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Thread: Cut of the Day

  1. #401
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    ahhh just a little one but a cut of the day anyway .. well i hope it is the cut of the day , im about to mow the lawn next ... lol

    i generally hit half this area with one hand then switch hands and use primarly the middle-toe , i went off routine and went with same hand and decided my bad self would use the heel - toe ... didnt feel it but the itty bitty blood appeared note to self !!! stick with the normal routine from now on !!!

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  2. #402
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    That's what you get for showing off your hone collection in the
    "Shave of The Day' thread !
    "4" coticules!! & a Zulu Grey,,,,,,,,,Really Gooser!!

    Put a little alcohol on it,,,,make it feel better.
    mjhammer and gooser like this.

  3. #403
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooser View Post
    i generally hit half this area with one hand then switch hands and use primarly the middle-toe , i went off routine and went with same hand and decided my bad self would use the heel - toe ...
    Heel-toe, heel-toe, slide slide slide!

    Hope the lawn went down uneventfully.
    mjhammer and gooser like this.
    "These aren't the droids you're looking for." "These aren't the droids we're looking for." "He can go about his business." "You can go about your business."

  4. #404
    Senior Member meleii's Avatar
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    This one isn't from shaving, but it is related.

    So I was cutting a new set of scales from water buffalo horn, and just when I was finishing the last cut my son screams bloody murder upstairs. Boom the piece cuts off and the jigsaw bites me. So now I'm cursing and I drop the jigsaw along with the scales. The jigsaw just happens to land on the freshly cut scales and breaks them too.

    So now I have a nice little battle wound and no scales.

    It turns out my son screamed because his movie ended... 2 year olds...
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    mjhammer, Cangooner and gooser like this.

  5. #405
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    The ear was from last month. Switching from my King Cutter to my lion auctioneer in the rotation means that I have an extra half inch on the blade and I didn't mind the square point.

    Name:  IMG_20130426_124417_316.jpg
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    This one was from today and Godzilla (My green lizard)was pulling to the point that I couldn't shave last time I shaved with it so I ran it on the balsa and then progressively stropped it over fabric, heavy draw strop, light draw strop. And I leveled the blade out to 170 degrees accidentally. So apparently my razor touch up skills are getting better because there wasn't any pressure on it, my chin just grew a new hole.
    You would think the emerald scaly thing didn't like me. Name:  IMG_20130514_132953_392.jpg
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    also check those grain patterns out under my chin gotta love having to shave in a complete circle
    Last edited by gunsandbibles; 05-14-2013 at 07:07 PM.

  6. #406
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Just treat it with respect. It'll keep reminding you.
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    "These aren't the droids you're looking for." "These aren't the droids we're looking for." "He can go about his business." "You can go about your business."

  7. #407
    Member LiamPBoyle's Avatar
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    I got a nice one under my chin just below the goatee yesterday. I felt the blade hit a stiff hair, and then jump to a lower point on my chin resulting in a small cut. Stopped bleeding after about two seconds, and let me finish the shave in peace, but burned like hell fir a bit.
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  8. #408
    Straight to the Point Gotdzel's Avatar
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    Two day old slice. I puffed my cheek a little close to the blade.

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  9. #409
    Member JRolonJr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gotdzel View Post
    Two day old slice. I puffed my cheek a little close to the blade.

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    Ah that's nothing! I look like I made out with Edward Scissor-hands lmao

  10. #410
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    Wow.. all these are really seriously giving me 2nd, 3rd and 4th thoughts about going for a SE...

    Might just start off with a DE and see how that goes

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