impetrer de nostre dit seignur le Roy. Et quant a ce que le dit conte demande destre des somes qil prist quant il estoit Admirall a cause dycell office saunz eut aconter en lescheqer. Acordez est qil monstrera devant le conseil une veuede laconte quel il deust rendre des does somes et qil serra pleinement deschargez dycelles somes forpris toutesfois que sil fait trovez par la dite veue dettour au Roy de plus que deux cent livres adonques du dit plus il ferra paiement ou deduction devers nostre dit seignur le Roy en les deux centz livrez avauntdites. En tesmoigne de quele chose a la partie de ceste endenture demorante devers nostre dit seignur le Roy le dit conte admys son seal. Don a Westmonster le xiii iour de novembre lan du reign de nostre dit seignur le Roy disme.
    Last edited by Cangooner; 11-15-2012 at 08:54 PM.
    sharp and Geezer like this.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

  4. #94
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Supersized my shave den today. View is to southest of where I've parked my mobile shave den.

    Location: 15 miles south of Durango, CO/6 miles north of New Mexico. ~6800 ft elev, 53 degF, 18% rel. humidity, nearly no wind.

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    Razor: Robert Williams SRP razor #12
    Strop: Walkin' Horse Cordovan w/linen back
    Brush: Muhle travel brush
    Soap: Mitchells Wool Fat w/4 drops glycerine
    After: Thayer's cucumber witchhazel with glycerine (2 drops to 2 oz)

    Result: Single pass, Good enough for nocturnal construction work
    "These aren't the droids you're looking for." "These aren't the droids we're looking for." "He can go about his business." "You can go about your business."

  5. #95
    rum is offline
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    Default Sun November 11th - Sat November 17th

    My line up for tomorrow - incl my new Windsor soap by DR Harris

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    Topped off this morning with the wonderful woody scent of Chanel Sycomore.
    Last edited by rum; 11-15-2012 at 11:08 AM.

  6. #96
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Nothing new as far as gear, I used the Invicta Razor coupled with MWF for a wonderful one pass shave. Hot shower was my prep with the Neutrogena Face Scrub. I have been set on doing two pass shaves but today decided one was enough. Who was I try to impress? Oh yea, that guy in the mirror holding that knife against my neck. I was able to do some mental j-jit-zu on his ass this morning, beating him into submission. My face thanked me for my aggressive tactics this morning since it was a little irritated from the shave the day before. I was trying out a not often used razor and got a little burn. I splashed on some homemade toner made of Tea Tree Oil, Glycerin and Water, finishing with some Clubman. Wow, great feeling. Now, if I can correct all the other problems in life so easily.

    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  7. #97
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Was a bit quiet here this AM so I am doing a late post after I got home.

    Hot shower prep
    Razor: GENCO
    Soap: Super Max
    Mug: Turkish copper
    Brush: generic silvertip
    Aftershock: alum bloc
    Splash: TARR from Romania

    A simple quick and close shave, today. The Eastern European creams and splashes are great for my skin and shaving style.

    The fun of trying things makes the day go a bit better and quicker!

    By 1912, GENCO, Geneva Cutlery Company, was the largest razor company in the USA and was later sold to W.R. Case and Sons Co during 1936.

  8. #98
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    Wed, Nov 14

    Pre: Hot Shower, 15 Linen, 20 Leather
    Razor: Hart 6/8" Rosewood
    Brush: Thiers-Issard Super Badger w/ Black Horn Handle
    Scuttle: Dirty Bird Brush Scuttle
    Soap: AoS Sandlewood
    Post: Cold water and Alum
    Aftershave: T&H 1805

    Two weeks of Movember.
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    Shaving with facial hair is like a golfcourse. It's a challenge of rough and fairways. You are the skilled greenskeeper of your face?

  9. #99
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    14 November 12
    Prep: Lukewarm Shower
    Razor: Wm. Elliot and Co.
    Brush: Semogue 2000
    Soap: Tabac Stick
    AS: Nivea Double Action Balm
    Finish: La Toja Manantiales Agua De Colonia

    Great shave!
    The older I get, the better I was

  10. #100
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    14 NOVEMBER 2012

    * The Cobra
    * Feather Pros
    * Rooney Heritage Stubby 1XL 3-band
    * Mystic Water Bay Rum
    * Thayers
    * Unrefined Shea Butter

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