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Thread: I'm number one!

  1. #541
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azjoe View Post
    Just a thought... will there be a label on the back (to list ingredients, etc.). If so, you might want to mock that up too? The AS is white, so when the bottle is full the AS will block the rear label from showing through. However, when the bottle is half empty, what will it look like? Might it be useful to mock that up? I might influence the background color of the front label and the size/positioning of the rear label.
    Joe, you always think of the most interesting things

    The answer is yes, there would be a label on the back that would list, a tag line about the SRP AS, a directive sentence for use, the ingredients and last would be made and distributed by TGQ and my contact information as required by law.

    The labels will be printed on crystal clear mylar ( I think is the name ) so they will have that "invisible" though the logo is engraved on the bottle.....BUT.... I had not considered what the bottle would look like half empty, and while I don't think it will make a difference in this case, it certainly is an interesting point to keep in mind for future projects, and I'm sure I will now spend the rest of the afternooon pondering any label mishaps with this project. Better to think of them of now, rather than later after set up fees have been paid.


  2. #542
    Senior Member ForestryProf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noam View Post
    A few more quick mock-ups, still just playing with typefaces:

    Your feedback is welcome.

    06 is tops in my book, followed closely by 05. All are fine, but these two stand out.

    Just my opinion,

  3. #543
    Shave ready wopmanfixit's Avatar
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    They are all awesome, but I prefer #05 overall. To me it looks almost Art Deco-ish.

  4. #544
    Senior Member Noam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azjoe View Post
    Just a thought... will there be a label on the back (to list ingredients, etc.). If so, you might want to mock that up too? The AS is white, so when the bottle is full the AS will block the rear label from showing through. However, when the bottle is half empty, what will it look like? Might it be useful to mock that up? It might influence the background color of the front label and the size/positioning of the rear label.
    I can certainly do a mock-up of the back, although for that it would be handy to have the text that's gonna go on there. I can block it out in dummy text in the meantime. Half-empty bottle would be a good idea too...Colleen, can you send me a photo for that?

  5. #545
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noam View Post
    I can certainly do a mock-up of the back, although for that it would be handy to have the text that's gonna go on there. I can block it out in dummy text in the meantime. Half-empty bottle would be a good idea too...Colleen, can you send me a photo for that?
    Good day to you Gentlemen!

    Hi Noam, yes......I can do a half empty, and I can send you the text as well; but I need to wait until sometime Saturday or Sunday. I still haven't quite figured out this steady flow of orders ( I'm averaging 8 - 10 orders a day with an average of 4 peices per order ) but man, am I ever happy to see it

    I can get you a photo of the bottle sometime this evening.....text will follow.

  6. #546
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Well, I spent some time this morning going back through this thread to see where we stand with the latest sample round.... starting around post#456. The following highlights the things that caught my attention...
    1. Latest round of samples shipped to everyone but Rich (456)
    2. Colleen quote: "if you do not like these blends.....DO NOT say that you do" (459)
    3. Red AS is the same scent as the EDT except the AS had menthol added (459)
    4. Rich's samples will be different than the rest of ours. One of the differences in Rich's is the formulation change to see if the separation problem could be solved. (465)
    5. Colleen posted: "I have kept some of each round that we have done, and have found the only one to have an agreeable amount of separation was the base for the Rose Milk, so this last and final round will include that base with the current scent blends, plus another sample of my trying to correct this latest base. "... what did that mean... another test round? (484)
    6. Rich gets his samples (485)
    7. Question: Is the EDT bottle/spray acceptable for a travel/purse container? (484) Only one response... liked it (486)
    8. Colleen indicated the label had to be printed on vinyl for the ink to withstand the AS. She also recommended the SRP logo be the central part of the design. (490)
    9. Colleen indicated some concern/warning that the cost of the AS wouldn't be "cheap" due to the cost of the ingredients. (490)
    10. Joe suggested continuing on with bottle and label design work since costing couldn't be addressed until the scent selection was finalized. (491)
    11. Colleen indicates a "flat" bottle will require a front and back label and some of the mandatory things required. (512)
    12. All testers have reported on the last round of samples except Rich who was getting another "experiment". (512)
    13. Since effectively everyone has responded in some fashion about the latest round, open discussion is now allowed. (514)
    14. General consensus is the rectangular bottle with the integrated orifice reduced is the preferred bottle. Colleen indicated she was ordering them. (528)
    15. Colleen/Noam has presented a number of label mock-ups (534, 535, & 537)
    I'd summarize it as follows...
    • The bottle selection is complete.
    • We need to decide if there's an AS/ scent from the final round that we consider to be "the one". It's time we give some ayes or nays.
    • The product name needs to be chosen... this hasn't been discussed for a long time (if ever). Although a minor point, it might have an effect on the label.
    • The label design needs to be finalized.
    • The sell price needs to be established.
    • Announcement/advertising campaign(s) need to be established.
    • Ordering mechanism needs to be put in place.
    The 2nd bullet (AS selection) is the highest priority IMHO. Colleen possibly implied another test round in post 484 and Rich has tested samples the rest of us haven't. Colleen, can you clarify what that means in our selection process... ie, is it your belief we need another test round or are we ready to vote based on the latest round?

    The 3rd bullet (product name) is a gating factor in completing the remaining bullets. How would everyone like to approach selecting a product name? Prior to initiating this activity, I had the concept in mind that we could have a series of AS's... maybe release a new one every year or two. So I was thinking along the lines of fine wine... vintages... eg, 2008, 2010, etc. More recently I have had thoughts of the name being in Italian or French. Most of the great fragrance houses are in Europe and a so maybe a foreign language name would connote a feel of 'old world'... of str8s being 'antiques', etc.

    So, for example, names could be something like...
    • Il Nostro Primo (Italian for "our first"),
    • Next years AS would be "Il Nostro Secondo" (our second),
    • etc.
    Of course, I'm not Italian... so someone would have to make sure the google translator was correct. (For a bit of trivia, "lozione dopobarba" is Italian for 'aftershave lotion'... but personally, I think 'Aftershave Lotion' should be in English on the label.

    Anyway, those are just thoughts to get some discussion started... what does everyone else think.

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    Last edited by azjoe; 03-22-2008 at 07:14 PM. Reason: correct initial post number to 456

  7. #547
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I'm confused.....

  8. #548
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
    I'm confused.....
    LOL....that's OK, I am too....but it sure looks like Joe knows whats going on

  9. #549
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
    I'm confused.....
    Me too!

  10. #550
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,

    I hope all had a Happy Easter and Purim celebration. I just wanted to let you know that I am here, but busy making soap. Over the weekend I worked on compliling my notes into a more organized fashion and will go over my findings with you roundabout mid week.

    My Husband called this morning to say that the shipment of bottles has arrived. Delivered there because freight shipments incur a $25.00 extra charge for delivery to a residential neighborhood.

    I will also work up some cost sheets for you. On that note, I gotta run.....

    XXWarm Regards, Colleen

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