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Thread: Sun December 02nd - December 08th

  1. #101
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldy View Post
    Man, what a tease. Hope we get some pics soon
    Sorry, I finally got some quality photos. Had another shave with it this morning and it was great...the other tools/prep/details of the shave hardly seem important next to this razor...

  2. #102
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Derby Blades-Geo F. Trumper Sandalwood Shaving Cream-Lilac Vegetal ASL

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    Trumper's Sandalwood, reminds me of a bunch of guys going golfing and gorging on chili dogs from the cart. Afterwards, they pick their wives up at the salon at the same time. It stands to reason that their wives would make appointments at the same time. Anyway, to their dismay and everyone at the salon they begin to let lose the peppery remains of the chili in gas form. It mixes with the stench of chemically treated cooked hair of the salon. Somebody at Trumper was there and decided that would be a fine fragrance. Btw, I do not hate it, it is just an interesting take on Sandalwood.
    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  3. #103
    Senior Member blabbermouth sashimi's Avatar
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    @ Mephisto

    Great one!

  4. #104
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Hot shower prep
    Soap: Stroker’s Find
    Mug: Coffee Mug with soup bowl for lathering
    Brush: generic Silvertip 28mm
    Razor: Penny’s
    Aftershock: alum block
    Splash: homemade Bay Rum
    Today a bright and cold day sparkles of frost in the air. Dry as a bone to be sure! Bit of a hassle making the lather hold enough moisture but not a problem. The little razor is an unknown German piece, honed to final on a Zulu. Stropped on leather and shaved off the hones. A second stropping made for a fine shave. A very pleasant shave!

    The fun of trying things makes the day go a bit better and quicker!

  5. #105
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    Always enjoy this Hugo Hohn after a neat repair to the case.
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  6. #106
    Senior Member krisbarger's Avatar
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    Razor is a OLD Bossing I got off ebay. She honed up great and I know she ain't pretty but she is so smooth!

  7. #107
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    How did you get that photo?
    It's hard to see, but my left hand is holding the camera pointed towards the mirror....
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  8. #108
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mephisto View Post

    Trumper's Sandalwood, reminds me of a bunch of guys going golfing and gorging on chili dogs from the cart. Afterwards, they pick their wives up at the salon at the same time. It stands to reason that their wives would make appointments at the same time. Anyway, to their dismay and everyone at the salon they begin to let lose the peppery remains of the chili in gas form. It mixes with the stench of chemically treated cooked hair of the salon. Somebody at Trumper was there and decided that would be a fine fragrance. Btw, I do not hate it, it is just an interesting take on Sandalwood.[/CENTER]
    So it smells like hair dye and a fart. That doesn't sound like a glowing endorsement to me
    The older I get, the better I was

  9. #109
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    got some new razors in the mail today , spent the day doing some cleaning and some removal of things i didnt like on the razors then it was time to to put them to the hone process that i just got yesterday ... well with fingers crossed i went into it , looking at uneven bevels i almost stopped right there , but "hey" got start somewhere ! when all was said and done they performed well , a little stopage of the blade but one of my more comfortable shaves through the process of using 4 different razors and after the shave im smooth as can be and rank this up as one of my best shaves to date !!! cant imagine what it would of been like had these razors been honed to there maximum potential !!

    Pre-Shave= a hot towel followed by a lather of D.R. Harris (Almond) soap
    Bowl= Pewter Bowl in sink with hot water while whiskers soaked up the lather
    Soap=went with a shave cream this time , Proraso (sandalwood) btw , i didnt notice the salon/gas smell in this Sandalwood
    razor(s) left-right
    1) Dubl-Duck Special #1
    2) Shumate , Ben-Hur
    3) Fredrick Reynolds
    4) Wade & Butcher

  10. #110
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Great shave with the Jernbolaget this morning, the edge was nice and smooth and sharp. A made an Überlather with Musgo Real Orange Amber and Crabtree and Evelyn Nomad; the scents went well together. D R Harris Bay Rum finished it all off nicely.

    Name:  SOTD061212.jpg
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    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

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